January 10, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 93 A RESCUE APPARATUS SHOULD ITSELF BE SAFE. This may seem a platitude, but there are apparatuses on the market that are not safe under all conditions. THE SAFEST RESCUE APPARATUS IS THE “PROTO’ SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. (Fleuss=Davis Patents). THE ONLY APPARATUS ALWAYS UNDER POSITIVE PRESSURE NO INJECTOR & FRONT VIEW. i is used, as in the foreign types, consequently there is no risk of drawing the surrounding poisonous atmosphere into the apparatus (see reports of recent fatal accidents due to this cause, both in England and abroad, and read Professor Cadman’s address to the South Staffordshire and Warwick- shire Institute of Mining Engineers— vide “ Colliery Guardian ” of December 20th, 1912). WE EXPERIMENTED WITH THE INJECTOR SYSTEM YEARS AGO (long before any of the other makers commenced business), but, realising its dangers, WE DISCARDED IT, and have since consistently condemned its use. Moreover, there is always a danger that the micro= scopic orifices of the injector may get choked, and so put the whole apparatus out of action. THE “ PROTO ” is not only THE SAFEST, it is also the MOST COMPACT, THE MOST COM- THE SIMPLEST, and the MOST RESCUE APPARATUS ON THE ( ' BACK VIEW. PORTABLE HYGIENIC MARKET. It has been exclusively adopted by over one hundred mines in this Country alone during the past two years, and by the Lancashire and Cheshire, the North Staffordshire, and the Midland Coalowners’ Central Rescue Stations after exhaustive trials (at Birmingham University and elsewhere) with all types. It is also extensively used by the United States. Canadian, Australian, South African, and other Government Mining Departments. (fend for our Tiulietin of (ferioud *€aded id here the dtpparatud had been employed, including -ffulton, I'ftaypole, and other coliieried. IT IS THE ONLY ALL-BRITISH APPARATUS ON THE MARKET, AND IS THE PROTOTYPE OF ALL APPARATUS OF ITS CLASS. It has saved lives and an immense amount of property. It has never cost a life. We make also:—SMOKE HELMETS, OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS, COMPRESSION PUMPS, &c., &c„ &c. SIEBE, GORMAN and CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, & 187, Westminster Bridge Rd., London, ENGLAND Telegrams—“ Siebe, London.” Codes: Al, A B C (4th & 5th), Western Union, Engineering, Private. Telephone No. Hop 251.