January 3, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 49 LIFTING-TACKLE SEND FOR LIST No. 36. COLLIERY HAULING CRAB. OVERHEAD TRAVELLING CRANE. HYDRAULIC LOCOMOTIVE JACK.- YOUNGS RYLAND STREET WORKS, BIRMINGHAM. SEND FOR LIST 41/ML. Levels Dials Theodolites Anemometers Water Gauges Hygrometers Barometers JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., All Saints Wo:?ks. OKKOY, 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. “BRITISH PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES : Fractnrite : Pitsea Powder : Britonite : THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE Ld. 124. ST. VINCENT STREET H $ GLASGOW i H FIREPROOF PAINTS & LIQUIDS For Headgears, Engine Rooms, and Woodwork;generally. Easy of Application, and very Effective, Economical, Durable, Sanitary and Non-Poisonous. THE ASBESTOS and GENERAL PAINT CO. LTD., 13 I Ft IVII JNT GH A XVI. Steel Underframe Railway Car- riages, Traincars, and Wagons of every description for Hire and Sale by Immediate or Deferred Pay- ments. Ironwork, Wheels and Axles. Hire, capable of carrying: Six, Eig-ht and Ten which are con- structed specially for Shipping: pur- poses. Wagons In Working: Order Contract WAGONS. Also Wagons with Oak Underframes. Makers of HYDRAULIC PRESSED BOSS and other WHEELS and AXLES. pressed steel bogils. SECOND-HAND BALLAST WAGONS FIT FOR MAIN LINE TRAFFIC. Sole Manufacturers of Dean & Churchward’s “EITHERSIDE BRAKE,” and Marillier’s Patent “INSTANTER COUPLING.” The Birna.iixgli.axn Railxisray Carriage &> Wagon Co. WORKS: SMETHWICK. BIRMINGHAM. TH£ IDEAL PAINT IRON AND STEEL WORK TEN GALLON DRUM, 33/- PER DRUM. The Kaibitum Paint Co. BELVEDERE WORKS, BELVEDERE, KENT. The 113 miles per=hour Engine of the 25 h.p. KUNVINCI BLKx TXtbOT Catalogues & complete Specifications on application. CLEMENT TALBOT LTD., Automobile Manufacturers and Engineers, Barlby Rd., Ladbroke Grove, London, W. The engine that can travel at this record- breaking speed, will take you up the stiffest hills without faltering, and reveal an en= during disregard for roads or adverse conditions THEAVOHSIDEENGINECO.LTD,