January 3, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 41 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ■' ■' 'A ' 1.' 'V i A W Si- No. 201 Code Word : Apercibo SPECIAL FEATURES “Sentinel” Patent Stop Valves Continuously Efficient No. 203 Code Word : Apercu 1. Slight Loss of Pressure.—The pas- sages are practically full area, and the flow of steam being directed in easy curves the loss of pressure is negligible. 2. Strength.—The Chests are of best Scotch iron, and their carefully rounded shape gives them great strength. The SENTINEL WAY. USUAL WAV section at flanges is arranged as sketch, thus avoiding the crystallization and weak- ness inherent to the usual design. 3. Ample Packing Box.—The covers, too, are of great strength, and are provided with specially deep stuffing boxes which require packing seldom. 4. Fool-Proof Gland.—The gland is of special design, and does not bind on the spindle as is usual if unevenly tightened. 5. Repacking under steam may be effected after opening the valve wide (see section). 6. No Loose Seats.— The seating ring is of hard Admiralty bronze. V.I568. SPECIAL FEATURES 8. Erosion Prevented.—Chamfering the seats combined with the shape of the internal valve throws the steam clear of the faces. The projection on valve throttles steam till faces are clear. 9. Chattering Elimin- ated.—The internal valve receives pressure from the spindle below the level of its working face, and so does not chatter and bruise v SENTINEL WAY w USUAL WAY itself, which effect rapidly destroys ordinary valves. It is screwed into the chest and cannot loosen. 7. Drained Seating.—We keep the work- ing face well above condensation level, and so the valve is tight, hot or cold, wet or dry. Catalogue 25S, illustrating and giving full particulars of these and other “Sentinel” Valves for Steam and Water, will be sent on application. __________________________________________ 10. Water Hammer is avoided by the cylindrical part of the internal valve practically fitting inside seating ring. The first turn of hand-wheel lets but little steam pass. 11. Rotating Valve.—Every time it is opened the internal valve rotates and finds a new position, thus keeping the faces level. 12. No Binding.—The spindle is of nickel steel, having practically the same coefficient of expansion as the chest, so that valves shut cold do not bind when hot, as is usual. The spindle, too, is about three times as strong as bronze spindles usually fitted, which we will supply if required without extra charge. For satisfaction always use and specify “Sentinel” Valves ALLEY & MAGLELLAN, LTD “Sentinel” Works “Alley, Glasgow” Polmadie, Glasgow 173 Queen’s Park ___________ __ __________________ Messrs. Alley & Mac Lei lan, Limited, Polmadie, Glasgow Please send (Z) a copy of your Catalogue 25 S. Name_____ ___________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ Ref. Gn. ____________________________________