12 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 3, 1913. second-hand holders at from 12s. 6d. to 12s. 9d.; 80,000 tons best Blyths and 20,000 tons Blyth smalls for ship- ment to Hamburg over 1913 at 12s. 9d. and 8s. 3d. respectively; 15,000 tons best Blyths and Tyne seconds, for the supplementary requirements of the Swedish State Railways over the next three months, at from 12s. 9d. to 13s. for Blyths, and Ils. 9d. for Tynes; a quantity of best Blyth large and smalls, for 1913 delivery, at 13s. and 8s. 6d. respectively; a fairly large quantity of Broomhill bests for October-December delivery at 12s. 9d.; 50,000 tons best Blyths for October- January shipment at 12s. 8d.; 10,000 tons best Blyth steams, 1913 shipment, at 8s. 4Jd. October.—11,000 tons best Blyths, shipment to Finnish State Railways over the rest of the season, at 21s. 6d., c.i.f. Helsingfors; 25,000 tons best Blyths for 1913 delivery, at 13s. ; 40,000 tons Tyne seconds for 1913 shipment, at 12s. to 12s. 6d.; 20.000 tons Tyne smalls for 1913 delivery, at 9s.; 40,000 to 50,000 tons seconds, and 20,000 tons smalls for 1913 delivery, at 12s. 6d. fox- large and 9s. for smalls ; quantities of Blyth large and smalls for similar shipment, at 13s. and 9s. respectively ; 20,000 tons Blyth bests for 1913 shipment, at 13s.; 20,000 tons Broomhill large and 10,000 tons Broom hill smalls for 1913 delivery, at 13s. and 9s. l^d. respectively; 20,000 tons Tyne primes for like delivery at 13s.; 30,000 tons Blyth large and smalls for 1913 delivery, at 13s. 3d. and 9s. respectively; 20,000 tons Broomhill large, for 1913 delivery, at 13s., less small discount, and 2,000 tons Broomhill smalls, for similar shipment, at 10s.; 30,000 to 40,000 tons best Blyths for November-December shipment at 14s.; 30,000 tons ditto for 1913 delivery at 13s. 6d. November.—20,000 tons Lambton smalls for the Stock- holm Electric Works, delivery over 1913, price not stated; quantities of best Blyths, for 1913 delivery, at 14s.; 50,000 tons ditto, for similar shipment, at 13s. 7|d.; 10,000-12,000 tons Blyth smalls, for 1913 shipment, at 9s. 6d.; a parcel of Lambton large, for shipment to the end of the year, at 14s. 6d.; 30,000 tons Tyne prime large and 10,000 tons prime smalls, for 1913 delivery, at 13s. 6d. and 10s. respectively; 109,500 tons North- umberland and Durham coals, for delivery over the winter to lowei* Swedish ports on the State Railways’ account, on the basis of about 13s. 9d. for Lambtons, contract figures showing an advance of from 4s. to 4s. 3d. per ton compared with the figures for the previous year; 9,000 tons Hettons for the Norwegian State Railways, similar delivery, at about 13s. 3d.; 10,000 tons best Blyths, for delivery over the rest of the year, at 13s. 6d.; a considerable quantity of best Blyths, for 1913 shipment, at 13s. 8d. December.—260,000 tons of Newcastle and or York- shire coals, for December-Februavy delivery to the Russian State Railways, a contract placed with Russian merchants, at about 14s. for Blyth bests; 600,000 tons Durham and Northumberland coal, for the northern division of the North-Eastern Railway Company over next year, at from 2s. 9d. to 3s. per ton advance on the previous year’s prices for Durham coal, and from 2s. 6d. to 2s. 9d. over the expiring contract rates for North- umberland coal; a quantity of Broomhill smalls, for April-October delivery, at 10s.; 6,000 tons best Blyths, for 1913 shipment, at 13s. 6d.; 6,000 tons ditto, for January-June shipment, at 13s. 7Jd.; 10,000 tons Blyth smalls, for 1913 delivery, at 9s. 9d.; a quantity of Blyth bests, sold by second-hand holders, at 13s. lOJd., delivery over 1913; Blyth smalls, a second-hand sale, for 1913 delivery, at 9s. 9d.; 12,000 tons bests, for shipment to Aalborg over the next six months, at from 13s. to 13s. 6d. Gas Coal Contracts. I Gas coal contracts included the following :— I January.—A quantity of Tyne primes for over-year delivery at Ils. 6d. ; 70,000 tons Londonderrys and 60,000 tons Wearmouths at 17s. 3d. c.i.f., 30,000 tons Hettons, 30,000 tons Thornleys, and 20,000 tons Ryhopes at 16s. 10|d. c.i.f., 5,000 tons seconds at 15s. 3d. c.i.f., and 5,000 tons Glasshoughtons (Yorks) at 15s. 3d. c.i.f., I the season to the Stockholm Gasworks at 18s. 9d. c.i.f. for Old Peltons, 18s. 6d. for Ravensworth-Pelaw, 19s. for Holmside, 17s. 7Jd. for Pelaw Main, and 14s. 6d. f.o.b. for Thornley ; 10,000 tons Tyne primes for early shipment to the Italiano Gasworks at 24s. 6d. c.i.f. Savona ; 12,000 tons bests for June-July shipment to the Magona Steelworks, Porto Vecchio, at 25s. c.i.f. ; 60,000 tons best seconds for delivery over the next six months at 12s. ; 15,000 tons seconds for shipment over 12 months at 12s. June.—13,000-15,000 tons specials for Esbjerg at about 17s. lOJd. c.i.f.; 10,000 tons specials for Gefle at 19s. 9d. c.i.f.; 15,000 tons specials for Norrkoping at I 19s. 9d. c.i.f.; and 12,000 tons ditto for Riga at about 14s.; all for gasworks’ annual requirements ; a quantity of seconds for delivery up to next March at Ils. 3d.; 4,500 tons Old Pelton, over-season shipment, to Jon- koping Gasworks at 13s.; 12,000 tons good Durhams at 12s., over-season delivery to the Rostock Gasworks; 4,000-5,000 bests, over-season delivery, to the Apenrade Gasworks, at 13s.; cargoes of bests for early shipment to Genoa at 24s. 3d. c.i.f.; a quantity of Tyne primes, delivery over 12 months, at 12s. 9d.; seconds for similar shipment at Ils. 4Jd.; 15,000 tons bests for the Caen Gasworks at 24*30 fr. c.i.f.; 20,000 tons bests, shipment over 12 months to 1’Ouest Union de Gaz, at about 13s. ; 30,000-40,000 tons good sorts, shipment over 12 months, at 12s. 3d.; 50,000 tons good seconds, similar shipment, at Ils. 6d.; 40,000 tons, for like delivery, at 12s. 9d.; 20,000 tons ditto, June-December shipment, at 13s. 3d. ; 300,000 tons for the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Company, for delivery over 12 months, at from under 10s. 6d. to under 12s., delivered into trucks, prices showing an advance of nearly 2s. per ton on the previous year’s contract figures, 10,000-11,000 tons Wear specials, over-season shipment, at 14s.; 24,000 tons of bests, on account of the annual requirements of the Brussels Gasworks, at about current prices; 5,000 tons London- derrys at 13s., 15,000 tons Holmsides for 12s. 9^d., 5,000 tons Ben wells at 12s. 9d., 5,000 tons Towneleys at 12s. 9d., and 5,000 tons Easingtons at 12s. 9d., delivery over season to the Christiania Gasworks, prices which show an advance of about 3s. per ton as compared with those paid the previous year; 200,000 tons, delivery over twelve months, to the Sunderland Gasworks, at 12s. 6d for bests and proportionate figures for seconds. July.—30,000 tons good seconds, delivery over 12 months, at 11s. 6d.; 25,000 to 30,000 tons bests, similar delivery, at 12s. 6d.; 14,000 tons Londonderrys, over- season delivery, at 19s., c.i.f., placed with Swedish merchants, for the supply of Malmo Gasworks; 100,000 tons bests, delivery over 12 months to the Naples Gas- works, at about 12s. 9d.; 4,000 to 5,000 tons Easingtons, over-season shipment, to the Landscrona Gasworks, at 19s. 6d. c.i.f.; 1,000,000 tons various grades for delivery up to the end of next March to the South Metropolitan Gas Company at from 10s. 9d. to 12s., an advance of from 2s. to 3s. per ton on expiring contract rates ; two or three parcels of Wear specials, for shipment over 12 months, at 13s.; 40,000 tons bests, delivery over 12 months, at 12s. 6d., a second-hand sale; 10,000-15,000 tons best seconds, shipment to the end of the year, at Ils. 6d.; a quantity of Tyne primes, shipment over 12 months, at 12s. 4Jd., a second-hand sale; the annual requirements of the South Shields Gasworks, delivery over 12 months, at from 11s. 3d. to 12s.; two consider- able lots of seconds, shipment over 12 months, at Ils. 6d.; 25,000 tons bests, for the annual requirements of the Palermo Gasworks, at 12s. 8d. ; a quantity of Wear specials, for the Thistad Gasworks, at 13s.; 50,000 tons bests, delivery over 12 months, at 12s. 4£d ; 18,000 tons Wear specials, over - season delivery to the Helsingfors Gasworks, at slightly over 13s. ; about 100,000 tons seconds, delivery over the ensuing 12 months, at Ils. 6d.; 30,000 tons bests, delivery over year to the Norresundby Gasworks, at about 12s. 6d. ; 40,000 tons seconds, for the Eastbourne Gasworks, delivery over 12 months, at Ils. 6d.; 11,000 tons bests, for August-September shipment, to the Magona Works’ a total of 220,000 tons, for shipment to the Copenhagen Gasworks over the Baltic season at prices showing an increase of about 2s. per ton on the figures for the same contract the previous year ; 150,000 tons good seconds for over-year sliipment at Ils. 6d. February.—A quantity of best seconds for over-year shipment at Ils. April.—120,000 tons seconds for May-June delivery to the South Metropolitan Gas Company at from 15s. 9d. to 16s. 3d. ; 80,000 tons for similar shipment to the same company—principally bests at 16s. 6d., with a small lot of ordinaries at 15s. May.—52,000 tons gas bests, on account of the annual requirements of the St. Petersburg Municipality at from 21s. 6d. to 21s. 9d. c.i.f., together with 18,000 tons seconds at 19s. 6d. ; 80,000-90,000 tons for delivery over Porto Vecchio, at 24s. 9d. c.i.f. ; 100,000 tons Wear specials, delivery over 12 months, at 13s.; a quantity of best seconds, similar delivery, at 11s. lOJd.; 30,000 tons bests, similar delivery to the Aalborg Cement Works, at about 12s. 6d.; 60,000 tons bests, delivery up to end 1913, at 12s.; 20,000 tons Wear specials for the Aarhuus Gasworks, over-season delivery, at slightly under 19s. c.i.f. ; a large quantity of bests, shipment over 12 months, at 12s.; 100,000 tons bests, shipment over 12 months to the Naples Gasworks, at 12s.; 90,000 tons bests, shipment to Italian ports over 12 months, at 12s. ; 7,000 tons Ravensworth-Pelaw, for the Helsingborg Gasworks, at 18s. 10|d. c.i.f.; 150,000 tons bests, delivery over 12 months, to the Wandsworth and Putney Gas Company, at from Ils. to 12s.; a quantity of best seconds, for 1913 delivery, at Ils. 9d.; 250,000 tons, for delivery to the Commercial Gas Company, London, over 12 months, at from Ils. 3d. to 12s. 3d.; 3,000 tons Wear specials, for the Kalmar Gasworks, at 13s.; 30,000 tons good Durhams, for August - December shipment to Genoa, at 22s. 6d. ; the annual requirements of the London Gas Light and Coke Company, at about 14s. 9d. c.i.f. for seconds and 15s. 4Jd. for specials, an advance of about 3s. on the previous year’s contract rates. August.—92,000 tons seconds, delivery over 12 mouths to the Aalborg Cement Works, at from Ils. 6d. to 12s.; 11,000 tons bests, shipment to the Magona Works, over next two months, at 25s. c.i.f. September. — 9,000 tons bests, delivery to the Stavanger Gasworks up to next June, at about 12s. 9d.; 100,000 tons good seconds, shipment to Italy over 1913, at Ils. 9d.; 15,000 tons South Durhams, 1913 shipment, at 12s. 9d. f.o.b. West Hartlepool; 26,000 tons Wear specials, delivery to Gothenburg Gasworks over 1913, at 18s. 7^d. c.i.f. October.—10,000 tons Easingtons, prompt shipment to Bergen Gasworks, at from 12s. 6d. to 13s.; 230,000 tons good Durhams for the Berlin Gasworks, delivery over 1913, at from 12s. 6d. to 13s.; 35,000 tons bests, ship- ment to Stettin Gasworks, price not mentioned ; several lots of bests and seconds for delivery to the London Gas Light and Coke Company over the remainder of the year at a considerable advance on the earlier contract rates; 200,000 tons, for shipment to Stettin Gasworks over 1913, at about 18s. 3d., c.i.f., for seconds, and 19s. 3d. for specials ; 200,000 tons good seconds for 1913 delivery to the Paris Gasworks at from 12s. 9d. to 13s. 6d. ; a considerable quantity of coal, to satisfy the supple- mentary requirements of the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Company over next year, at about current prices; a parcel of primes for 1913 delivery at 13s. 6d.; 20,000 tons Dunston-Garesfields, for 1913 delivery to the Berlin Gasworks, at about 15s. November.—45,000 tons Old Pelton at 19s. 8d, 10,000 tons Holmside at 19s. lid., 45,000 tons Ravensworth- Pelaw at 19s. 6d., 20,000 tons Thornley at 20s. 9d., and 10,000 tons Easington at 19s. lid., all c.i.f., for delivery to Stockholm Gasworks over 1913; 100,000 tons seconds for the Berlin Gasworks, delivery over 1913, at from 18*50 to 18*90 marks, c.i.f.; 50,000 tons additional for delivery to the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Company over 1913 at from 13s. 6d. to 13s. 9d. delivered; 6,000 tons Wear specials for 1913 delivery to the Gefle Gas- works at 21s., c.i.f.; 10,000 tons good ordinaries for 1913 delivery to the Trieste Gasworks, price not stated; 10,000 tons Wear specials for 1913 delivery to the Helsingfors Gasworks at 14s. 6d.; 20,000 tons seconds for January-June shipment at 14s. 3d.; 10,000 tons seconds for 1913 delivery to the Helsingborg Gasworks at 13s. 6d.; 9,000 tons Wear specials for early delivery to the Padua Gasworks, an order placed with Genoa merchants, details not divulged; 23,000 tons London- derrys for 1913 delivery to the Malmo Gasworks at rather over 20s. c.i.f.; 30,000 tons bests for delivery over 1913 to the Palermo Gasworks at about 13s. 7Jd. Bunker Contracts. Big bunker sales included the following :— February.—Several lots of ordinary Durhams for over-year delivery at 12s. May.—10,000 tons good ordinary Durhams, shipment over the rest of the year, at 10s. 3d. ; a considerable quantity of superior screened South Durhams for ship- ment over the rest of the year at 12s. to 12s. 6d. ; about 100,000 tons similar for like delivery at 13s.; 25,000- 30,000 tons good North-west Durhams for similar loading at 12s. ; 20,000 tons ditto for like delivery at 12s. 6d.; several lots of good ordinary unscreened Durhams in cargoes of from 5,000 to 10,000 tons, for shipment to the end of the year at 12s. ; from 60,000 to 75,000 tons good North-west Durhams for similar delivery at 12s. ; 10,000 tons ordinary Durhams for like shipment at Ils. 7^d. ; 12,000 tons superior South Durham screened for similar delivery at 13s. June.—Several lots of good ordinary Durhams for delivery to the end of the year at from Ils. 7ld. to Ils. 9d., and a quantity of bests at 12s. ; 40,000 tons of Towneleys, screened and unscreened, for delivery over year at an average price of 14s.; 60,000 tons good sorts for August-December delivery to the Transatlantic Shipping Company, Paris, Auckland quality at 12s. 6d., and Tanfield and Medomsley at 12s.; 45,000 tons Towneleys for the Chargeurs Reunis, France, at 13s. 6d. for partly screened and 14s. 6d. for best screened; 20,000 tons ordinary Durhams, delivery up to March next, at 12s.; a smaller quality for delivery over the rest of the year at Ils. 7Jd.; 10,000 tons Marley Hill or Morrison quality, delivery up to the end of the year, at 12s.; 10,000-20,000 tons superior Durham sorts, delivery over 12 months, at 12s. 6d. f.o.b. Tees.