January 3, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 3 ROBEY & CO. LTD., Lincoln, England. *------------And at 79, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, EO NDON. - AIR COMPRESSOR fitted with PATENT DISC VALVES and UNLOADING DEVICE ensuring Highest Efficiency J6 pnRE Y j. c ? LT-° at all loads. Makers of Winding Engines with Patent Drop Valve Reversing Gear. Patent Overwinding and Overspeed Gear. FAN ENGINES. John Russell & Co. Ltd., Alma Tmtoe Works, WALSALL. For Gas, Steam, Water, &c. WELDLESS STEEL TUBES for ENGINEERS, Ac. THE NORTHERN RUBBER CO., THE WICKER, SHEFFIELD. ««.{S: SSB^!0- On Admiralty I3st. Makers of COAL-CUTTER HOSE 5^DE View of Works, RETFORD, NOTTS. Sole Makers of the Original Quality Blue-Line India Rubber Ring. Sole Makers of LEATHERITE For H.P. Steam, Acids, Alkalis, Oils, &c. GAUNT & HICKMAN British Oil Works, H'O/, VERHA TIPTO E , MANUFACTURERS OF Solidified Oils, Floating Grease, LOCOMOTIVE & ANTI-FRICTION CREASES SAFETY LAMP OIL CAS ENGINE AND COMPOUND ENGINE OILS. ROSIN DISTILLERS WALKER’S PATENT DETACHING For the Prevention of Overwinding, For particulars, apply to— TH OS. WALKER & SON LTD., 58, Oxford St., BIRIWiriGH AM. THE LEADING MINING JOURNAL OF THE WORLD. MINES AND MINERALS. AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF METAL ANiD COAL MINING. Published by the COLLIERY ENGINEER CO., Scranton, Penna., U.S.A. It does not publish generalities. It gives its readers Details. The largest and best journal of its class. Subscription, post paid .. 10/6 per ann. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. LTD. Broadway House, 68-74, Carter Lane, London, E.C. THE HOPPERS' PATENT BYE-PRODUGT GOKE OVENS AMD NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEH. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— The Keppers’ Coke Oven & Bye-Product Co., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—“ Kochs, Sheffield.” BRAKE AND CLUTCH TROUBLES. Linings never fail to cure. Ask for Sample and List— The HERBERT FROOD Co. Ld., Sovereign Mills, Chapel-en-le-Frith. ■O' THAT ARE SAFETY - LAMPS. v ACKROYD 6-BEST,K TEL. NO “86 MORLEY” MORLEY, nr.LEEDS. TELEG.flD. “LAMPS, MORLEY” HAILWOOD’S IMPROVED LAMP (Manufactured only by Britain’s Experts.