The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, July 11, 191& 108 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CV. PAGE PAGE PAGE Continental Notes. Austria. Bohemia, Coal Market in North-West ... 864 Imports and Exports of Fuel in 1912... 545 Production in 1912, Austrian Coal __. 337 Vienna Exchange, Wholesale Coal Prices on the ......337, 493, 609, 917, 965, 1076 Belgium. Exports and Imports of Fuel for 1912... 189 Terneuzen, Coke Plant at ............ 449 Winding Enginemen’s Hours ........1025 France. Coaldust Experiments............... 493 Eight Hours Day, The............... 545 Exports and Imports of Fuel, 189, 337, 609, 816, 965 Nystagmus, Miners’ ................. 609 Production in 1912, Coal ............. 755 Tax on Colliery Profits, A..........493, 545 Germany. Bavaria, Discovery of Extensive Coal- fields in ........................1128 Coke Prices in Berlin ........................ 610 Dusseldorf Exchange, Official Coal Prices on the......................130, 1025 Essen Exchange, Official Coal Prices on the ......................189, 864 Exports and Imports of Fuel in 1912___ 545 Exports and Imports of Fuel, 130, 283, 493, 713, 965, 1283 Hamburg Coal Trade, 240, 283, 493, 545, 713, 965, 1283 Output of Fuel .................... 130 Production of Fuel in March.......... 919 Production of Coal in April ..........1283 Prussia, Miners’ Wages for the Third Quarter of 1912................... 189 Prussian Mines During 1911, Fatal Accidents in.................... 23 Railway Rates...................... 864 Rhine, New Colliery on the Lower..... 189 Rotterdam, The Waterway to ........1076 Ruhr Coal Market, 23, 130, 189, 240, 283, 337, 403, 449, 493, 545, 609, 658, 713, 755, 816, 864, 917, 965, 1025, 1076, 1128, 1283, 1342 Ruhr Harbours, Coal Traffic in........ 283 Ruhr Harbours, Fuel Traffic in February 658 Ruhr Harbours, Fuel Movements in March..........................1025 Saxony, Coal Market in .............1342 South Germany, Coal Trade in, 23, 283, 403, 449, 545, 610, 713, 755, 816, 917, 1025, 1128, 1283 Syndicate Report for November, Coal ... 23 Syndicate Report for January, Coal ... 493 Syndicate Report for February, Coal ... 713 Syndicate Report for March, Coal ..... 918 Syndicate Report for April, Coal......1128 Syndicate, Annual Report of the Coal ... 283 Upper Silesia State Collieries New Price List ............................. 449 Upper Silesia. Coal Market in, 23,130,189,240, 283, 337, 403, 449, 493, 545, 609, 658, 713, 755, 816, 864, 917, 965, 1025, 1076, 1128, 1283,1342 Russia. Fuel, The Scarcity of ...................... 545 Siamese Navy, Australian Coal for the... 398 Southern Collieries, Unrest in the ... ... 194 Victoria, Brown Coal Resources of..... 922 Canada. Alberta, Coalmining in ............... 448 British Columbia, Coalmining in....... 649 Canadian Mining Institute ........... 194 ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PAGE St. George’s Coal and Estate Co. Ltd., 298, 820 St. Helens Colliery and Brickworks Co. Ltd. 456 Stone (J. B.) and Co. Limited ........... 40 Stokvis (R. S.) and Zonen Limited....... 978 Strode and Co. Limited ................ 248 Strong (B. A. Y.) and Co. Limited....... 612 Stringer and Co. (Sheffield) Limited ..... 91 Sulla Colliery Co. Limited..............1133 ______ Swan. Hunter and Wigham Richardson Limited.........................91, 456 Sykes (R.) (Batley) Limited ............ 298 Talbot Continuous Steel Process Limited... 456 Tannett-Walker and Co. Limited......... 978 Tedcastle, McCormick and Co. Limited ...1355 Teneriffe Coaling Co. Limited ........... 199 Thermo-Electric Ore Reduction Corpora- tion Limited....................... 40 Thirwall Coal Co. (1913) Limited!........ 456 Thompson and Southwick Limited....... 978 Thornby Stamping Co. Limited ......... 661 Thorny croft (John I.) and Co. Limited 926, 978 Tinies Electric Co. Limited ............1133 Tonmawr Collieries Limited........... ... 298 Tram well Coal Co. Limited ............ 661 Transvaal Coal Trust Co. Limited ...661, 687 ... Tredwood Syndicate Limited ........... 764 Tredegar Iron and Coal Co. Limited... 1217,1355 Turbine Engine and Pump Co. Limited ...1133 Tweefontein Colliery Co. Limited ...926, 1029 Tyneside Electrical Development Co. Ltd. 456 Underfeed Stoker Co. Limited........... 406 United Collieries Co. Limited .......612, 1133 United National Collieries Limited ... 558 Miscellaneous. Vacani Syndicate Limited.............. 248 Vagliano Anthracite Collieries Limited, 505, 558, 867 Vereeniging Estates Limited............. 199 Vickers Limited................ 505, 661, 926 Villagarcia Trading Co. Limited......... 559 Vitrified Coal Co. Limited.............. 978 Vulcan Foundry Co. Limited ........... 661 Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co. Limited ........................... 456 ....... Wade (Charles) and Co. Limited......... 505 Wath Main Colliery Co. Limited......... 613 Wagon Finance Corporation Limited... 199,1406 Warner and Co. Limited................ 248 Walker (C. and W.) Limited............. 612 Watson (John) Limited..............298,351 Watson (Joseph) and Sons Limited.......1295 Waste Heat and Gas Electrical Generating Stations Limited.................... 456 Watts Brothers (Sheffield) Limited ..... 926 Wankie Colliery Co. Limited_____________ 661 Wearden (Louis) and Guy lee Limited... 248, 298 Welcome Mining Appliances Limited ...1217 West Beechburn Coal and Whinstone Co. Limited ........................... 199 Western Wagon and Property Co. Limited 352 Western Dominion Collieries Co. Limited 718 Whitehaven Haematite iron and Steel Co. Limited....................718, 926, 1295 Wigan Coal and Iron Co. Limited ....... 352 Windsor Sheet Metal Works Limited ... 971 Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co. Limited...718,1133 Willesden Foundry and Engineering Co. Limited ...........................1406 Wishaw Coal Co. (1913) Limited ......... 926 Willans and Robinson Limited........... 926 Witbank Colliery Limited .............. 406 Wincott (G. P.) Limited ................1355 Wireless Electric Light Co. Limited.....1354 Willcox (P. L.) Limited ................ 298 Wood (Wm. H.) and Lamplough Limited... 821 Woodfield Collieries Limited...248, 1080, 1354 Woodhead (Wm.) and Co. Limited....... 613 Wolf (S.) and Co. Limited .............. 199 Workington Iron and Steel Co. Limited ... 505 Wrathall (W.) Limited ................1406 Wright (A. G.) and Co. Limited ......... 199 Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Limited .......... ......................... 820 Wright (John) and Son (Redditch) Limited 40 W. S. Manufacturing Co. Limited .......1354 Yorkshire Engine Co. Limited........... 613 Yorkshire Iron and Coal Co. Limited ... 661 Yorkshire Main Colliery Limited ....... 199 Yorkshire Railway Wagon Co. Limited ... 248 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. Limited ... 298 Yorkshire Saw Bench Co. Limited....... 298 Young’s Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Co. Limited ........................1217 Mortgages and Charges, 40, 143, 406, 505, 718, 820,1354 Ambulance Work in Mines : The Wood Competition.......................1069 America, Well-known Wigan Mining Engi- neer Honoured in .................. 605 American Coalfields, Barometric Warnings in the ............................ 501 American Trade Unions and the Anti-Trust Law ..............................1279 Astley Green Colliery: Correction....... 647 Association of Mining Electrical Engineers 389 Atkii son (Mr. J. B.), Resignation of....1017 Auckland Park Colliery Explosion....... 124 Barnsley Coalfield, Renewed Activities in the ............................ 94 Barnsley District, Developments in the ...1119 Benzol from Town Gas..................1223 Birmingham Mining Department, Univer- . sity of............................ 512 British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association.....................228, 917 Calendars............................36,70 Charter, The New Coal ................ 248 Checking Underground Workmen.......1116 Checkweighman’s Removal, Action for ... Ill 9 Coal Trade Benevolent Association___177, 922 Coal Trade Benevolent Association : Man- chester District Branch ............ 645 Concrete Institute..................... 603 Contract Case, Another..............126, 336 Contract, A <£24,398 Coal............... 611 Conveyor Patent, A ................... 956 Cumberland Iron Trade, The West ..... 193 Cumberland, Colliery Developments in .. 40 Cumberland, Colliery Developments in West ........................410, 1223 Dean Forest Coal Trade __............ 404 Doncaster and Town Planning.......... 744 Doncaster and the Coal Trade.......... 921 Durham, Electrical Developments in ...1403 Edward Medal, The ............ 1119,1352 Edison Awarded a Prize for a New Miner’s Lamp, Mr................’....................... 345 Electricity in Mines___________________283 Electric Hang-fires and a New Cage Gate 717 Examinations, Colliery Managers’....... 32 Examinations Under the Coal Mines Act... 696 Exhibition, Forthcoming Mining Machi- nery ............................246, 603 ....... Explosives, Perchlorate ............»____1076 Explosives in Coal Mines Order......... 285 Fife Colliery Village, New...............1077 ....... Gas Coal, The Price of ...............356, 397 Geological Research in the Coalfields ...1116 Glasses, Safety Lamp .................31, 921 Glasses, Safety Lamp: An Interesting _____ Indian and Colonial Notes. India. American Pig Iron, Indian v..........1017 Coal Traffic Conference .............. 194 Geological Survey of India .......... 553 Mining and.Geological Institute of India 194, 447 Railway-owned Coal................. 553 Rolling Stock Contracts .............. 194 Africa. Mineral Output......................... 194, 1339 Natal Coal Traffic ................... 973 Natal Coal Trade............399, 1617,1339 Transvaal Coal Trade ............... 553 Transvaal Export Coal Trade .....448, 1017 Aust kalia. Eight Hours in Coalmines............ 194 Eight Hours Bill, Defeat of the N.S.W. 398 Mount Mulligan Coal ............... 649 I New South Wales Colliery Troubles ___...... 553 Action.......................... 501 Glamorgan County Council: Summer Mining School in South Wales...... 824 Haulage in Mines: Test Case for Fife Coal Company ...................... 642 Home Office Prosecution at Pontypridd ... 189 Home Office Prosecution in Scotland..... 551 Housing of Miners, The................ 959 Hull Contract Case .................... 564 Hull Coal Imports .........356, 556, 1063, 1339 Humber, Tunnelling the................1021 Imprisonment in the Mine, Wrongful...1331 ..... Income Tax, Collieries and.............. 332 Institute of Metals___________•______460, 971 Institution of Civil Engineers ..... 433, 700 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy ..144, 490 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 94, 304, 387, 642 Insurance Act. Stallmen and the National 722 Joicey on Legislation and Trade, Lord...1220 Kent Coalfield, The ....................1209 Lamps, Miners’ Electric................ 611 Lamps, The Relighting of Safety ....... 817 Lancashire and Cheshire Miners’ Relief Society ........................... 552 Lancashire Coalmining Developments, South ............................. 179 Lancashire, Coal Deliveries in........... 641 Leeds University, New Courses of Lectures at ................................. 195- Lothians Mineworkers’ Ambulance League, The __________......................... 279, 81$ Lothians Coalfield, Railway Facilities in the ...............................1287 Map of the South Wales Coalfield.......1072: Manchester Coal Exchange ............. 297 Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 73, 491, 697, 917, 1205 Medical Relief, Colliers and ............. 70 Midland Miners’ Relief Society .........1021 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ...........148, 491 Mining Institute of Scotland ...288, 872, 1279 Minimum Wage and Fraud, The.................... 750 Minimum Wage Case at Dewsbury, Important..........................1217 Minimum Wage, A Scottish Chairman on, the ............................... 926 Navy and Oil Fuel, 'Ihe ................ 716 Newark, Coal Struck near.............. 921 Notts, New Railway in..................1330 Nottingham University College: The De- partment of Mining ................ 961 North of England, Electrical Plant in the 564 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers..............1291 North Staffordshire Coal and Iron Workers’ Relief Society ..................... 816 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 73, 196, 460, 661,1220 North Wales Permanent Relief Society ... 916 Northumberland and Durham Miners’ Permanent Relief Fund ............1063 Panama Canal, Fuel for Shi^s at the..... 489 Patent under section 20, Application for Rest* >ration of Lapsed .............. 645 Pease (Mr. A. F.) and the Burden of Legislation.........................1407 Pembrokeshire Coalfield, Proposed Light Railway for ....................... 540 Permitted List, The New __............ 760 Pickering ('