Presented to the Subscribers] Supplement to the Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. [of the “Colliery t&ardian.” HADFIELDS LTD. Workmen employed, over 15,000. Hecla & East Hecla Works, SHEFFIELD. Works area over 200 acres. ! COLLIERY GUARDIAN ALMANAC ______ STEEL TUB WHEELS AND AXLES Fitted by Hadfield’s Special “ Lock-Fast ” method. f [ -v y L [ I I [id |H A’i i f * k *v ___________ ESTABLISHED 1866. SPECIAL QUALITY. __________ COKE OVEN BRICKS __________________ The WITTON FIRE BRICK Co. Ltd., WEAR VALLEY JUNCTION, near DARLINGTON. IHM Tipton JMPsT Cages CHAINS. MAKERS of Chains of all descriptions for C olliery Cages, Lashing, Hauling purposes, Crane Chains, &c. Also Makers of BOX BOLTS for Colliery Pit Tubs. TODD BROS., St. Helens, Lancashire. Telegrams— Telenhones fNo-406; “ TODD, St. HELENS.” .telephones (3 Uneg) TH. U.M.S T. A. SOUTHERN, late H.M.I.M., and H. W. HALBAUM, Greenwell Medallist. The U.M.S. Lessons by Post are the surest road to success and promotion. The best mining education. Thorough preparation for the Managers , Under- managers’, Inspectors’, Surveyors’, Deputies’ Exams., etc. 52 H.M. Inspectors and many others at the top are U.M.S. men. Write to-day for free Syllabus. The Universal Mining School, 50m, Connaught Road, Cardiff. STEEL CASTINGS AND FORGINGS and Requisites for Collieries, Mines and Quarries. ----:O:---- COMPLETE CRUSHING PLANTS. ----.’O:--- Sole Makers of HADFIELD’S Patent “ERA” MANGANESE STEEL The Supreme Material for the Wearing Parts of Stone-Breaking & Ore-Crushing Machinery, &c. January February. __________________________________ W. G. ALLEN & SONS (TIPTON) LTD. Bradley Lane Works, Princes End, TIPTON. ___ p’ COLLIERY Al R PIPES. '*Uiirytubs Ripping [SAFE! I Contain no I - I Nitro-Glycerine. Ammonite ideli Ari e A ____ IRELIADLE^I CANNOT BE I No Poisonous I FIRED BY SPECIAI I Y 1 Fumes. I ji'LUALLr I 1CONCUSSION ADAPTED I Do not Freeze. I FOR l Cartridges made I OR TUNNELLING. I “JiZeter” \ FRICTION. ON SPECIAL NEW PERMITTED LIST. AMMONITE Noi AMMONITE NO5 Tests and Samples free on application. Put up in Patent Metallic Cartridge Cases. With or without Nipples. I A Pamphlet treating 1 upon these Explosives No deterioration during 1 may be obtained on storage. 1 application. THE MINERS’ SAFETY EXPLOSIVE COMPANY LIMITED. Offices : 16, Gt. George St., Westminster, S.W. 1. GALVANOMETERS CABLE REELS, &c APPARATUS ____ MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS Flame and Electric. LAMP CABIN FITTINGS. _____ WINDING ENGINE & SPECIAL BARE WIRE HAULAGE PLANE SIGNALS. ________ Send for List 40. ___________________________________________ |!| MOON’S CHANGES. A New 2nd 8h 24m morn. I Full 16th 8h 44m morn. W First 9thl0h55m morn. | Last 24th 4h 22m morn. __________New 31st llh 7m after. ‘I1 II 1 1 i 1 1 ih 1 di 1 1 di anniversaries, festivals, occurrences, historical notes, etc. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 M 28 29 30 31 w Th F S s M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th F 8 S Tu W Th F Stock Exchange closed 2nd Sunday after Christmas Epiphany Renishaw explosion, 1871 [Camb. Lent Term begim Hilary Law Sittings begin 1st Sunday after Epiphany [Dinas explosion, 1879 Oxford Lent Term begins Hartley accident, 1862 Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd Georgeb., 1863 Hyde explosion, 1889 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Leycett Colliery explosion, 1880 Queen Victoria died, 1901 Dogger Bank battle, 1915 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Ferndale explosion, 1896 Roachbutn accident, 1908 Victoria Cross instituted, 1856 July l| MOON’S CHANGES. r First 5th 3h 17m morn. I Last 20th llh 3m morn. •| Full 13th 6h 2m morn. | New 27th 5h 21m morn. anniversaries, festivals, occurrences, HISTORICAL NOTBS, ETC. fl 1 Tu A 2 W A 3 Th I 4 I 5 F S s M Tu w Th F S s M March. __________ April. IVTay June. IMPORTANT’'"’- llfll Will Mil I ENGINEERS AND ----------------CONTRACTORS, Ac. BRAKE & CLUTCH LININGS. The production of CHEKKO Brake and Clutch Linings has aimed at and attained a far higher standard of strength, reliability and economy than that of any other existent Brake Lininn. Dominion Day, Canada Blantyre explosion, 1879 Independence Day, U.S.A. Dividends due. Oxfd. Termends 3rd Sunday after Trinity Silverdale explosion, 1870 0 7 II 8 0 9 X io y u ill 12 Li 13 A 14 X 15 Tu St. Swithin. Risca explosion, 1880 X 16 I) 17 18 |l 19 J) 20 1)21 I 22 U 23 II 24 Th Combo explosion, 1893 11 25 A 26 A 27 Y 28 1,1 29 I I 30 Cadeby Main explosion, 1912 National Colliery explosion, ’05 4th Sunday after Trinity MOON’S CHANGES. First 7th 6h 52tn after. I Full 14th llh 38m after. Last 23rd Ih 48m morn. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 S Partridge shooting ends 2 S 4th Sunday after Epiphany 3 M 4 Tu 5 W 6 Th Llanerch explosion, 1890 7 F Whitfield explosion, 1881 8 S Half-quarter day 9 S Sth Sunday after Epiphany 10 M [Heathfield accident, 1848 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 F Morfa explosion, 1870 15 S 16 S Septuagesima. W. Stanley explo. 17 M [1909 18 Tu Ynyshir Colliery explosion, 1887 19 W Lundhill Colliery accident, 1857 20 Th 21 F Washington Glebe explo. 1908 22 S 23 S Sexagesima. Pentre explo. 1871 24 M 25 Tu Lower Duffryn explosion, 1858 26 W 27 Th 28 F MOON’S CHANGES. New 2nd llh 11m morn. I Full 16th 3h 41m after. First 9th 3h 14m morn. I Last 24th 8h 34m after. N ew 31st 9h 5m after._____ ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 S St. David. Allminescontrol, 1917 2 S Quinquag esima, Usworth explo. 3 M ' [1885 4 Tu Shrove Tuesday 5 W As/i Wednesday 6 Th Dover sinking accident, 1897 7 F 8 S Barwood explosion, 1878 9 S 1st Sunday in Lent 10 M Morfa explosion, 1890 11 Tu Courrieres explosion, 1906 12 W Unity Brook explosion, 1878 13 Th Brynmally accident, 1889 14 F Sir H. Bessemer died, 1898 15 S Victoria Pit explosion, 1851 16 S 2nd Sunday in Lent 17 M St. Patrick 18 Tu 19 W Benwell explosion, 1907 20 Th 21 F 22 S 23 S 3rd Sunday in Lent 24 M Arley Mine explosion, 1853 25 Tu Annunciation; Lady Day 26 W 27 Th 28 F 29 S Mines(Min. Wage)Act, ’12, pasd. 30 S 4th Sunday in Lent 31 M Cambridge Term ends MOON’S CHANGES. First 7th Oh 39m after. I Last 23rd llh 21m morn. Full 15th 8h 25m morn. | New 30ch 5h 30m morn. MOON’S CHANGES. First 6th llh 34 m after. I Last 22nd 10114m after Full 15th lh Im morn. I New7 29 hlh 12m alter. MOON’S CHANGES. First 5th Oh 22m after. I Last 21st 5h 33m morn. Full 13th 4h 28m after. | New 27th 8h 53m after. _____________ August September. MOON’S CHANGES. First 3rd 8h 12m after. I Last 18th 3h 56m after. Full 11th 5h 40m after. | New 25tii 3h 37m after. MOON’S CHANGES. First 2nd 2h 22m after. I Last 16th 9h 32m after. Full 10th 3h 54m morn. | New 24ch 4h 34m morn. anniversaries, festivals, occurrences, historical notes, etc. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 i s II MADE BY— JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) Ltd. o AH Saints Works, DERBY, And 17, Victoria Sth, Westminster, & co. LTD. 1 1 I W Th F S s M Tu W Sheriff Hill explosion, 1819 5th Sunday after Trinity Haydock explosion, 1869 St. Mary Magdalene Charles Colliery explosion, F St. James S S 6th Sunday after Trinity M Tu W Th Trinity Law Sittings end 1870 1 F 2 S 3 S 4 M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Tu Park Slip explosion, 1892 27 W 28 29 30 31 Lammas Day Auchenharvie explosion, 1895 7th Sunday after Trinity Bank Holiday. England declared Tu [war, 1914 W Th F S S 8th Sunday after Trinity M [Coal Mines Act passed, 1872 Tu Grouse shooting begins W Woodend Pits explosion, 1886 Th Victoria pit explosion, 1866 F S s M Bedwellty explosion, 1865 9th Sunday after Trinity Maypole explosion, 1908 Tu Brynn Hall explosion, 1870 W Garswood explosion, 1867 Th F S S 10th Sunday after Trinity M Louvain, 1914. [St. Bartholomew [ Donibristle explosion Th Heligoland Bight, 1914 F S S 11th Sunday after Trinity 01 COAL STATISTICS PERSONS EMPLOYED, ACCIDENTS, &c., UNDER COAL MINES ACT. Persons employed. H.M. INSPECTORS OF MINES, &c. Year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 M Partridge Shooting begins Moss Pit explosion, 1871 12th Sunday after Trinity Seaham explosion, 1880 Llanbradach explosion, 1901 Ebbw Vale explosion, 1878 W Abertysswg explosion, 1902 Th F S s M Tu W Th F Rt. Hon. H. Asquith born, 1852 S S 13th Sunday after Trinity 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 16 Tu 17 W St. Lambert. 18 Th Dr. Johnson born, 1709 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 F S Alma, 1854. Delhi, 1857 S 14th Sunday after Trinity M [Exhall accident, 1915 Tu W Th Loos, 1915 F S S 15th Sunday after Trinity M St. Michael. Michaelmas Day Tu WAKEFIELD, Have always in Stock PLANT, including Winding and Hauling Engines, Generating Sets, Boilers, Locos, &c., &c. For Collieries, Iron and Steel Works, and are pleased to tender for the purchase of Plant and Machinery. Telegrams: Telephones: 44 Wakefield, "ENGINEER, 867 Newcastle Central, WAKEFIELD.” 336 Doncaster. ____________________________ WASH YOUR COAL BY MEkNS OF THE “NOTA NOS” WASHER Patented and Manufactured by HEAD, WRIGHTS0N t Co. Lo. STOCKTON-ON-TEES. __________ MAKERS OF Complete Coat Washing, Screening and Sorting Plants. 1 1 1 i _____________________________________ A BOON TO MASTER, MAN AND MACHINE •Z./SH Bemrare of Imitations TAUFFER’S LUBRICANT ” (Reg. Trade Mark) TANDARD MACHINE GREASE Made Solely at our Works in London FOR OVER 30 YEARS. AYING?: 90 Patent “Unbreakable'’ and “Telltale” STAUFFER LUBRICATORS. Sole Makers—_____ TRIER BROS. Ltd. Office—36, Victoria St., WESTMINSTER, S.W. 1. LONDON. Cumberland Works, CAMBERWELL, S.E. LONDON. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 Tu Highbrook explosion, 1869 2 W 3 Th 4 F St. Ambrose 5 S Dividends due at Bank 6 S 5th Sunday in Lent 7 M 8 Tu 9 W Arras, 1917 10 Th 11 F Pemberton accident, 1901 12 S Oxford. Term ends 13 S Palm Sunday 14 M Dukinfield explosion, 1874 15 Tu “Titanic” disaster, 1912. 16 W Hilary Law Sittings end 17 Th St. Helens explosion, 1889 18 F Good Friday. Tudhoe explo. 1882 19 S 20 S Easter Sunday 21 M Easter Monday. Bank Holiday 22 Tu Cambridge Easter Term begins 23 W St. George 24 Th 25 F St. Mark 26 S Brayton Domain explosion, 1915 27 S Low Sunday 28 M 29 Tu Easter Law Sittings begin 30 W Mieklefield explosion, 1896 [Oxford Easter Term begins ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. anniversaries, festivals, occurrences, historical notes, etc. October MOON’S CHANGES. First 2nd 8h 37m morn. I Last 16th 5h 5m morn. Full 9th lh 39m after. I New 23rd 8h40m after. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Pheasant Shooting begins Th [Cam. Mich. Term begins F S s M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu Trafalgar Day, 1805 W Th F S s M Tu W Foggs accident, 1907 16th Sunday after Trinity Marley explosion, 1872 Oxford Mich. Term begins Pemberton explosion, 1877 17th Sunday after Trinity Michaelmas Law Sittings begin Senghenydd explosion, 1913 Mossfields explosion, 1889 Morfa explosion, 1863 St. Luke. Wharncliffe, explo.. 18th Sunday after Trinity Blantyre explosion, 1877 Wallsend explosion, 1821 Seaham explosion, 1871 19th Sunday after Trinity SS. Simon and Jude Darran explosion, 1909 F Pelton explosion, 1866 PERMITTED [1883 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SS. Philip and James Baddesley explosion, 1882 2nd Sunday after Easter King’s accession, 1910 “Lusitania” torpedoed, 1915 Half Quarter Day Middle Duffryn explosion, 1852 3rd Sunday after Easter [Whitehaven explosion, 1910 Th F S s M Tu W Th F 8 S M Tu W Old May Day Th " ’ ‘ F S S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th Ascension, Holy Thursday F [J utland battle, 1916 S Union Day South Afiica Scotch Quarter Day 4th Sunday after Easter St. Dunstan Brancepeth explosion, 1896 Universal explosion, 1901 5th Sunday after Easter Queen Mary born, 1867 “Majestic” torpedoed, 1915 Udston Colliery explo., 1889 NT ovember. MOON’S CHANGES. First 1st lh 43m morn I Last 14th 3h 41m after. Full 7th llh 35m after. [ New 22nd 3h 20m after. First 30th 4h 47m. after. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 S All Saints 2 S 20th Sunday after Trinity 3 M Plain Pit explosion, 1823 4 Tu 5 W 6 Th St. Leonard 7 F Altham explosion, 1883 8 S Ferndale accident, 1867 9 S 21st Sunday after Trinity 10 M 11 Tu Martinmas. Great War armis- 12 W [tice signed 1918 13 Th Radbod explosion, 1908 14 F 15 S Barrow accident, 1907 16 S 22nd Sunday after Trinity 17 M Suez Canal opened, 1869 18 Tu Rawdon accident, 1907 19 W 20 Th Rawmarsh explosion, 1874 21 F 22 S Walker accident, 1862 23 S 23rd Sunday after Trinity 24 M [Hindley Green explo., 1868 25 Tu Whitehaven explosion, 1897 26 W 27 Th 28 F Marianna explosion, 1908 29 S 30 S Advent Sunday. St. Andrew. _____ H.M. INSPECTORS OF MINES, &c. 1 S Sunday after Ascension 2 M 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Tu Midsummer Day. 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tu King George V. born, 1865 y W Cl Th Lord Kitchener drowned, 1916 | ) F S S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th F 8 S M CRESSWELLS’ Limited, Old Established Spinners and Manufacturers of PURE ASBESTOS FABRICS. &c.. WELLINGTON MILLS, BRADFORD. Tel. “Asbestos. Bradford” ’Phone 950 Bradford. 11, Bothwell Street, GLASGOW. 9, Grosvenor Road, Sketty, SWANSEA. 44 45, Exchange Buildings, New Street. BIRMINGHAM. We invite your enquiries. Send a Postcard for our Catalogue of Drawings. Easter Law Sittings end A Oxford Term ends Whit Sunday T Whit Monday. Bank Holiday. I|l Ferndale explosion, 1849 |.| St. Barnabas L) Oxford Trin. Term begins A [Dukinfield accident, 18661 Victoria Pit explosion, 1866 Trinity Sunday W Bedwellty explosion, 1865 (.) Trinity Law Sittings begin A Clifton Hall explosion,,1885 Sir Douglas Haig born, 1861 T Accession of Qn. Victoria, 1837 U 1st Sunday after Trinity | Albion explosion, 1894 < Cambridge. [Term ends’ w Th F S S 2nd Sunday after Trinity M Bentinck accident, 1915 December MOON’S CHANGES. A Full 7th lOh 4m morn. I New 22nd lOh 55m morn.T Last 14.11 6h 2m morn. I First 30th 6h 25m morn.11 -------------------------------------- ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, ’J’ HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W S. Wales mines control, 1916 Elemore accident, 1886 Powell Duffryn accident, 1875 Swaithe Main explosion, 1875 2nd Sunday in Advent Edmunds Main accident, 1862 Naval explosion, 1880 I __________________________________ Telegrams— “Daglish, Telephone Established St. Helens.” No. 23. 1798. ROBT DAGLISH& Co. Ltd., ST. HELENS, LANCS. ______ Specialities: ENGINES with Daglish’s Patent Automatic Cut-off and Throw- out Gears. Save 25°/0 to 60°/o of Steam. ___________ Patent Simplex OVERWINDER AND OVERSPEEDER. __________ FLAT AND CONICAL DRUMS. PIT CAGES. __________________________ GEORGE BURNSIDE, BORING TOOL WORKS. Shiney Row, Fence Houses, co. DURHAM. Safety Boring Apparatus Used most successfully in tapping old mine workings up to 287 lbs. RECORD BORING MADE 702 FEET. Rock and Stone Drilling Machines. DRILLS TO ANY SIZE. — Also Eye Guards for Pit Ponies. — Oaks Colliery explosion, 1866 III Talk-o’-th’-Hill accident, 1866 (.) 3rd Sunday in Advent 11 [Dinas Main explosion, 1907J| Coal Mines Act. 1911, passed j! Urpeth explosion, 1906 Oxford Mich. Term ends «l ss^^sena ij Georn8 Elliot & Co Ld 4th Sunday in Advent. St.Thomas J jlAUUl U U IrflllU I V*. VUa . [Pretoria explosion, 191O’| Mardy explosion, 1885 V George Elliot & Co. since 1864, and previously Glass, Elliot & Co., Makers of the First Atlantic Cable. F S s M Tu W Christmas Day Bank Holiday. St. Stephen St. John 1st Sunday after Christmas •. [Holy Innocents^ 'I' WIRE ROPE Manufis works bute Docks, Cardiff, and Sheaf Steel and Wire Mills, Heeley, Sheffield. Chief Office: 16, Ct. Ceorce St.. Westminster, London, S.W. 1. St. Silve.ster ____________________________________ '( PATENT LOOKED WIRE ROPES IRON & STEEL STATISTICS PRODUCTION OF IRON ORE, &c* Total Quantity. 1917. Tons. 444,327 . 6,417,666 . 3,358,947 . 13,917 . 54 533 . 70,574 . 4,485,740 . Total Quantity. 1916. Tons. 365,748 5,954,796 2,964,861 26,493 30,678 75,268 4,076,814 Inspection District. Lancashire, North Walesand Ireland Division—cont. 18, Albert Road, Bolton. (Two vacancies.) (d J. Duncan, Esq., 133, Willows Lane, Accrington; R. W. (Jobless. Esq., 191a, Down- all Green Road, Brynn, near Wigan; W. Roberts, Esq., 37, Birley Street, Newton-le- Willows. (e) *Rhys Williams, Esq. > O. Jones, Esq., 91, Ashworth Street, Rochdale. (/) D. Morris, Esq., 42, Whitledg1© Green, Brynn, near Wigan. •».—Sou^h Wales Divis!on. (a) J. Dyer Lewis, Esq., 21> Stan well Road, Penar th. (b) A. Pearson, Esq., 2> St. Helens Crescent, Swansea 5 T. Greenland Davies, Esq.» 22, Oakfield R-ad Newport, Mon.; J. M. Carey, Esq., 5, Lon-Isa, Rubina, Cardiff. (c) *E. S. Rees, Esq.; P. T. Jenkins,Esq., Bryncoed Wood- ville Road, Newport, Mon.; T. L. McBride, Esq., 10,Wood- ville Road, Newport, Mon. ; William Rees, Esq., 5, Kings- land Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff. (Vacancy.) (d) W. J. Owen, Esq., 68, College Hill, Llanelly; i . D. Davies, Esq., 10, College Road Whitechurch, Cardiff; T. Waldin, Esq., 33, Hill- side, Mount Pleasant, Neath. (Vacancy.) (e) W. J. Stephens, Esq.» 80, Brunswick Street, Canton, Cardiff. (/) T. L. Evans, E-q.. 19» Cosmeston Street. Cathays, Cardiff, Glam.; H. H. Phillips, Esq. 25, Brynmor Crescent, Swansea. (Corrected lo October 1918.) Cl lief Inspector of Mines: Sir Richard Bedmayne, K.C.B., Home Office, Whitehall, London (acting as Chief Adviser lo the Controller of Coal Mines). Acting Chief Inspector of Mines: W.Walker,Esq. C-B.E., Home Office, Whitehall, London (acting temporarily as inspector in charge of the Midland and Southern Division). Electrical Inspector of Mines: *Robert Nelson, Esq., Home Office, Whitehall, London. Secretary to the Board for Mining Examinations: W. W. Ware, Esq., Home Office, Whitehall, London. Private Secretary to Chief Inspector : *G. Bridgmore Brown, Esq., Home Office, Whitehall, London. Deaths caused by the acci- dents. .. 1,245 .. 1,308 .. 1,453 .. 1,775 .. 1,265 .. 1,276 .. 1,753 .. 1,219 ... 1,297 ... 1,313 ... 1,370 Separate fatal acci- dents. ... 1,162 . ... 1,138 . ... 1,182 . ... 1,242 . ... 1,212 . ... 1,151 . ... 1,220 . ...1,182 . ... 1,209 . ... 1,281 . ... 1,332 . T I Scotland............ Northern ___________ York and N. Midland... Lancs, and N. Wales... Ireland ... .......... South Wales ....... Midland and Southern Above ground. 182,731 . 191,484 . 195,617 . 201,0^6 . 203,701 . 210,331. 218,056 . 218,365 198,969 , 205,152 . 209,830. Under ground. 757,887 . 796,329 . 818.381 . 848.381 . 863,512 . 878,759. 909,834 915,381 754,673 792,911 ...811,510... , ______________ (Number of mines at work in 1917, 2,814). ACCIDENT DEATH-BATAS IN COALMINES (Per 1,000 employed.) All causes. 1907 . 1908 . 1909 . 1910 1911 . 1912 . 1913 . 1914* 1915 1916 1917 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914* 1915 1916 1917 * From January to July inclusive. Total. . 940,618 . . 987,813 . .1,013,998 .1,049,407 .1,067,213 1,089,090 .1,127,890 .1,133,746 . 953.642 .. 998,063 .1,021,340 Above Explo- F n Shaft-8 Belew and sious. ±alls- tolians* ground, below ground. . .. . ... . .. x,32 1-43 1’69 1’19 1-17 1-55 1-08 1-36 1-32 1-34 0’16 0-28 0*59 0’04 0’14 0’51 0-03 005 0-03 0-02 ,. 0-74 . .. 0-74 . ,. 0’75 . . 0 71 . .. 064 . . 0’68 . . 0’65 . . 0 89 . . 0 89 . . 0’89 . OTO OTO OTO Oil 0-08 0T1 0-07 0'08 0*06 0-08 1-46 1’61 1’91 1-29 1-25 1-74 1T9 155 1-47 1-50 PRODUCTION OF Inspection District. COAL, 1916 Total Quantity 1917. 34,245,744 43,228,230 69,128,836 25,204,560 <95,646 48,507,902 Scotland........... Northern ... York and N. Midland. Lancs, and N. Wales Ireland ............ South Wales_______ Midland and Southern 28,062,201 Total ........... 248,473,119 From open quarries ... 26,121 248,499,240 AND 1917. Total Quantity 1916. Tons. ... 36,094,631 ... 47,270,124 ... 68,005,505 ... 24,907,938 89,833 ... 52,080,709 ... 27,899,611 .256,348,351 27,015 ...256,375,366 OUTPUT OF BRITISH COAL, 1S96-1916. (Including coal raised from quarries.) ions. 1903.. .230.334.469 1904.. 232,428,272 1905.236,128,936 1906.251,067,628 1907.267,830,962 1908.. .261.528.795 _ , , 1909.. .263.774.312 11916...256,375 366 Tons. 1896.. .195.361.260 1897.. .202.129.931 1898.. .202.054.516 1899.. .220,094,781 1900.. .225.181.300 1901. ..219,046,945 1902.. .227.095.042 Tons. 1910.. .264.433.028 1911., — 1912., 1913. 1914 1915 .271,891,899 ,260,416,33s .287,430,473 .265,664,393 253,206,081 EXPORTS OF Month. _ COAL, COKE AND MANU- FACTURED FUEL. 1917. 1918. Average Average Quantity, value Quantity, value per ton. TonSi s. .. 2,887,573...28 .. 2,632,019...28 . 2,638,828...28 .. 2,786,059...28 3,050,735...28 . 2,558,004..J8 Tons. 3,488 494.. 2.902.617.. 3,025,442.. 2.713.927.. 3,664 823.. 3 666,068.. per ton. s. .26 .26 .25 .26 .26 d. 3 6. 0*7. 0 0.. 6-2.. 9’5.. 9’4.. d. 7 5 57 89 15 12 3.375.365.. .27 3,244,565. "" 3.337.534.. 3.180.822.. 2.801.353.. 2.379,595. .27 .27 .28 .28 .28 7 8...16,553,218...28 4’7 3,044,174.30 7'3 3,611,265. 2,992,327. 3,130,621. 2,595,505. 0 2.. 6’6.. 0 7.. 5 1.. 3’0. 5 8 .32 . . .32 11 7 .34 2 03 .33 4'14 January ....... February ....... March ... April___ May ___ June ... First six months 19,461,371...26 July ____ august___ September October ....... November ..... December.. _________ Twelve months... 37,800,705...27 2 3... — ... — Exports for 11 months in 1918:—Coal, 29,660,615 tons; coke, 844,572 tons; manufactured fuel. 1,421,923 tons; total, 31,927,110 tons. 1905 1906 m 19<’7 1 1908 PBICES OF FUEL EXPOBTED 1905 d. 3’6 I 1913 8’6 | 1911 “ ’ I 1915 I 1916 10 10 12 12 d. 6'7 10’8 9’0 9’2 | 1909 . I 1910 . I 1911 . | 1912 . s. .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 .. 12 5T 8'4 TO 1916. “ d. 11’9 7’8 11'5 ... — 7-4 8. ... 13 ... 13 ... 16 ... 24 2, 9, (a) Inspector; (b) Senior In- spectors ; (c) Junior Inspectors; (d) Sub-inspectors of Mines; (e) Sub-inspectors of Quarries; (j ) Inspectors of Horses : '* Serving with H.M. Forces. 1. —Scotland Division. (a) H. Walker, Esq,, Kinnear Road, Edinburgh. (b) F. H. Wynne, Esq., North Bank Terrace, Wilton Street, Kelvinside, Glasgow; J. Masterton, Esq., M.B.E., 86, Morniugton Drive, Edin- burgh. (Vacancy.) (c) A. H. Steele, Esq.. 8, Windsor Quadrant, Kelvinside, Glasgow : W. E. T. Hartley, Esq., 5, Pitt Terrace, Stirling; *J. A. S. Ritson, Esq.; *H. J- Humphrys, Esq. (d) P. McIlhenny, Esq., 130, Almada Street, Hamilton; W. Loudon, Esq., 100, Dewar Street, Dunfermline; T. Meek, Esq., 36, McLellan d Drive, Kilmarnock , G. Bankin, Esq., 5, South Oxford Street, Edin- burgh. (*») L. R. Sowerby, Esq., 28, Bellwood St, Langside,Glasgow. (/) A. McArthur, Esq., 8, Hyudland Avenue, Glasgow, W. 2. —Northern Division. (a) J. R. B. Wilson, Esq., Westfield Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (b) W. Leck, Esq., M B.E., Cleator Moor, Cumberland; G. Poole, Esq., Field House Terrace, Western Hill, Durham. (c) T. Ashley, Esq., 4, Sanderson Boad, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne; *Douglas Hay, Esq.: *H. T. Foster, Esq. ; G. Cook, Esq., Oakbank, Whitehaven; A. Stoker, Esq., 13, Woodbine Avenue, Gos- forth, Newcastle - on - Tyne. (Vacancy). (d) W. Wainwright. Esq , 6, Fieldhouse Terrace, Western Hill. Durham; W. Brown, Esq., 82, Sidney Grove, New- castle-on-Tyne ; *W. Goodin, Esq.; T. Brown, Esq , 186, Dils- tonBead, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (e) B. W. Ball, Esq.. 28. Honister Avenue High West, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (f) B. L. Layfiem>, Esq., 4, Leazes Place, Durham ; E. A. Stubley, Esq., 171, Ellesmere Boad, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 3. — York and North Midland Division. (a) T. H. Mottram, Esq., C.B.E , Doncaster. ; COAL WASHING PLANTS LATEST MODERN SYSTEM. IO to 150 TONS per hour. For all sizes and Classes of Fuel. RHONDDA ENGINEERING & MINING CO. Ltd (SHEPPARD & SONS LTD.), BRIDGEND. S. WALES. Telegrams: “ REMCO,” BRIDGEND. Telephone: 97. HAULAGE CLIP. 1912 Pattern. SMALLMAN British Patents No. 8476 of 1906 ; No. 19533 of 1910; and No.4362 of 1912. JAMES W. SMALLMAN, B ’ ____ NUNEATON. JOHN THOMPSON Wolverhampton, Eng. Watertube & Dish-ended Lancashire Types. Superheaters. Complete Boiler House Plants. On the Home Office List ^or use in Gaseous and Dusty Mines. ___________ The Leading Permitteds are BOBBINITE. No Detonator required. No Charge Limit. The Largest Sale of any Permitted. SUPER-EXCElilTE. For Hard Coal and Colliery Work generally. SUPER-KOLAX SUPER-CLIFFITE. Recommended for ALL Colliery Purposes. For Coal Getting, Curtis’s & Harvey’s “ Dragon Brand ” Electric Detonators and Powder Fuses specially recommended. PRICES, &c., FROM SOLE MANUFACTURERS— CURTIS'S & HARVEY Ltd Head Office: 110, CANNON ST., LONDON, E.C. 4. British Made and protected by British owned Patents. The “ CEAG ” Miners’ Supply Co. Ltd., EE"1 fe 1, First Prize in the Home Office Competition. Queen’s Road, BARNSLEY, YORKS. G.—Midland and Southern Div. (a) W. Walker, Esq.,C.B.E., Home Office, Whitehall,London. (b) W. Saint, Esq.. Glent- worth, Stafford; J. R Felton, Esq., 298, Pershore Road, Bir- mingham. D. H. F. Mathews, N«q.,Hoole,Chester; G. J. Williams, Esq., Coed Menai. Bangor. (c) G. B.Harrison. Esq., Shamrock, Worsley Road, Swinton, Manchester ; O. K Jones, Esq , Gian Seiont, Carnarvon • F. N. Siddall, Esq., BRIQUETTE MACHINERY JMACHINERYrokBRIQUETTING COAL,IRON ORE,PEAT,etc. PATENT COAL DRIER. ROBERT WILSON & SONS, Engineers, _____ rTROUCH This Plant was erected at Water Haigh Colliery for Messrs. Hy. Briggs, Son and Co. Ltd. Sole Makers of Hargreaves and others PATENT CLARIFIER for Coal Wash Water. !8l ___________ Combination of this with the The CLARIFIER ROBINSON WASHER which we have made A large Plant now be: g erected at Fishburn Col- liery for Messrs. Henry Stobart and Co. Ltd. many years, cannot excelled. for be ____________________ SEND FOR This CLARIFIER can added to any Coal Washing Plant. PARTICULARS. be .......................... Makers of most Modern HEADGEARS, HEAPSTEADS, ____ COAL SCREENING and CLEANING PLANTS. : : WILSONS’ FAMOUS BORING MACHINES, For Coal, Stqne, and Boring against Water and Gas. — ~~h ________ BISHOP AUCKLAND. Telegrams: “WILSONS FORGE,’’ Telephone 41. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Advisory Council: — Secre- tary, Sir Frank Heath, K.C.B., 15, Great George Street,London, S.W. 1. Research Boards and Committees. Fuel Research Board:—Direc- tor. Sir G. T. BeilbY, F.R.S. Mine Rescue Apparatus:— Chairman Mr. W. Walker. Standing Committee on Mining. Chairman, S’r W. Garforth, LL.D. POSTAL INFORMATION Inland Letters.—Letters not exceeding 4 oz., Hd.; overloz. and not above 6 oz., 2d.; and ^d. for every additional 2 oz. Not to exceed 21t. in length, 1 ft. in width, and 1 ft. hi depth. Post Cards.—Inland. — l|d. each; 6 for 6|d ; packet of 11, Is. Reply cards, 2|d. each; 6 for Is. 14'1.; packet of ll, 2s. No card may exceed 5s in. in length by 3| in. in width, or he less than 4 in. in length by in. m width. Newspapers. — Inland.—Registered newspapers may be sent to any part of the 1T.K. at a uniform rate of id. each for every 6 oz. Max. weight, 2 lb. Foreign, |d. for 2 oz. Printed Papers. — Not exceeding 1 oz., |d.; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 2 oz., Id (beyond 2oz., as letter rate. No printed paper may exceed 2 oz in weight. The only limit of size applicable is that app.icable to letters. Parcel Post.—Parcels not exceeding 3 lb. 6d., 7 lb. 9d., 11 lh. Is. No parcel to exceed 111b. in weight, and 3 ft. 6 in. in length, or 6 ft. in length and girth combined. Express Letter, Packet or Parcel Service.— 3d. per mile, not exceeding ten packets by same messenger, 3d. for first, l|d. each for remainder. Monet Orders.—Not exceeding £1, 2d.; £3, 3d.; £10, 4d.; £20, 6d.; £30, 8d.; £40, lOd. Telegraph Money Orders.— Same as for ordinary money orders, plus cost of telegram and supple- meutarv fee of 2d. Limit, £40. Postal Orders.—orders up to and including 15s., Id ; 15s. 6d. to 21s., lad. Telegrams.—9d. for twelve words; beyond these, id. per word. Addresses charged. Registration Fee for each inland letter, parcel or other postal packet to any place in the United Kingdom, 2d. in addition to the postage. No compensati-m is given in respect of correspondence compulsorily reg stered. If containing coin, the letter m ist be enclosed in a special Registered Letter envelope sold at all post offices. SHEEPBRIDGE COAL & IRON Co. Ltd MAKERS OF Bar Iron in Crown, Best, Cable, and British Standard Qualities. STEEL RAILS FOR COLLIERIES. Colliery Tubbing. Haulage Gear. STEAM, GAS, AND WATER PIPES. Railway Chairs and General Colliery Castings Head Offices : CHESTERFIELD. Telephone No. 356. Telegrams: ”Sheepbridge, Chesterfield.” ? ROUND STEEL WIRE ROPES, T 1 1 1 1 I Made with the Wires in the Strands and the Strands in the Ropes laid in the same direction, generally known as Ropes made on Lang’s Lay Principle Lang’s Lay Wire Rope when New. ____________________________________________ I 1 1 1 1 I _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lang’s Lay Wire Rope when Worn. Ill 9 i i 1 1 1 I 1 I PROTO. - ..J. .. THE “PROTO” RESCUE APPARATUS IS THE SAFEST APPARATUS ON THE MARKET. Exclusively adopted by the Coalowners’ Associa- tions of Lancashire, Cheshire, Doncaster. West Yorkshire, North Staffordshire, South Stafford- shire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Worcestershire. Flintshire, North Wales, Forest of Dean, Bristol, Monmouthshire, Swansea, and Lanarkshire. _____________________ Also Makers of— SMOKE HELMETS for extinguishing Gob Fires a nd for short distance work in collieries. Oxygen Reviving Apparatus, Gas Analysis Apparatus. Diving Apparatus of every description, including self-contained type (no pumps or tubes) for flooded mines and other difficult situations. ____________________ SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, & 187, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth, LONDON, S.E. 1. Telegrams—“ Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No. —Hop 3401 (2 lines). _____________________________________________________________________ ELECTRIC CABLES AND OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES. SWITCHGEAR. TRANSFORMERS. Glasgow : 159 W. George St. (Central 2391.) Birmingham : 206 Corporation St. (Central 7321.) Cardiff: 9 Park Place (Cardiff 1937.) Newcastle-on-Tyne: 44b Blackett Street (Central 1691.) Manchester : 251 Deansgate (Central 4174.) London (City) 12 Union Court, E.C.2. (Central 2207.) Johnson AND Phillips f Charlton. London.S.E. 7. Telegrams ; “ Juno, London.” Te'ephone: Greenwich, 400. HURST, NELSON & CO. LTD. -“HARDIAX” “ALL-STEEL” Coal-Cutter (Patented). ABSOLUTELY UNEQUALLED BY ANYTHING HITHERTO PLACED ON THE MARKET, ALFRED ALLEN & SON LTD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. 3Z7S TSwSSSC- London Office : 14,Leadenhall St., E.C.3. . Cardiff Office : Gordon Chambers, 31, Queen Street. Chesterfield Office: 27, Burlington Street. Glasgow Office: 40, West Nile Street. Fastest and most durable percussive coal- cutter extant - Steel from end to end. ____________________ The Glasgow Rolling Stock & Plant Works, MOTHERWELL. HUNDREDS OF THESE MACHINES ARE AT WORK. THREE BRITISH COLLIERIES HAVE OVER 150. THE HARDY PATENT PICK COMPANY Ltd., -------- SMEFF'TELD ____ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________ Printed by The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31, Furnival' Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4.