1374 [supplement PAGE VIII.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 27, 1918. £ C*u«wooo»&nuvl« The DE LAVAL STEAM TURBINE THE MOST EFFICIENT PRIME MOVER There is no more efficient prime mover than the De Laval Steam Turbine—especially for Colliery Service. Simplicity of construction, low steam consumption, close speed regu- lation, are its most important advantages—combined with sound mechanical construction and design. They are made in all capacities up to 600 B.H.P. Give us the opportunity of placing full details in your hands. Greenwood & Batley ltd’ Leeds. ALLOY STEELS. HIGH-CLASS CRUCIBLE STEEL BRIGHT-DRAWN REELED and BLACK ROLLED BARS. THE SHEFFIELD MERCANTILE STEEL CO. Ltd. NAPIER STREET, SHEFFIELD. , ( NAPIER STREET-1114 & 1115 Telephone Nos. ; (AGENCY DEPT., 63, NORFOLK ST.-2031. London Office 20, WESTMINSTER PALACE CARDENS, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON S.W. 1. Telephone No.—3605 VlCTOR'A.