December 27, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page III.] 1369 Wall Crane Hydraulic Jack. Duplex Punch, Heavy Lifting Crab, Strong Wall Crab. Rail Bender. Sc?ew Traverse Jack. Gin Block. WornlBlock. Wood Haley Jacks. Asfr for List No. 28. YOUNGS, Ryland Street Works, BIRMINGHAM. Tel. No.—296 Smethwick (4 lines) Telegraphic Address—“ Carriage, Smethwick, Birmingham.’1' THE Grand Prix, Buenos Ayres Exhibition, 1910. BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY CARRIAGE & WAGON CO. LD., FOR HOME SMETHWICK. AND ABROAD. -- MANUFACTURERS OF------- RAILWAY CARRIAGES & WAGONS of every description, including ALL-STEEL CARRIAGES. Pressed Steel Underframes, Bodies and Bogies. Makers of Railway Wheels and Axles, Ironwork, Axle Boxes, Castings, &c. Sole Manufacturers of Dean and Churchward’s Patent “Eitherside” Brake, and Marillier’s Patent “Instanter” Coupling. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES. T c. FBJTEKS Vol. I., Price 21s. net (By post 21s. 9d.). Vol. II., Price 10s. 6d. net (By post Ils.). SUPPLEMENTARY VOL. Price 10s. 6d. net (By post 11s.). THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. LOWER 12 RAISE. 5 RAISE -STOP, Slower .STEADILY. IO S'* —v*« 9\ k 8A E*Aleut No. and Patents Mos. 7241 and 17607 applied for. WINDING SIGNALS “ NUN-CUMULATIVE.” DAVIS’S Self=Contained SOLENOID BELL with DIAL INDICATOR. Simple, Efficient, Inexpensive. SEND FOR LIST 41V. JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., All Saints Works, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. 1 Phone—240 Derby. Telegrams—“ Davis, Derby.” --SIZES—- TO CARRY 3 and 5 TONS. With or Without Tipping Bodies. MANN’S STEAM CART & WAGON Co. Ltd., Hunslet, LEEDS. London Office : 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. ' UP-TO-DATE EXPLOSIVES MAINTAINING OUR V 30 YEARS’ REPUTATION. vl ROBURITE No. 4 -------♦ and ♦—-■---------------------------------- NEGRO POWDER No. 2 THE SAFEST and MOST EFFICIENT EXPLOSIVES on the NEW PERMITTED LIST. ROBURITE & AMMONAL LIMITED, Gathurst, near Wigan. LONDON OFFICE: 103, Cannon Street, London, E.C. 4. Telegraphic Addresses: “Roburite, Cannon, London.” “ Roburite, Gathurst.” Telephone Nos. : 141 Bank. 9 Upholland.