December 13, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE XI.] 1269 ALLOY STEELS. HIGH-CLASS CRUCIBLE STEEL BRIGHT-DRAWN REELED and BLACK ROLLED BARS. F L THE SHEFFIELD MERCANTILE STEEL CO. Ltd. NAPIER STREET, SHEFFIELD. (NAPIER STREET-1114 & 1115. Telephone Nos. x (AGENCY DEPT., 63, NORFOLK ST.-2031. London Office 20, WESTMINSTER PALACE GARDENS, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. 1. Telephone No.—3605 VICTORIA. ADDED TO YOUR OUTPUT SURE LY a point worth your consideration I This can actually be realised by the use of reliable LEATHER BELTING in place of a Textile Belt. In addition to the increased Power Transmission from Leather Belting the wearing properties are very much greater. 'T'HE superiority of Leather Belting in comparison with Textile Beltsis universally acknowledged. The price of leather has been frequently brought forward as a reason for using textile belting, but the difference in cost is now so slight, and when you consider that xullis ’ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZZZ/ZZZZZ. LEATHER BELTING The SERVICE” BELT The SERVICE ” BELT ADDS 20 PER CENT. TO YOUR OUTPUT, the argument is undoubtedly in favour of its use. QWING to the difficulty of getting thoroughly matured leather suitable for first-class belting, we have made a practice of keeping belting in stock for several months to mature. We are in a position to give from the large stocks we hold of the following standard classes:— STANDARD OAK TANNED BELTING PATENT ORANGE TAN LEATHER BELTING SPECIAL COLOMBIA LEATHER BELTING. Send for our fully illustrated “ H ” Dept. Catalogue and consult us if in difficulty regarding the most suitable belt for any particular drive. JOHN TULLIS & SON, Ltd --B EL TING ST. ANN’S WORKS GLASGOW.