1238 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 13, 1918. HADFIELDS IF Colliery Requisites of every description. COMPLETE STONE BREAKING and ORE CRUSHING PLANTS. Steel Castings and Forgings of all kinds. Sole Makers of HADFIELD’S PATENT ERA Manganese Steel THE SUPREME MATERIAL for Railway and Tramway Special Track-work; also wearing parts of Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Machinery, etc. Hecla & East Hecla Works, SHEFFIELD. Works area over 200 acres. Workmen employed over 15,000. a HADFIELD’S DUST-PROOF COLLIERY TUB. The wheels are fitted on the axles by Hadfield’s Special “ Lock-fast ” method, which gives absolute security. BRITISH SCIENCE PRODUCTS EXHIBITION, College of Technology, MANCHESTER. 'T'HIS Exhibition, which opens 1 on December 27th, relates chiefly to products formerly imported from enemy countries, but now made in this Country. CAUR exhibits will illustrate the progress we have made in our own special line of work. Hadfield’s Special “COAL-CUT” STEEL for Coal Cutter Bits is unsurpassed for Durability. WIRE ROPES FOR ALL PURPOSES. 4^ WIRE DRAWERS WIRE ROPES for WINDING HAULING AERIAL ROPEWAYS CRANES AIRCRAFT (Established 1730 GUIDES, ETC., ETC FLATTENED STRAND- LOCKED COIL . . works HAY MILLS BIRMINGHAM PHONE : 338 A/*’ LATEST PATENT O 0 or 339 victoria, Birmingham. GRAMS: “ LATCH, HAY MILLS.” WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agenfo for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place, LEEDS. SPENCER & pO. LD Engineers, Melksham BRANCH OFFICES. WILTS HULL- Burnett Avenue. CARDIFF—. 92, Claude Road. LONDON- 32. Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 LIVERPOOL- 34. Castle Street. “ AB.” PATENT PUMPS. Did you ever figure up the time an operator wastes every day in priming and starting the old style tool pump ? Costs money, doesn’t it? Use the modern up-to-date “ A.B.,” and turn that time into production. It does NOT require priming, and works smoothly without in packing it tight. It can be For SUDS, delay used on O!L, machine tools WATER, &c. We supply ex stock. Can we send you one on trial ? Full particulars from— THE ALL BRITISH TOOL <& STEEL CO., Prudential Buildings, SHErriBLD, The Avery Automatic ^^^f^^iency. Stalled in your plant means great * anJ Weighs the coal led to or ^-^0^ y elevators, handled by g - {or particulars. W.W&T. AVERY LTD., “SSa"1' BIRMINGHAM. =?) W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool.