December 13, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1223 ' INCREASE YOUR OUTPUT.' WE CAN GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE AT THE LOWEST COST. NO LEAKAGE OF AGIO. BRITISH PRODUCTIONS ENTIRELY. ACCUMULATORS for all purposes. Firemen’s Emergency Pocket Lamp. Size 5i in. by 4 in. Telegrams— “ PELECTLYTO, BOCHURCH, LONDON." Telephone— 119 STRATFORD. Miners’ Electric Lamp. Weight 4} lb. Pearson’s Electric Miners’ Lamp C? L? Victoria Works, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, LONDON, E. 15. NATIONAL IMPORTANCE SAVE FUEL JSIMPLET Fit up a -CIRCULATOR CIRCULATOR. W ■ ■ MORE POWER J J Can be installed in a few hours without interfering with existing fittings. 4dopted by Collieries, Iron & Steel Works, and all large steam users. THE LONDON SIMPLET ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. BOLTON HOUSE, CULLUM STREET, FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. 3 Telephone : Avenue 872. LABORATORY— 20 CULLUM STREET, E.C.3. Telephone: Central 11029. Telegrams : “Lonplet, Fen, London.” STRONG’S PATENT MINE SIGNALLING APPARATUS. NON-CUMULATIVE, AUDIBLE, VISIBLE, and ILLUMINATED SIGNAL. Entirely fulfils the requirements of the Coal Mines Regulation Act. Simple in action, absolutely reliable and fool-proof. Registers “ Men ” and “ Right-away ” Signals on one Dial. THE BEST INDICATOR ON THE MARKET. Write for Circular giving full particulars, to THE CLAY CROSS GO. LTD., Hear CHESTERFIELD. WELDLESS STEEL TUBES AND CONSTRUCTIONS. British Manufacture throughout. High-class Quality. Excellent Finish. Accuracy. The material for your requirements may be in stock. J. E. SLACK, 80, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. Depot—Millwall. Telegrams—“ Jeslaker, Cannon, London.” HAMMERED CAST IRON Premier Works, PISTON RINGS Don Road, SHEFFIELD (by the Davy-Robertson Process). All sizes from 24 in. to 72 in. In our Special Piston Ring Iron. THE STANDARD PISTON RING & ENGINEERING CO. LTD., QUICK DELIVERY. LOW PRICES. I THORNTON’S INSTRUMENTS for the FIELD, MINE, and DRAWING OFFICE, are constructed on Scientific Principles, and are unequalled in Design and Workman- ship. The illustrations are of two of our recent patents. Send for particulars, you will be interested. Illustrated catalogue, up to 1,000 illustrations and 450 pages, the most up-to-date in the world. Sent free. A. G. THORNTON Manufacturers, Ltd. Paragon Works, 19, King Street West, MANCHESTER. TYPES. OF ALL WATER TUBE TYPE. Simplicity of design with maximum efficiency. WOLVERHAMPTON, Eng. THE “CROWN” ROTARY GEARED PUMP FOR OIL OR WATER AND SUDS. Useful in Collieries, Pumping Sta- tions, Railroad Shops, and also on Machine Tools. Supplied with | in., f in. or A in. Gas Suction and delivery. Capacity 120 gallons at 320 revolutions. THE CROWN ENGINEERING Co., 123-7 Sheen Rd.. Richmond. Surrey. “CROWN” COVERINGS for Boilers, Piping, Superheaters, &c. 96 SAVING in Radiation, Greatest Economy, Longest Service. - ' ■ s fCUjjl il Cannot be impaired, however intense the heat. Our TELLURIC CEMENT, unequalled for general purposes. So/e Makers: SUTCLIFFE BROS., Union Works, GODLEY, nr. Manchester.