1190 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 6, 1918. MINE MANAGERS’ EXAMINATIONS. We have received from, the Secretary of the Board . for Mining Examinations copies of the questions set at the examinations for certificates of competency as managers and under-managers of mines and for certifi- cates of qualification as surveyors of mines, which were held by the Board on November 26 and 27 at Edin- burgh, Newcastle, Sheffield, Wigan, and Birmingham. The text of the papers is given below. [Note.—The figures in brackets against each question indicate the maximum number of marks obtainable.] For First-Class (Manager’s) Certificate of Competency. Subject No. 1.—Winning and Working. (Six questions only to be answered. No. 3 is compulsory.) 1. Explain generally why coal seams are found at various inclinations, and also how faults have been caused. (40) Fig. I.—Subject No. 2. Ventilation. Downcast Fault I H ii ii rn \ \ \ —v \ Plan referred to in Question No. 1 (1st Class), and Question No. 1 (2nd Class). The open working faces requiring to be ventilated are distinguished by a thick black line ; the open airways and haulage roads, by two parallel lines. All the rest of the space within the edge of the solid coal is filled with stowing. There are to be five splits of air and two air crossings. The seam is level—coal is raised only at the downcast shaft. - 2. A level cross measure drift, 14 ft. high and 18 ft. wide, has to be driven from the shaft to a seam of coal, through inclined strata. It is decided to make the drift in two operations—that is, to have a leading drift 7 ft. high and 9 ft. wide driven in front of the main drift. What is the advantage of this method ? Show by sketches (plan and elevation) the relation of the leading drift to the main one. Explain the work and the labour employed. Show the position of the shot holes in each drift, and also the temporary timber. (40) 3. Compulsory Question.—How would you work a seam of coal of the following section : Strong sandstone, 10 ft.; shale (moderately hard), 1 ft. 6 in.; top coal, 2 ft. 6 in.; soft shale, 1 ft.; bottom coal, 2 ft. Inclination, 1 in 5; cleavage, 45 degs. to the rise and dip. The shafts are sunk in the centre of the coal field, which is one mile square. Set out the workings showing the roadways, stating which are for traffic, travelling, and for intake and return airways respectively. Say what amount of coal you would expect from each district for one shift. Give ample dimensions. (50) 4. Give your views on the practical results obtained from coal-cutting machinery and conveyors. (40) 5. Describe, with sketches, what arrangements you would make at the top of a sinking pit for disposing of the debris where the hoppit is suspended : (a) By three chains; (6) with a bow fixed just below the middle; (c) with a bow fixed on the top. (40) 6. To what principal points would you direct your atten- tion in order to increase the output of coal per man from the coal face ? ■ (40) 7. Given a long endless over-rope haulage way, describe an arrangement at the top of the incline so that the weight of the rope shall not be borne by ,the loaded tub as it passes over the top of the incline. Draw a rough plan and elevation of the arrangement. (40) Subject No. 2.—Theory and Practice of Ventilation. (Six questions only to be answered. No. 2 question is compulsory.) 1. Indicate by means of the usual symbols how you would ventilate the workings of a mine shown on the accompanying plan (fig. 1) with five splits of air and two air-crossings. (30) 2. Compulsory Question.—Show by means of a separate sketch drawn in vertical section through the centre the details of each part of which a bonneted Marsaut safety lamp is composed. The oil vessel and everything attached to it is to be one sketch; the frame and everything attached to it is to. be another sketch. Each part inserted and held between the frame and the oil vessel is to be shown in a separate' sketch. The scale is to be about one-half the natural size. (50) 3. What is the average temperature of the air in an upcast shaft 750 yards deep when the average tempera- ture in the downcast, also 750 yards deep, is 60 degs. Fahr., and the difference of pressure is equal to a column of water 2 in. high. (30) 4. Sketch and describe an apparatus intended to measure the relative intensity of light emitted by two different sources, one of which may be a standard candle. (30) 5. The quantity of air passing through a shaft 2,250 ft. deep by 18 ft. in diameter, under a pressure equal to one- half inch of water column, is 250,000 cu. ft. per minute; what is the value of the coefficient of friction per sq. ft. of rubbing surface per 1,000 ft. of velocity per minute? (30) 6. Sketch and describe a set of separation doors suitable for use on a level roadway along which coal is being conveyed by means of an endless over-tub rope. (30) 7. Describe and show by means of sketches how you would.ventilate a single exploring heading driven forward to. a distance of, say, 700 yards in advance of the workings without in any way obstructing the air current or reducing the efficiency of the ventilation in the rest of the work- ings. (30) Subject No. 3.—Explosions in Mines, Underground Fires, . and Inundations. (Five questions only to be answered.) 1. Describe the incineration or other suitable test for a mixture of coal dust and stone dust. (30) 2. After an explosion, men are discovered suffering from burns, and others from the effects of afterdamp. In removing them from the mine, what measures should be adopted for their temporary relief and comfort ? (25) 3. Describe and sketch a case of underground fire which would necessitate the reversal of the ventilation. When and by whom should the order for the reversal be given ? (25) 4. How are fires most likely to be caused by electricity above and below ground, and how can they be prevented and extinguished ? (25) 5. In connection with the use of rescue apparatus, how is the supply of oxygen assured, and excess of carbon- dioxide prevented? What can the wearer do to detect and guard against defects in these matters ? Illustrate your answer with sketches. (25) Pt a N N9 !. IV/z - Front Elevation. W Holes far 7/s bolts. /4- Referred to irv 2 Side Elevation. B“ Side Elevation. Front Elevation 8 Holes for 7/s bolts. Fig. 2.—Subject No. 4. Machinery. Question No. 4 (1st Class). \ I i Scale of Feet for Plan N?2. Fig. 3.—Subject No. 5. Surveying, Levjelling, and Drawing. Qn. Nos. 1 & 2 (1st Cl., and Surveyor’s Certificate). 6. In the course of working a seam of coal an old bore- hole from the surface is met with. The borehole lets down an inconvenient though not dangerous volume of water from inaccessible workings above, which it is desirable to prevent. How would you proceed ? (25) Subject No. 4.—Machinery. (Five questions only to be answered.) 1. In dip workings of a naked light pit hitherto dry a feeder of water is struck, yielding 150 gals, per minute. The shaft is 200 yds. deep, and the dip workings are reached by a level road 100 yds. long, and then an in- cline 500 yds. long dipping 1 in 6. Describe the plant required underground to raise the water to the surface, and give the leading dimensions. Any kind of power is available at surface. (28) 2. Describe the equipment of a switchboard for the power house of an electrical plant consisting of a three- phase 500 kw. generator delivering high-tension current to two circuits. (28) 3. An air compressor has one steam cylinder and one air cylinder, each 20 in. in diameter, arranged in tandem (stroke 40 in.). The steam pressure is 80 lb. per sq. in. The point of cut-off in the steam cylinder is at three- quarter stroke. The steam is not condensied. Draw an indicator diagram such as might be taken from the front end of the steam cylinder, and another such as might be taken from the front end of the air cylinder. Make the diagrams approximately to a scale of 1 in. to 40 lb. per sq. in. (28) 4. You are suddenly called upon to couple some delivery pipes to a new pump before the proper pipes arrive. The 7 in. delivery branch of the pump is as shown on sketch A (fig. 2). Some 6 in. pipes are available with flanges as sketch B. Show by a dimensioned hand sketch in your answer book how you would get the pipes coupled to the pump. The head is 360 ft. (38) 5. Describe a pulsometer pump, and state how it works. To what height will a pulsometer raise water with steam at a pressure of 80 lb. per sq. in. ? (28) 6. How are the following tests made on individual wires from wire ropes: (a) For tensional strength; (6) for torsional strength ; (c) for bending strength. What t'en- sional strength would you expect from plough steel wire expressed in ions per sq. in. ? (28) Subject No. 5.—Surveying, Levelling, and Drawing. (Five question-s only to be answered. Candidates for Surveyor’s Certificate must answer Question 2.) 1. Plan No. 2 (fig. 3) shows the line of a large fault in three different seams at the relative levels marked above a given datum. Draw a section on the line AB, to a scale, of 1 in. to 100 ft., and show the inferred line of the fault in a seam 100 yds. below seam No. 3. (30) 2. Reproduce on your answer book plan No. 1 (fig. 3) on a scale double that of the plan. Leave in all working lines. (30) . 3. Describe, with sketches if necessary, how you would make a plan on a scale of in. to 66 ft. from an Ordnance Survey Map on a scale of without using any enlarging instrument. How would you test the Ordnance Map for shrinkage and how allow for it, if there be any, in en- larging ? (25) 4. Calculate the quantity of earth to be removed in excavating a rectangular pond 60 ft. by 30 ft. at the bottom, and 8 ft. deep, with sides on an angle of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. The surface of the ground before exca- vation is level. GiVe your answer in cubic yards. (25) 5. A plan of an old mine is handed to you. It shows surface lines ond workings, but no meridian. You are required to survey and lay down the workings of a new mine on the plan. How would you proceed with the work and test the accuracy of the old plan at the same time ? (30) 6. A seam dips N. 35 degs. E. 1 in 4. What would be the inclination of a road driven in the seam N. 25 degs. W. ? Find the answer by calculation and check by con- struction. (25) 7. What tests would you apply to a spirit level and to a straight edge before proceeding to use them for levelling ? State how you would secure that your measure- ments of rise and fall are taken truly vertical. (25) Subject No. 6.—General Management and Mining Legislation. (Five questions only to be answered. No. 1 is compulsory.) 1. Compulsory Question.—What is the object of pit committees as recently instituted ? How are they appointed ? (30) 2. What does the term “ mine ” include as used and defined in the Coal Mines Act? (25) 3. What classes of workmen may be allowed to ride in tubs on haulage roads, and under what conditions? (25) 4. Under certain circumstances a colliery manager may undertake the management of more than one mine. What are those circumstances ? (25) 5. Special regulations may be obtained for a mine. What is the procedure for the adoption of special regu- lations? (25) 6. What are the regulations concerning the use and storage of candles underground ? (25) For Second-Class (Under-Manager’s) Certificate of Competency. Subject No. 1.—Mine Working. (Five questions only to be answered. No. 1 is compulsory.) 1. Compulsory Question.—In a level seam 2 ft. thick there is a coal face 150 yards long on which coal-cutting