November 29, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page V.] 1155 BENZOL and TOLUOL PLANTS PRODUCTS. CONCENTRATED AMMONIA LIQUOR. Telegrams THE COPPEE COKE OVENS BY-PRODUCT PLANTS, and Established 1851. COPPEE COAL WASHERS FOR CRUDE, PURE AND OTHER COMMERCIAL For Particulars, apply to- COPPEE COMPANY (BRITAIN) Ltd King’s House, Kingsway, LONDON, W.C. 2. : “EVCOPPEE, WESTCENT, LONDON." Telephone : HOLBORN, 5820 (2 lines). SELF=LUBRICATING STEAM ENGINES Simple, Compound, and Triple=Expansion Types. Our aim has always been the production of the most efficient and reliable Engine rather than the cheapest. z ABIC. 2 K Three-throw Triple=Expansion Engine and Dynamo. ESTABLISHED 1852. a s Our Engines are imitated but not excelled, as proved by the large number of repeat orders. BELL1SS & MORCOM LIMITED Telegrams : “BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” BIRMINGHAM. LONDON OFFICE : 8, VICTORIA STREET, S.W. 1.