1154 [supplement PAGE IV.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 29, 1918. ALLOY STEELS. HIGH-CLASS CRUCIBLE STEEL BRIGHT-DRAWN REELED and BLACK ROLLED BARS. THE SHEFFIELD MERCANTILE STEEL CO. Ltd. NAPIER STREET, SHEFFIELD. ... , u ( NAPIER STREET—1114 & 1115. Telephone Nos. s (agency DEPT., 63, NORFOLK ST.-2031. London Office 20, WESTMINSTER PALACE CARDENS, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON S.W. 1. Telephone No.—3605 VICTORIA. Standard Vibrating Conveyors. GF&CaLo I080. , , 1 “AMARILLA” VIBRATING CONVEYORS AND SCREENS. FOR ANY DUTY. George Fletcher & Co DERBY. SPECIALISTS IN COLLIERY, MINING AND CEMENT WORKS PLANT. -O_ 9 Organisation against Mine Pests The scientific extermination of Rats Mine-owners know only too well the serious destruction caused by rats to timbers and constructional stock, apart from realising the nuisance caused by these pests to miners and colliers, and will no doubt welcome the movement that is afoot for the extermination of the vermin. Could a modern Pied Piper be discovered with the magic power of luring all the rats to their death, he would save Great Britain and Ireland the colossal damage caused to food and property by the rat- enemy in our midst—which damage is estimated at at least 40 million pounds per annum. The gaunt menace of Jfv’ the rat problem is the more serious because __________ not only have we to pay so huge a price for entertaining the unwelcome guests, but we also are faced with the possibility of greater horrors such as the in troduction of the germ of Plague which it is definitely established is carried by rats. Such possibilities are all the more serious because of the shortage of medical men. Drastic action has now been taken by the Government, and undertheRats Orderof August 18th 1918 (No. 1071) local authorities are empowered to direct the occupier of land or buildings to take the necessary steps fortheextermination of rats. In the event of non-com- pliance, the local authority itself will take action and debit the occupier with the cost. The only method of extermi- nation that can be effective in completely ridding our granaries, warehouses, shipping, and mills of these pests, is the introduction into every rat colony of the disease germ which is isolated and cultivated by one of our largest laboratories for bacteriological research. These germs or disease-pro- ducing bacteria are known as the Liverpool Virus for Rats and Mice, produced by Evans Sons Lescher & Webb Limited. It is virulent and particularly active, and when infec- tion is introduced amongst a colony of rats by applying the Virus to suitable bait, the whole colony is affected and exterminated, the rats communicating a fatal intestinal 1^, disease to one another and i? most cases beingspeedily obliter- ated. The Virus has 110 effect upon human beings or domestic animals; and the disease produced is of a nature that compels the rats or mice to come into the open air to die, thus causing no unpleasant smells. Liverpool Virus lor Rats is supplied on bait ready for use in 2/6 and 6/- tins ; for Mice in 1/6 tins. In this form the Virus involves no trouble in use ; it can, however, be obtained without bait if required, in 2/6 and 8/- tubes for Rats, and 1/6 tubes for Mice. The Virus is obtainable from almost all Chemists, but in case of difficulty write direct to Evans Sons Lescher & Webb Limited, 56 Hanover Street, Liverpool, who will supply at the above prices, and will gladly advise any large users or institutions on any matter connected with the extermination of the rodents. Correspondence as to pro- cedure in special circumstances is invited. <|> c/i