November 29, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1121 100,000 supplied or on order. Approved by both British and French Governments—that’s the Sterling record of the Hailwood . . Combustion Tube Lamp. Gives 1| to 1| C.P., it is cheaper and more reliable than an electric lamp— and it has gas de- tecting properties, too. „ HAILWOOD $ e COMBUSTION TUSP- Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp is the ideal lamp for the miner. Because of the scien- tific principles upon which its construction is based, it is not readily smoked up, may be tilted without being extinguished, and is easy to clean. You will never be satis- fied with another lamp after you have seen the clear white light of the Hailwood. Our Circular gives the details. Send for a Copy. Ackroyd & Best L° BEACON WORKS, MORLEY, YORKS. 30-H.P. DOUBLE DRUM HAULADE DEAR. AMD M. B. WILD & CO. LTD., Birmingham. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—“Hauling, Birmingham.” Manufacturers of Hauling, Winding, and Pumping Plants, also Capstans, Winches, and Patent Dirt Tip. Sole Makers of “Exhall” Overwind Preventer.