986 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE II.] November 8, 1918. FOR EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY For further particulars apply to LANCASHIRE BOILER FITTED WITH CIRCULATOR. 10%to15%M0RE STEAM OR 3%to8%SAVINGinFIW^ Bolton House, Cullum Street, Fenchurch Street, Telephone—AVENUE 872. LABORATORY-20, CULLUM STREET, EC. 3 Telephone—CENTRAL 11029. Telegrams—“ LONPLET, FEN, LONDON.” THE LONDON SIMPLE! ENGINEERING C? L •£ NEVER PASS. PATENTED PUMP BUCKETS - If - your water end of pump gives you trouble, Write us for List B. PUMP BUCKETS Flexible ~rings '■/.... , • ■ III:-.- 1 The Rings are Flexible, they Expand Automatically to Pressure, are Always Tight, are not Split, do not cause Uneven Wear, Reducing Friction to a Minimum. SOLE PROPRIETORS : Electric Signalling with Bare Wires DAVIS’S SPECIAL BELLS. TREMULOUS OR SINGLE STROKE. Patent. With these BELLS there is NO POSSIBILITY of a SPARK. Suitable for A.C. or D.C. Davis’s Relays with SPECIAL WINDING, overcoming sparking on the line and in the Relay. Davis=Fryar Mechano=Electric Signalling. Patent. B EJ----•— 0 The Davis-Fryar System dispenses entirely with bare wires and is in successful operation throughout the country. SEND FOR I.1ST 41H.OS. DICING' Ltd., Stratford, London, E. 15 Telegrams: “ Dezine, Stratford, Loudon.” Telephone: 365 Stratford. JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY, & WESTMI NSTe'r. Vw. 1