November 8, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 953 HOW DO YOU COMPLY WITH REGULATION No. 124 of the O COAL MINES ACT of 1911 ■ The test is rendered prac- ticable and easy by means of this Induction Regulator, specially designed for ser- vice in COAL Miff RS. Write for Catalogue Section 27. SWITCHGEAR & COWANS LTD- SPRINGFIELD LANE, SALFORD, MANCHESTER. PORTABLE FANS PORTABLE FANS SUITABLE FOR SUPPLYING AIR TO CONFINED SPACES—e.g., SHIPS’ BOTTOMS & BILGES, OR MINE SINKINGS, OR VATS WHEN CLEANING INTERIOR SURFACES, OR FOR BLOWING SURFACE DUST FROM MOTORS, GENERATORS, &c. ALSO Blowing and Exhaust Fans Blowing forge fires and all kinds of furnaces ; rivet- heating & brazing fires, &c., &c. FOR Exhausting dust from polishing machines, and local ventilation of tunnels and mine drifts, &c. James Keith & Blackman Co. Ltd., 27, FARRINGDON AVENUE, LONDON, E.C. 4. THE BUTTERLEY COMPANY Ld„ -------PIT TRAM AND WAGON WORKS :- Codnor Park, ALFRETON. Telegrams : “ Smedley, Ironville.” Telephone: No. 67, 68, & 69, Ripley. PIT TRAMS in WOOD or STEEL. I* t X OPEN. CLOSED. COLLIERY OWNERS and MANAGERS are invited to send for particulars of The BUTTERLEY PATENT ADJUSTABLE END. A novel idea in pit trams. Designed to comply with the Coal Mines Act, 1911, and to facilitate loading. Can be Readily Fixed to Existing Trams. Girders Hydraulically Cold Straightened.