November 1, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE XV.] 947 COAL SAVING BY SCIENTIFIC METHODS IN ! IHEBOiLER HOUSE _____________ _____________ New Boiler = Plants. The average nett working effi- ciency of new Colliery boiler-plants erected to-day is only about 602, The new boiler-plant designed on scientific lines will give 75—802 efficiency, corresponding to an annual saving of—say 202, which goes on for the whole life of the plant (say 20 years). We offer you our services as Specialists in this business with ten years’ continuous experience inclu- ding every description of boiler- plant in almost every industry. We are prepared to design for you a plant on the most up-to-date lines and supply all drawings, specifica- tions, and builders’ quantities. Also advise on the fuel to be used and the treatment of the boiler-feed water, and carry out all the chemical analysis necessary. Further, we will send you down one of our trained engineers to instruct your boiler-house staff in running the new plant until the maximum efficiency is attained. We shall be glad to explain our proposition personally or by letter, and are prepared to visit the pro- posed site of any new plant free of charge. BtTihmlie & CSmn.WtA. TECHNICAL CHEMISTS & ENGINEERS SPECIALISTS IAI FUEL ECONOMY .2.AUSTIN FRIARS. LONDON. EC 2 UutPHONE ___...___6292 LONDON WALL Manchester . ... ______30 Cross Streit Glasgow .............94 Hope Street Laboratories ano Testing Station Church Street Cheetham Manchester _____________________________________________ “ACME 1000 AULD’S PATENT STEAM REDUCING VALVES g|jE|g§si Also Makers of Special FULL BORE ,Patent Steam Seducing Valves for Blowing, JSSsriBL Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from 3 h’gh to low Pressure boilers, &c. . DAVID AULD & SONS, Patentees and JUalters, LTD, Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW. _______________ __________________ --SIZES----- TO CARRY 3 and 5 TONS. ___ With or Without Tipping Bodies. ______ ________________________________________ PECKETT & SONS LTD., Bristol. Speciality TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for COLLIERIES, IRONWORKS, CONTRACTORS, &c., always in progress for Early Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations on application. Tel. Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. Established 1864. OABLB : A.B C. CODB, Telegraphic Address: “Haggle. Gateshead.” Telephones: 3067, 3068. HAGGIE BROS. LTD GA TESHEAD-ON-TYNE • — J ESTABLISHED 1800. iSMi A WS!?! MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF t * J I | III! u Ul 4 -i^as frit t j ROUND IND FLAT WIRE ROPES for Collieries, Mines, Cable-Tramways, Incline Haulage, Aerial Ropeways, Power Transmission, Cranes, Derricks, Elevators, Steam Ploughs, Suspension Bridges, Pit Guides. FLATTENED STRAND HAULAGE AND WINDING ROPES. LOCKED COIL WINDING ROPES AND PIT GUIDE ROPES. Standing Rigging fitted complete, Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries, Lightning Conductors, etc. Also all kinds of Round and Flat Hemp and Manilla Ropes, Coir Ropes, etc. NON-SPINNING ROPES. Guaranteed absolutely free from any spin whatever. Specially adapted for SINKING purposes to any depth, and for use on CRANES ; has 25 per cent. Greater Breaking Strain than ordinary constructed ropes, and contains Exceptional Flexibility combined with Durability. LONDON OFFICE : 34, Fenchurch Street. E.C. GLASGOW OFFICE: 134, St. Vincent Street. Telephone, 1595 Avenue. CARDIFF STORE : W. H. Tucker, 3, 4d 5, West Bute St. SOUTH AFRICAN AGENT : HULL STORE : Jas. Ruthven, St. Andrew’s Dock. D. Cullen, M.E., Loveday St., Johannesburg. V ■ CT IM—lll. . GEORGE BURNSIDE, Burnside’s Safety Boring Apparatus. Used moat successfully in tapping old Mine Workings. Apply for Catalogue. Rock and Stone Drilling Machines: Drills to any Size Also Bye Guards for Pit Ponies. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, CO. DURHAM. J A , > •"I ‘Russell’Steel DOGSPIKES For HIGH CLASS QUALITY and PRACTICAL UTILITY are UNSURPASSED. In use throughout the world. Large Stocks of all sizes held. JOHN G. RUSSELL, Clydesdale Spike Works, WISHAW, SCOTL ANU. ________________ MANN’S STEAM CART & WAGON Co. Ltd., Hunslet, LEEDS. London Office : 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C.