October 25, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE XVII.] 895 COAL SAVING BYSCIENTIFIC METHODS IN THE BOiLER HOUSE jg Experience. We have had many years experience in investigating the working of steam boiler-plants and in designing schemes of reorganisation to obtain maximum efficiency We have just published in Engineering the results of the working of 250 typical steam boiler-plants in Great Britain, representing 8 years con- tinuous working, and we shall be very pleased to send you a copy free of charge. These results show an average nett working efficiency of 60^ for all industries, and in the case of collieries 50^. We are able to reorganise a boiler-plant to run on 70—75X efficiency under average condi- tions, representing a saving on colliery boiler-plants of—say 30^. We shall be glad to explain our proposition personally or by letter, and we are prepared to visit your Colliery free of charge and give you our opinion of the working of your boiler-plant. Uh’ohmltc & (Stwn.lEtxt TECHNICAL CHEMISTS & ENGINEERS SPECIALISTS IM FUEL ECONOMY 2.AUSTIN FRIARS. LONDON. EC 2 TeuEPHONE .. . ......... „.6292 London Wavu Manchester. . .. ..... 30 Cross Street Glasgow ... .........B4 Hope Street Laboratories ano Testing Station Church Street Cheetham Manchester On War, Admiralty, and Crown Agents’ List. Estab. 1893. May we quote you ? Sih t'-l k A- A. TATTERSAIaIj & Co., Makers, Blackburn. We make VITRIFIED Corundum wheels for cutter and internal grinding, and SEMI-VITRIFIED Abrasive wheels up to 48 in. dia. for general work. Also Machines. EJiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllHIlUIIIIIIIIlF HEYWOOD &BRIDGES IMPROVED Unequalled for Colliery Haulage, J-j AVE been used with complete success in Collieries, Mines, Quarries. &c., during the last quarter of a century. rpHEY are safe, • efficient, durable, and absolutely reliable. THE heaviest type may be put into or out of gear by a boy. 2OO'PAGE CATALOGUE (C33) of Clutches, Gearing, & Haulages, post free. I David Bridge & C?b? = Castleton Ironworks, I Castleton, W Manchester. EE London Address., yflf 35 Queen Victoria St E.C. HEYWOOD A BR106ES PATENT FRICTION CLUTCHES AND complete hauling GEARS Tel. No. 4033 Central. Manufacturers of— COAL CUTTER PICKS, MINING DRILLS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND STEEL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. T. E. COPLEY & CO., Mowbray St., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE OR HIRE. Hire terms fur- nished on appli- cation. lilM Ltj.it niiTXiuvii?A J.H.NaV,10R, -J sou?, maker y s^wigah NAYLOR’S APPROVED BIFOLD MAR8AUT LAMP. Gives the best light, is the best Gas Detector, and the Safest Flame Lamp procurable. NEW MINES ACT. Approved Miners’ Lamps TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ACT. Arranged for Electric Ignition and with Mag- netic Lock. Particulars furnished on application. Demonstrations arranged by appointment. J. H, NAYLOR Central Brass Works, LTD. Established 1861. WIGAN, Brand Telephone Tel. Address: Bell: 829. IsIF “Vinco, Glasgow.” “Vinco” Miners’ & Sinkers’ OILSKIN CLOTHING A Special Feature. At Keenest Prices. Everything in Oilskins for Town 4 Country Wear. M. BARR & Co. Ld. 83, Hutcheson St,, GLASGOW, Contractors to JHLdnxi.x'skl-tiy & Numerous Corporations, EBBS ‘PHONE: 1876. GRAMS:“RINGS?BRADFORD. ar®.— THE PERFECT-GAS-TIGHT-RING T JOHN’S WORKS, DD A TWADD \KEFIELDROAD. DnAUfUnU