884 [supplement page vi.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 25, 1918. * f.--4 - -•■.■ y y. >■* . ■ ' ’ ' < - ■ ‘ - • J • • ■ 1/ «">' ,■ ».'• WATER COOLING TOWERS HOLEHOUSE’S PATENT. Makers of the largest Cooling Towers in the country. Holehouse’s Patent Natural Draught Cooling Tower in Colliery District. Capacity 200,000 gallons per hour. TOWERS IN OPERATION AT LARGE COLLIERIES IN ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. onanDUBaBannMBnHnanHBwaaHBanMDSMBDBMKBnEKnm The Davenport Engineering C9 Ed Harris Street, Bradford. Telephones : Telegrams : 3550 Bradford (4 lines). “Humidity,” Bradford. INCREASE the CAPACITY yo°ufr BOILERS By Adopting the PATENT “SUPERHEAT” FURNACE. THE PATENT SUPERHEAT FURNACE APPLIED TO HAND-FIRED BOILER. This is the Most Scientific Furnace on the Market, and can easily be fitted to any type of boiler or stoker, whether mechanically or hand-fired. Write for Particulars and for one of our Experts to see you. the SUPERHEAT FURNACE Co. Ltd. BRADFOBD- MORLEY STREET, BRADFORD.