866 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN October 25, 1918. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles:— Page Coal Transport ............................. 867 Trade Fluctuations and Profits ............. 867 Articles :— Repairing Induction Motors ................. 859 Moisture and Spontaneous Heating of Stored Coal 860 Marcus Screen Plants ....................... 863 Study of Silica Products ................... 864 Output Estimates for 1918 .................. 865 The American Coal Trade .................... 865 South Wales Mining Timber Trade ............ 870 Coastwise Shipments in September ........... 871 Labour and Wages ......................... 871 Mean Magnetic Declination................... 872 Obituary ................................... 874 Open Contracts ............................. 876 The Freight Market ......................... 876 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Acptd. 876 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ................................... 878 Government Publications..................... 878 Publications Received ...................... 878 Letters to the Editors :— Examination Candidates’ Practical Experience ... 868 Reports of Meetings: — Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ............................... 861 Refractory Materials Section of the Ceramic Society ................................... 865 The Coal and Iron Trades ....................868-871 The Tin-plate Trade......................... 865 The London Coal Trade ...................... 868 The By-Products Trade ...................... 871 Parliamentary Intelligence...................... 871 Notes from the Coal Fields...................... 872 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature........ 874 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies............ 876 Miscellanea :— Damage to Lens Mines........................ 860 Influenza and South African Coal Output— Development of Spanish Coal Fields........ 864 Spitzbergen Coal—Vancouver Island Pit Cage Disaster ................................. 865 Imperial College of Science and Technology . 871 Coal for Holland—The Ablain Coal Cake Mould— Coal Economy Exhibition................ 872 Daylight Services—Emergency Coal in London... 873 Phthisis in Ganister Minos—Partnerships Dis- solved—Coke in New South Wales............ 874 Colombian Coal—The Irish Coal Mines—Con- sumers and Weekly Returns ................ 876 Pulverised Coal Systems in America—Coal and Lighting Economies ....................... 878 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION: 30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1866. PATENTS. DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TTARRIS AND MILLS, J--1- Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. 1. Telegraphic Address—“ Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. T)ATENTS. Advice Free. ..J.. New Inventions, Designs, Trade Marks, carefully and promptly protected at low INCLUSIVE FEES. THE CONSULTING PATENT AGENCY (1880), 253, Gray’s Inn Hoad, London, W.C- 1. For COLLIERIES A SPECIALITE. ARNOLD’S Bulbous Boiler Flue. HopKinson-West Patent Boiler Flue. WM. ARNOLD & CO., Barnsley. THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT $ GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches.Crossings.Turntables,Water Cranes,Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers Cranes. Works : NEWPORT, MON. London Office-53, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. JOHU STANIAR & CO., Manchester, Eng. Wire Weavers & Metal Workers. Established over 100 Years. ——------- EVERY REQUISITE. —---------------— GAUZES in Silk and Wire. in Bristle, Weed, Fibre or Steel, for every know* of Brush Machine. PERFORATED PLATES in Iron, Steel, Zinc, Brass, Copper GUARDS for Engines, Stores, Machines, Strapping, Lifts, &c. AWARD MEDALS—Japan-British 1910, Franco-British 1908. Telegraph—“ Guuse, Manchester.’* Telephone---City VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertisement appearing on front Cover of alternate weeks. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Llanmore Works, Llanelly. WORK GUARANTEED VIVIANS BORING COMPANY BORING for MINERALS, &c. Solid Specimens of the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Work guaranteed. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bees, CUMBERLAND. “CROWN’ BOILER COVERINGS of Outstanding Superiority. 967. SAYING Intensest Heat cannot Impair. SUTCLIFFE BROS. See Illustrated Advt. PEEBLES Electrical Machinery in next week’s issue. BRUCE PEEBLES & Co. Ltd. Engineers. EDINBURGH. Mineral Enterprise in China. By W. F. COLLINS, Associate of the R. S. of Mines, F.R.G.S. Demy 8vo, with maps, Price 21s. net. “ The foreign and internal trade of China depend more than anything else on the development of mineral enterprise. Its conditions and prospects are therefore well worth study by a writer who is an expert mineralogist and has been vice-chairman of the Peking Chamber of Commerce.”—The Times. WM. HEINEMANN, 21, Bedford St, W.C. 2. ARMYTAGE & JONES Ltd. SHEAF STREET, SHEFFIELD. RAILS. WAGONS. (For all purposes). (Coal & Ballast). Boiler Tanks. Points and Crossings. CRANES. (Loco & Derrick). Sleepers. Buffer Stops. Buyers of all kinds Steel and Iron Scrap. Late Assistant General Manager Ackers, Whitley & Co. Ltd., Bickershaw Collieries, Lancs., Eng. FRANCIS GLOVER, MINING ENGINEER, Princeton Coal and Land Co. Ltd., PRINCETON, B.C., CANADA. Successful Coal Mining. Reports. Advice on Canadian Mining. ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD. HAMILTON. Telegrams—Excello. Telephone—No 57. AClCpiTJLW-XI U Of. — Makers of — GUTTA PERCHA PUMP BUCKETS, RINGS & WASHERS. AND ALL COLLIERY REQUIREMENTS. D. Liewellin Evans PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, 120, BUTE ST, CARDIFF. AGENT FOR Nobel's Egplosives, W. G. JENKINSON (ESTD. 1882), Chemical Plumber & Lead-Burner, Maker of every description of Lead=work for Sulphate of Ammonia and By=Product Plant, Saturators, Coils and Ejectors. 43, EYRE STREET, SHEFFIELD. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS. Engineer, Mechanical and Electrical, shortly OPEN to ENGAGEMENT as CHIEF ENGINEER or TECHNICAL ADVISER TO MANAGING DIRECTOR. Public school and university education. Exceptional experience at home and abroad with all types of modern machinery as applied to mining, particularly 3-phase H.T. electrical generation and transmission, and compressed-air plant. Specialist in organisation and in designing labour- saving machinery. Age 40. Salary required, £900.--J. McKENZIE, Box 7182, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only . —Address, FAIRCLOUGH & SONS, Bank-lane, Clayton, near Manchester. anted, Assistant Colliery Engineer for North Wales Collieries. Salary to commence about £5 per week. State full particulars in application. - Apply, Box 7195, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. anted, bv a Young Alan, a SitilWon as ASSISTANT SURVEYOR. Will make himself generally useful. No objection to small premium. London. City and Guilds First- class Grade II. Surveying Certificate. — Box 7196, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Vacancies for two Well-educated Youths as PUPIL APPRENTICES for training as Mining Engineers. Opportunities given for attending university classes, and for experience in mining and bv-product operations. Good opening for suitable youths. MAMMATT, WHITE & KAY, Mining and Civil Engineers, 1, Albion-place, Leeds. Wanted, at early date, Experienced SURVEYING ASSISTANT, exempted, accustomed to surface and underground surveying, and mining engineers' office routine work. Apply, stating age, experience, salary required, and when at liberty— MATZEMATT, WHITE & KAY, Mining and Civil Engineers, 1, Albion-place, Leeds. Draugl 11 s m a n (>r A ssi sta nt Su r vey or, sound theoretical and practical training, DESIRES responsible POSITION.- Box 7202, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 A 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. TTnivcrsal Mining School. Lessons by vd ’ post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams. Syllabus and advice free. State your requirements. SOUTHERN and HALBAUM, 50, Connaught-road, Cardiff. Tuition by Post.—Mechanical Engineering of Collieries (Winders, Haulages, Pumps, Air- and Electrically- driven). Intended for Mechanics and Fitters. PENNINGTONS, University Tutors, 254, Oxford-road, Manchester. Kent Coal Field.—To be Sold, an Area of 1,100 acres of Freehold MINERALS, in a ring fence with about 200 acres of land intersected by main line. A good site for Colliery. Apply, Messrs. WORSFOLD & HAYWARD, Land Agents, Market-square, Dover. TAor Sale, very High-class Pair of Com- V pound HAULAGE'ENGINES, by Worsley Mesnes & Co., in practi- cally equal to new condition ; cylinders 22 in. and 30 in. by 42 in. stroke ; drum 7 ft. diameter ; helical gearing. Seen fixed in S. Wales. JOSEPH PUGSLEY & SONS LTD., Lawrence-hill, Bristol. s.—Wanted, Quantity of Main- . WAGONS, End- or Side-tip. Condition immaterial.— Particulars to, “W. W. Q.,” c o MAY’S, 160, Piccadilly.. T?or Sale, one Huhne & Lund Horizontal 1^ FLYWHEEL RAM PUMP, tandem type, front ram 5 in. dia., double-acting, keyed to crosshead with two connecting rods connected to wrot. bell crankshaft, with two flywheels 5 ft. dia. by 6 in. face, overhanging bedplate, steam cyl. 18 in. dia. by 12 in. stroke, having a back barrel with rams 7 in. dia. double-acting, with all valve boxes complete. Length over all, about 21 ft.; width over all, about 5 ft.; height over all, about 5 ft. PARKEND DEEP NAVIGATION COLLIERIES LIMITED, Parkend, nr. Lydney, Glos. T?or Sale, Portables, from 8/16-h.p., in 1 ' new condition; low price, f.o.r.- Box 7197, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. T?or Sale, Electric Motors, from 2/20-h.p., fl perfect condition.—Box 7198, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. TAor Sale, Gas Engine, from 6- to 50-h.p., 1 guaranteed in complete running order; f.o.r.—Box 7199, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. T^or Sale, fine 10-ton Crank Compound 1 ' ROLLER, by Burrell & Son, with square tank, 160 gallon watercart; all in excellent condition; f.o.r.- Box 7200, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. or Sale, Turbine Pump, 400 gallons, 420 ft. motor, 75-b.h.p., 1,425 r.p.m., 440 volts, 25 cycles, three-phase, bedplate, starting gear, valves. New 1915. HARLAND ENGINEERING COMPANY, 66, Carrick-street, Glasgow. T?or Sale, 126-h.p. Motor, d.c., 440 v., 1 ' 530 r.p.m., by Siemens, shunt-wound, 4-pole on extended bedplate; with switchboard; or will give 78-kw. as generator. A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen-street, E.C. 4. ‘jT’or Sale, Pump, ’Worthington Triple fl^ Expansion; cyls. 10 in., 16 in. and 25 in. by 18 in. stroke; surface condensing; 60,000 gallons against 300 ft. head; excellent condition. Imme- diate delivery.—A. UNDERWOOD, 3, Queen-street, E.C. 4. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY, PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL. YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—” Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” alu‘ (Mfcn) AND Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S. HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. (At present on Active Service'). LONDON. FRIDAY, OCTOB NR 25, 1918. The London coal trade varies but little. The demand continues strong, and the arrivals are sparse. Arrears of orders on hand are unusually heavy. Shortage of tonnage caused considerable offerings of prompt coal on the Tyne and Wear. Except for bunkers, which are easy at competitive prices, quota- tions are unchanged. All steams and gas sorts are