852 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 25, 1918. OVERHEARD IN THE GARAGE. i ;, v. > ir Jim is the father of the garage—a man who has been driving motor lorries since motor lorries were. Mike has quite recently graduated from driving a pair of horses to the internal combustion engine. “You never ought to ’ave left them ’orses, Mike! You belonged to them, rightly, and they belonged to you ; you knew what they said and they knew what you said. If you said to them t ‘whoa! ’ they stopped gradual, not all of* a second but as nice and steady as you could wish. Them ’orses, Mike, pretty near drove that old two ’oss shay for you. Now you’ve got a 3-ton lorry you reckon it’s goin’ to drive itself, too, and that’s where you’re wrong. You puts the brake on and ses—‘whoa ! ’ and the lorry stops all of a sudden. The rear wheels lock and the bit of your Dunlop solid tyre that’s on the ground gets a ‘ flat ’ on it as if you’d shoved a rasp over it. Then you wonders why the lorry bumps and shakes her inside up. It’s a case of blame the driver, not the tyres, Mike! ” DUNLOP RUBBER CO., LTD., Founders of the , Pneumatic Tyre Industry, Para Mills, Aston Cross, BIRMINGHAM. DUNLOP SOLID RUBBER TYRE FITTING DEPOTS: Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry, Dublin, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Man- chester, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham. Dun!op solid rubber tyres are obtainable from all leading motor dealers. Are YOU employing a disabled man ? A 1250 K.V.A. SINGLE-PHASE UNIT FOR 11550/5360 VOLTS, 25 PERIODS. OIL FILLED. COOLED BY NATURAL DRAUGHT. FERRANTI TRANSFORMERS FERRANTI LIMITED, H0LLINW00D, LANCASHIRE.