804 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 18, 1918. HADFIELDS LTD. Hecla'& East Hecla Works SHEFFIELD. Works area over 200 acres. Workmen employed over 15,000. COLLIERY REQUISITES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J’&FlELD h^y This Patent Tub Greaser is one of the many improvements that HADFIELDS have had the pleasure of introducing to the notice of mining. It is greatly superior to any other method of greasing the journals of the axles of Colliery Tubs. It is automatic. It regulates to a nicety the amount of lubricant for each bearing. Patent Tub Greaser. Steel Castings & Forgings OF ALL KINDS. KEY AND NEW BRITISH INDUSTRIES EXHIBITION. Central Hall, Westminster. This Exhibition, which was opened on October 7, relates chiefly to products formerly imported fropi enemy countries, but now made in this country. Our Exhibits will illustrate the progress we have made in our own special lines of work. COMPLETE STONE BREAKING AND ORE CRUSHING PLANTS. SPECIALISTS! IN Dust Proof Colliery Tubs. RPENCER & (*0. LD Engineers, Melksham It is suitable for both inside and outside ’ bearings, and it requires the minimum of attention. WILTS WIRE ROPES for WINDING, HAULING, GUIDES, AERIAL ROPEWAYS, CRANES, AIRCRAFT (Established 1730 Works HAY MILLS BIRMINGHAM TELE BRANCH OFFICES. phone : 338 or 339 victoria, Birmingham. GRAMS: “ LATCH, HAY MILLS.” llll-llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllLz PUMPS ForSuds, Oil, Water, &c. | fy WIRE ROPES FOR ALL PURPOSES. 4^ WIRE DRAWERS ETC.. ETC. WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agent§ for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place. LEEDS. OUR . . LATEST PATENT FLATTENED STRAND- LOCKED COIL . . HULL— Burnett Avenue. CARDIFF 92, Claude Road. LONDON- 32. Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 LIVERPOOL 34, Castle Street. Ex STOCK. | No Valves I No Priming ! j The A. B. T & S. CO., | Engineers’ Tool & Steel Manufacturers, EE Prudential Buildings, SHEFFIELD. = The Avery Automatic Coal Weigher TH A .heexact weight of coal consumed by each S,y°and -,h such an appmatus engineers guard - X— -u—. er. I TTt Automatic Dept. (J). BIRMINGHAM. W. & T. AVERY LTD., soho - W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool.