722 [SUPPLEMENT PAGE II.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 4, 1918. AIR COMPRESSORS For all purposes and capacities. HIGH & LOW LIFT CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. FANS for any duty. All our productions have the benefit of up to 50 years’ experience and continuous development. PETER BROTHERHOOD Ltd., PETERBOROUGH. High-Speed STEAM ENGINES, STEAM TURBINES. 9 ;'r f ' ’ ftUfe * !’■ --L » r r '<1- NO SUSPICION between Weighmen. Denison’s Patent Mercury Resistance PIT BANK WEIGHING MACHINE. Quick. Accurate. Durable. NO WATER. Pointer Shadowless. SAML DENISON & SON L™ Furlea, YCLONE C2 Motor-driven Machinery Not driven in the usual way by belts from overhead shafting, but by a Cyclone Motor coupled direct —independent and isolated. The working speed of each machine can he quickly and easily adjusted. There i < no tangle of overhead belting to interfere with crane movement and lighting. The machines are placed just where required to give the best and clearest. floor space. And there is no waste of power when the machine is not running. The The Cyclone Motor—im- proved design, for direct current, andconstant and variable speeds. Built in various sizes from i/io B.H.P. upwards. Electric Motor as a power unit ensures these and many other labour and money saving advantages. The motor has a continuous rating and is guar- anteed to give the power for which it is designed. The motors are fitted with speed reduction gear when required, which gives each machine ample power and range of speeds to suit the work on hand. Wc shall be glad to advise prospective clients on request. Have our Catalogue 275A. ST&tesE !l>^5winton,Manche5icE