THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 27, 1918. BUY FROM THE B.I. Registered Trade Mark. y> | List of our manufactures of | f interest to the Iron & Coal Trades. | I SHAFT CABLES, | | Paper, V.B., or Rubber. e | IN-BYE CABLES. | | SHOT-FIRING CABLES. S | TELEPHONE CABLES. | | POLE LINES. f | JUNCTION BOXES. | | GATE END BOXES. | | BOX COMPOUND. | | COTTON COVERED WIRES. | | BARE COPPER WIRES. | | LECLANCHE CELLS. | I PAPER PINIONS. t STATIC CONDENSERS | for the improvement of Power Factor. | S I J^EMEMBER that the pre-eminent position we occupy in the electrical business is due to the number of satisfied customers of the highest standing, in many trades, whose ------ = names are on our books. —— BRITISH INSULATED & HELSBY CABLES Ltd, PRESCOT, LANCASHIRE, and HELSBY, nr. WARRINGTON.