590 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 20, 1918. Independence When in the course of business events you run up against the problem of making quick deliveries at low cost from town to town, it’s good to know you have a KARRIER, for the knowledge at once dispels your perplexities. Delivery by KARRIER means the prompt elimi- nation of old-time, cum- bersome methods. Time is saved and money is made ; and you are able to take a wholesome pride in the efficiency of your delivery service. KARRIER The Lorry With The Power. You would be interested in our Folder— “KARRIER for Heavy Haulage.” May we post you a copy ? YOUR ENQUIRIES ARE INVITED KARRIER WORKS, (CLAYTON & CO. HUDDS. LIMITED) HUDDERSFIELD, ENGLAND. “ There is no measure which has been presented to the House within the memory of any Hon. Member present, so. complex, so difficult of interpretation.” Mr. PRINGLE, in the House of Commons. Coal Mines Excess Payments. GUARANTEE PAYMENTS AND LEVIES FOR CLOSED MINES. (Incorporating Statements of the Relevant Excess Profits Duty Law.) BY W. E. SNELLING, Of the Inland Revenue Department. The author is well known for his lucid expositions of the law and practice relating to Excess Profits Duty and Income Tax, and the subject of the present book is dealt with in the same thorough and masterful manner that characterises his former efforts. A special feature of the work is the large number of practical examples showing the application of the various provisions of the agreement. In demy 8vo, cloth, 176 pp., 12/6 net. OF ALL BOOKSELLERS, OR FROM SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS Ltd., 1, AMEN CORNER, LONDON, E.C.4. Also Publishers ot INCOME TAX AND SUPER TAX PRACTICE, INCOME TAX AND SUPER TAX LAW AND CASES, COLLIERY OFFICE ORGANISATION AND ACCOUNTS, MODERN PRACTICE OF COAL MINING, INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, DEPRECIATION AND WASTING ASSETS, etc. ALLOY STEELS. HIGH-CLASS CRUCIBLE STEEL BRIGHT-DRAWN REELED and BLACK ROLLED BARS. I THE SHEFFIELD MERCANTILE STEEL CO. Ltd. NAPIER STREET, SHEFFIELD.