526 [supplement PAGE XIV.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 6; 1918. GEORGE BENNETT CO. (SHEFFIELD) LIMITED. SPECIAL BRANDS. High Grade Crucible CAST STEELS TOOLS MAGNET STEEL TRADE J MARKS B HARD HIGH-SPEED STEELS TOOL STEEL SPECIALISTS. Special Chrome Wortle Steel Wire Drawers’ Plates with or for Wire Drawers’ Plates. without Shank made in all sizes. Self-Hard Steel Works, SHEFFIELD, Eng. Telegraphic Address: “FAMOUS, SHEFFIELD.” Established 1879. National Tel.: No. 1449 & 481. © MASKS. STAMPS. BRANDING IROh'S Brass Labe/s & 77/»e CBec/rs. BrassffamaP/afes, Bfe/tab, Pfaa/BwsteBarsAf/ffifrss. . pies. E.PRYOR& SOU, Seals. ROCKINGHAM s? SHEFFIELD. Founded 1899. WATER AND WATER ENGINEERING. Price 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). “VENTWAL” CANVAS TUBES FOR MINE VENTILATION. No skilled labour required. Made in London. SIEVEKING, PODMORE « CO., 57, Gracechurch St, E.C. 3 Offices—30 & 31, Furnival Street, Hoiborn, London, E.C.4 GUARANTEED MATERIALS. TYNOS. “ Bitromarc ” Solution A highly efficient Bituminous, Anti- Corrosive Black. Enamel Paint for Iron • , ’ and Steel Structures, Corrugated .Iron, Ships* Holds, Bunkers, &c. ‘ • ’ - ’ ' -C>. - ■ SOLE PROPRIETORS* ' S. T. TAYLOR & SONS, Tynos Works, SCOTSWOOD-ON-TYNE. . ? TeL N«.i «S Central . T«L Addraui “Compo, ScoUwood.”J JOHN STANIAR & CO., Manchester, Eng. Wire Weavers & Metal Workers. Establisud ovxb 100 Yxabs. --------- EVERY REQUISITE. ------------------ GAUZES in Silk and Wire. BRUSHES in Bristle, Weed, Fibre or Steel, for every knows make of Brash Machine. PERFORA TED PL A TES in Iron, Steel, Zinc, Brass, Coppor. GUARDS for Engines, Stores, Machines, Strapping, Lifts, &c. AWARD MEDALS—Japan-British 1910, Franco-British 1908. Telegraph—" Gause, Manchester." Telephone—City 3306 INSULATING VARNISHES. W. W. Hill, Son & Wallace Ltd., Elton Street, Broughton Bridge, MANCHESTER. --- ESTABLISHED 1840. - New and Second-hand Machinery for Sale. One pair 18 in. Reversing Engines ; practically new. Drums will be fitted to buyer’s requirements. One 300-h.p. ELECTRIC HAULAGE GEAR (no motor) ; New. Two drums 5 ft. dia. by 2 ft. wide ; flanges 12 in. deep. One lOQ-h.p. ELECTRIC HAULAGE (no motor) ; nearly New.! Two drums 5 ft. dia. by 2 ft. wide; flanges 12 in. deep. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET, continuous current 55-k.w. Phoenix generator 500/550 volts, direct coupled on one bedplate to high-speed double Beiliss engine ; 80 lb. per square inch. Set includes steam separator, etc. ; in excellent condition. Also one Square Engine Type GENERATOR, identical with above. Two “ Victor ” HAULAGE ENGINES, for compressed air. Each engine has three cylinders 10in. dia. Two drums 2ft. dia. by 12 in. wide; flanges 7 in. deep. New (ready shortly). Two COAL BREAKERS. “ Primus ” Patent Jaw-type Breakers to produce Nuts without fines. Capacity 60 to 100 tons per hour. Special heavy design. New. One Direct-driven ELECTRIC PUMP. Two plungers 3 in. diameter by 20 in. stroke. Will boiler feed. Would be thoroughly overhauled and put in first-class condition. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, 6 in. and 4 in., always in stock. ELEVATORS, CONVEYORS, CREEPERS, Etc., Etc. Large stock of Chains, Buckets, Drums, Pulleys, Gear- Wheels, Chain Wheels, etc., etc. RHONDDA ENGINEERING & MINING CO. LTD., & SHEPPARD & SONS LTD., BRIDGEND, GLAM. Specialists in Coal Washing Plant, Coal Breaking, Sizing and Handling Plant, Elevators, Conveyors, Tipplers, Creepers, etc., etc.