430 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN August 30, 1918. EXTRACTS FROM THE LETTERS OF A SOLID TYRE USER TO HIS SON. “You can’t understand why certain of your tyres have failed at smaller mileages whilst others are doing so well ? That 4-tonner of yours with Dunlop solid rubber tyres is the lorry in question, I’m willing to bet. Tried to pass it in the car one day last week and my speedometer was up to 33 miles per hour before I did so! I’d take that driver into a corner somewhere by himself and tell him gently, but firmly, that if it’s speed he’s after, he must wait until the war’s over and he can go racing in the Isle of Man or somewhere like that. In the meantime he must realise that a lorry is a steady going commercial vehicle with a limited speed. Great speed means tyre ruin and chassis depreciation. And another thing—a lorry on the road’s worth two in the ditch ! ” DUNLOP RUBBER CO., LTD., Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry. DUNLOP SOLID RUBBER TYRE FITTING DEPOTS : Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry, Dublin, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle- on-Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham. Dunlop solid rubber tyres are obtainable from all leading motor dealers. “Trying to pass it . . . ” Are YOU employing a disabled man ? Government Reservoir rendered tight with Ironite. “IRONITE” Registered Trade Marie, BRAND CEMENT for Entirely British Wearproof, Dustproof, Waterproof, Greaseproof. Engineering and Machine Shops Quays Garages THE IDEAL Factories Foundations Power Stations Railway Platforms FLOORING FOR Gas Works Water Works Reservoirs Bunkers Gantries Head Gear Framing, Etc. Also “IRONITE” BRAND CEMENT FOR WATERPROOFING Renders at a VERY LOW COST all kinds of Buildings Absolutely Waterproof and Oilproof against heavy pressure. Contractors to the War Ojfi.ce, Admiralty, and other Government Departments. THE IRONITE COMPANY LTD. (Managers-S. THORNELY MOTT & VINES, Ltd.), 11, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W. 1. Telegrams : “ Thormotvin, Vic, London.” Telephone : Victoria 5618. Sole Indian Agents—HEATLY & GRESHAM Ltd.: Calcutta, 6, Waterloo St.; Bombay, 75, Hornby Rd. r^'PHONE: 1876, GRAMS:“RINGS?BRADFORD. at® THE PERFECT-GASTIGHTRING