272 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 9, 1918. Electric hauler Controller removed to show Reduction Gear. View of front end showing Drums and Brake Gear. BRITISH SCIENTIFIC i PRODUCTS EXHIBITION 1918 This Imoortant Exhibition will be held at King’s College, London, August 12— September 7, 1918 PATRON; H.M. THE KING President: The Most Hon. The Marquess of Crewe, k.g. Organized by The British Science Guild President : Tre Right Hon. LORD SYDENHAM, G S.C.I.. G C MG , G-C.I.E., G.B E., F.R.S. Write at once for particulars to the Organizing Secretary, F. S. SPIERS, 82 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. it« 9 f i HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD., Dept. G, N E WCASTLE-ON-TYN E. Telegrams: “HUWOD, NEWCASTLE.” Telephone: 980 CENTRAL. LONDON : 65, Fenchurch Street E.C. 3. CARDIFF: 112, St Mary Street MANCHESTER : Hive Works, Trafford Park.