262 [supplement PAGE XVI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 2, 1918. EWART’S TYPE CHAINS COLLIERIES and MINES, For Sprocket Wheels. &c. Elevator Buckets. EASY MEANS FOR REVERSING AIR CURRENT. Jjir Four Cylinder Triple Expansion Engine with Corliss Valve Gear. WALKER BROS. (Wigan) LIMITED, Pagefield Ironworks, WIGAN. “ Indestructible ” Type VENTILATING FANS For Steam or Motor Driving. Exhausting Capacity to Date— OVER 100,000,000 OF AIR CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE AIR COMPRESSING, WINDING, ------------ AND - GENERAL MINING MACHINERY. SPECIAL Self-contained MACHINE for CORRECT GRINDING of STONE-DUST For FIERY WORKINGS. BRICKMAKING MACHINERY Suitable for COLLIERY SHALES. Richard Scholefield, Engineer, Leeds. 'Phone 1513. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. Wire “Brick, Leeds.” —“PROTAN”— For BOILERS. A Commercial form of TANNIC ACID (containing 48-50 % TANNIN). In conjunction with Soda Ash Enables the Boiler User to compound the most efficient llllllllll SCALE REMOVER llllllllll at only a fraction of the cost of Proprietary Compositions. Composition can he based on analysis of water. DAVIS’S DEPUTY OR FIRE TRYER’S LAMP (flame) Gives greatly increased light over ordinary Marsaut Lamp without the increase of extra parts or consumption of more oil. Send for Pamphlet 41 L and Copy of Report of Test by Dr. HENRY BRIGGS. Samples and further particulars from CLEMONS, MARSHALL & CARBERT, Branch of The Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co. Ltd., Leeds. JOHN DAVIS A SON fRarhiA I TO all saints works, derby ; I UDI UV I Jw 1 U ■ 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. 1 9 Telegrams—“ Davis, Derby.” Telephone—240 Derby.