THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 191 Pulsometer Steam Pump For Lifts up to 150 ft A STRONG SIMPLE PUMP July 26, 1918. -■ f®( 1 That needs no oil or packing, has nothing to get out of order, and can be left at work for weeks without attention. FOR PIT SINKING & The absence of exhaust steam, the facilities for slinging, and its capacity for pumping dirty water render it unsurpassed for this work. COAL WASHING Having no parts, it will quantities of grit, &c. To the wear, special patterns are made for this work. frictional pass large coal dust, withstand Please write for List No. 3 7a. Pulsometer engineering C.“ IL Offices—11, Tothill Street, LONDON, S.W. 1 Telegrams-i: Pulsometer, Vic, London." Egyptian, London. Telephone—4565 Victoria. Nine Elms Iron Works, READING Telegrams—“ Pulsometer, Reading.” Telephone—583 Reading.