154 [supplement PAGE XIV.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 19, 1918. THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE LTD. 124-ST VINCENT STREET GLASGOW THAMES POWDER N° 2 Charge Limit 22 Ounces SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. British Patents No. 8476 of 1906 ; No. 19533 of 1910 ; No. 9983 of 1911 ; and No. 4362 of 1912. Automatic Detachment. 1912 Pattern ; nine sizes. A and B Couplings and many others. The 1912 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped shouldered head. The catch C is not essential. Drop-Forged Shells. Drop-Forged Catches. Drop-Forged Levers. Drop-Forged Couplings. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer First-class Medals— Paris, 1885 ; London, 1862. “SHELTON” IRON. fit SHELTON” STEELG—) » Gold Medals— Paris, 1878; Melbourne, 1881. “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON (=) STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class BAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— ------------------------ THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., JSSS' Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. 4 Telegraphic Address: " Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel, Nos. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address: “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. The Cambrian Approved Ooubie Glass Lamp. No. 1 C.G. Giving a bright light at the end of the shift - 1i G.P. J N?......J ... ] s, ' :MA-K’KrA.'. s/ Telephone: Telegraphic Address: No. 7 Aberdare. “Lamps, Aberdare.” Approved (Flame) SAFETY LAMPS To meet the requirements of the new Mines Act. The CAMBRIAN Fitted with Magnetic, Pneu- matic, or Lead Locks, Electric Ignition, and Double Gauzes. Our Flame Safety Lamps give a greater Candle Power than any Miner’s Electric Lamp. MAKERS OF THE NEW MAGNET UNDERGROUND PATENT SAFETY LAMP RELIGHTERS. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Ltd., Cambrian Lamp Works, Aberdare, South Wales. GEORGE BURNSIDE, Burnside’s Safety Boring Apparatus. Used most successfully in tapping old Mine Workings. Apply /or Catalogs. Rock and Stone Drilling Machines: Drills to any Size Also Eye Guards for Pit Ponies. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, CO. DURHAM. WRIGHT’S FORGE &• < ENGINEERING CO. LTD. fasE'wWniCHTsC’" Tipton. ’AUNT I J Wb "■ Sole Manufacturers. ----- NEPTUNE FORCE, o. 57, BISHOPSCATE, TIPTON. « LONDON, E.C. 2. Also “ BITSOL ” QUICK TAR BLACKS W. W. Hill, Son & Wallace Ltd., Elton St., Broughton Bridge, MANCHESTER. ---- ESTABLISHED 1840. - r S<1 I — THREE — WORLD-RENOWNED PACKINGS Specially suitable for COLLIERIES. Large stocks. Prompt deliveries. DUVAL S METALLIC for all classes of Engines and the Highest Super-heated Steam. Lasts for years without being renewed, keeps the rods in perfect condition. 600,000 Glands Packed- TUPPER’S FLAX for Hydraulic Work. Its durability is unexcelled. Suitable for highest pressures. VANDA SHEETING, the Pioneer of Fibre Sheet Packings. Resists extreme temperatures. Can be used in half the thickness of Rubber, as it does not shrink. Specially suitable for Oil and Ammonia. Also “BENHYCO” STEAM JOINTING and BELTINGS, and ALBANY LUBRICATING OILS and GREASES. JOHN BENNETT HEYDE & Co., New Cannon St., Telegrams “Benhey.” MANCHESTER. Telephone No. 1364 City.