102 [supplement PAGE XII.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 12, 1918. The “ Cyclone System of Refuse Collection applied to a. Panel Planer. .Xote the shaving*, &c.. about the Clear the Shavings Give the men a chance to work unham- pered by shavings, chips and sawdust. They will do more and better work — and you will have minimised the risk of fire and accidents. The t YCLONE Refuse Collector gathers-up the waste at the point of production, and delivers at the boiler house or into convenient receptacles for easy removal. At all times the machines are kept free from the usual heap or refuse. The C. clone System is adapted to all con- ditions, and we shall be glad to advise you as to the best method on receipt of particulars. Have our Booklet 275B. »iithGws81&tesE SwintjHiJlanchssteE 1 B4 LOWER 12 9 RAISE, 5 RAISE .STOP, Slower .STEADILY. VA1MEM WINDING SIGNALS “NON-CUMULATIVE.” ELECTRIC. MECHANO-ELECTRIC. MECHANICAL. SIMPLE. EFFICIENT. INEXPENSIVE. DAVIS’S SPECIAL RELEASING GEAR. HAULAGE PLANE SIGNALS Electric or Mechano-Electric. SEND FOR LIST 41 v. JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) Ltd. All Saints Works, DERBY ; & 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. 1. JOHN WOOD & SONS, LT" Engineers, BARLEY BROOK FOUNDRY, WIGAN. Fitted with AUTOMATIC BRAKE and Improved FRICTION CLUTCH. Telephone—No. “ S 5 ” Wigan BAND ” Telegrams—“ Haulage, Wigan “ OUTSIDE- 100-H.P. “ENDLESS” I j'loy.s m'oqc a'sotijL'?.: . ■ fey -- ~ L'-*'' '■ ■! U nil Haulage Gears of every type. WINDING, PUMPING & AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES.