50 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 5, 1918. [supplement PAGE XIV.] 1 MANCHESTER,. OPBNSHAW, SPECIAL Self-contained MACHINE for CORRECT GRINDING of STONE-DUST “PROTAN” o 0 A.W. HIGH SPEED STEEL TWIST DRILLS COMBINATION CENTRE DRILLS. OIL TUBE DRILLS. THREE & FOUR FLUTED DRILLS. PRICES AND STOCK LISTS FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. 0___________________- v-_ MwgarFiWngm'hitworthBg TELEGRAMS:- WHITWORTH,OPENSHAW. trade mark. TELEPHONE’.- BOILERS A Commercial form of TANNIC ACID (containing 48 50 % TANNIN). In conjunction with Soda Ash Enables the Boiler User to compound the most efficient llllllllll SCALE REMOYER llllllllll at only a fraction of the cost of Proprietary Compositions. Composition can be based on analysis of water. Samples and further particulars from CLEMONS, MARSHALL & CARBERT, Branch of The Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co. Ltd., Leeds. For FIERY WORKINGS. BRICKMAKING MACHINERY Suitable for COLLIERY SHALES Richard Scholefield, Leeds •Phone 1513. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. Wire “Brick, Leeds. IN its production, the essential features, not only of immediate and reliable check,, but perfect resistance to the highest frictional heat, has been provided for. Manufactured only from guaranteed 100% pure asbestos reinforced by metallic strands and containing no cotton or other fibre perishable by heat, woven solid in all thicknesses up to one inch, transmitting __ a sure grip and engagement, soft as velvet and pliant as a hand grasp, it easily outlives many times all Other braking media—whether of metal, wood or other combinations. Used by hundreds of Collieries, Forges, Engineering Works, etc., for Winding Drums, Brake Posts, Drift or Transport Winches, and all Power Clutch and Brake Gears : also for Trolleys, Cranes, Hauling Machinery, and Electro-mechanical Brakes fitted to Hoists, Centrifugal Machines, etc., above or below ground or water. IVe invite your enquiries. Send postcard for our Catalogue and Drawings. — 1 L Sketty SWANSEA; Telegrams: “ASBESTOS, BRADFORD.” Telephone : 950 BRADFORD. CRESSWELLS’ tu., Old-established Spinners and Manufacturers and Patentees of Pure Asbestos Fabrics, etc. WELLINGTON MILLS, BRADFORD. Bothwell Street. GLASGOW ; 9, Grosvenor Road, 44=4 5, Exchange Bldgs., New St., BIRMINGHAM. Contractors to the Admiralty, the India Office and War Office, the Crown Agents for the Colonies, and numerous British Railways, etc. BRAKE AND CLUTCH LININGS