22 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 5, 1918. this sub-section of this clause a local authority shall be deemed to include a county council; at the request of the local fuel overseer provide, as the Controller may direct, for the checking of any particulars re- lating to any consumer whose premises are within its district in connection with the determination of any allowance of fuel under the provisions of clauses 6 to 14 hereof inclusive; and, as required by the local fuel and lighting committee, be responsible for and undertake the distribution among registered coal merchants and licensed coal dealers of supplies of coal allocated by the Controller to meet any emer- gency or temporary shortage within the district. It shall be the duty of the coal merchants’ super- visor, inter alia, to assist and advise the local fuel overseer upon questions involving persons engaged in the coal trade referred to him or coming to his attention, and in particular at the request of the local fuel overseer to nominate a coal merchant or dealer to undertake the supply of coal to any consumer within the district whose requisition has not been accepted; to enquire into and report upon the failure to deliver, or delay in the delivery of coal, the execution of orders out of rotation, the failure to secure or maintain any reserve stock appointed, the absence of provision for the sale of coal in small quantities, or any other neglect to comply with the terms of the Order by persons engaged in the coal trade; to report upon the quality or class of coal supplied to consumers, and generally to deal with questions requiring expert or special knowledge in connection with coal; to advise on questions of prices, and to help in securing the observance of any orders or instructions that may be given relating to the sale of coal; to report upon the adequacy of the facilities provided by persons engaged in the coal trade for storing, handling, de- livering and retailing coal within the district, and to make recommendations for such additions or im- provements as he may think necessary and feasible. The coal merchants’ supervisor shall also advise and assist all persons engaged in the coal trade with regard to the terms and provisions of this Order or to any rules or instructions made and issued thereunder. Persons engaged in the coal trade in any district shall afford the coal merchants’ supervisor for such dis- trict such particulars as he may require in relation to any matter arising under this Order and required to be dealt with by him, and shall keep him advised of any matters needing his attention. The local fuel overseer and the coal merchants’ supervisor acting together may require the coal merchants or dealers within the district to re-arrange the cartage facilities necessary for the supply and delivery of coal so as to secure the most economical user of such cartage facilities, and, further, may require one coal merchant or dealer to undertake the cartage or delivery of coal for another coal merchant or dealer upon such terms as may be determined fairly in relation to the cost of such service, but not to the prejudice of such merchant’s or dealer’s trade or business, and in particular may prescribe the streets or localities to be served by persons hawking coal in quantities not exceeding 1 cwt. at any time, and may prohibit such persons hawking coal in any other streets; where there has been a failure to supply coal in any particular street or locality within the district, or where there is an urgent need of coal in any par- ticular street or locality, direct any coal merchant or dealer within the district to make such deliveries of coal in such quantities and in such order or rota- tion as they think fit in the interests of the con- sumers, having regard to the requirements of the dis- trict as a whole and to the ability of such coal merchant or dealer to make such deliveries, and failure to make such deliveries without reasonable excuse shall be an offence under this Order. Except as provided above, the local fuel overseer shall not interfere with the direction or management of the offices or coal wharves or depots of any coal merchant or dealer, but shall make any representa- tions as to any action which should in his opinion be taken through the coal merchants’ supervisor for the district, and in his default through the local fuel and lighting committee or the Controller. Coal Distribution Agencies—Registration and Licensing. After 28 days from the date upon which this Order comes into effect, no person shall deal in or sell or deliver coal to a consumer unless he is the holder either of a certificate of registration or of a licence issued by the local fuel overseer for the district in which the depot, wharf, office or other premises from which he proposes to deal in or sell coal is situate. .Application for a separate certificate of registration or a licence should be made to the local fuel over- seer in respect of each depot, wharf, office or other premises from which it is proposed to deal in or sell coal. Forms of application can be obtained from such local fuel overseer. A person carrying on business at more than one address may register with the local fuel overseer an address to which he wishes all communications in relation to the Order or any matters to arise there- under to be sent, and communications sent to him at such address shall have effect as if they had been sent to all other addresses registered by him in any one district. Provided always that a person who sells or deals in coal direct to consumers by trucks and forwards or arranges for the forwarding of such trucks to stations throughout the country or parts thereof may, on application to the Controller, register with the Con- troller, and such registration shall be good for the whole area comprised within the Order or any part thereof. The Controller shall advise all local fuel over- seers of the persons registering with him under this provision. Where a person engaged in the coal trade obtains supplies of coal, either from a colliery direct or through a factor, such person shall be entered in a register, and shall take out a certificate of registra- tion for each depot, wharf, office, or other premises owned or controlled by him at which he sells or other- wise deals in coal. Such person is hereinafter re- ferred to as a “ registered coal merchant.” Colliery proprietors or companies or factors supply- ing coal direct to consumers shall take out a certifi- cate of registration in each district to which they intend so to supply coal and for the purposes of the Order be treated as registered coal merchants. Gas companies producing coke for sale or distribu- tion direct to consumers under this Order shall take out certificates of registration for each separate works, depot or office at which the coke is sold or otherwise dealt in, and for the purposes of the Order be treated as registered coal merchants. Where a person engaged in the coal trade obtains supplies of coal from or through another merchant being a registered coal merchant but not being a colliery or factor, such person shall take out a licence and shall be entered in a separate register. Such person is hereinafter referred to as a “ licensed coal dealer.” A person acting as agent for a registered coal merchant and carrying on business in his own name and accepting responsibility for the supplies of con- sumers but ensuring the delivery of such supplies through such registered coal merchant shall take out a licence and be included as a licensed coal dealer. Where a person engaged in the coal trade obtains or otherwise dealing in coal prior to January 1 last, the local fuel Overseer may, with the assent of the local fuel and lighting committee, refuse a certificate of registration or licence to such person. Where a person engaged in the coal trade sells' or otherwise deals in coal to a less extent on the average than 1 ton in each w’eek, the local fuel overseer may refuse a certificate of registration or a licence to such person, or may suspend or cancel any certificate or licence already issued. Where a person holding a certificate of registration or licence transfers his business, or where such business is transferred at death to some other person, such certificate or licence shall on request to the local fuel overseer be transferred into the name of such other person. Where a person who has received a certificate of registration or a licence has by himself or by his servants failed to observe the terms of the Order, or of any rules and instructions made thereunder, or has failed to comply with the directions of the local fuel overseer as defined by the Order, the local fuel overseer may, with the assent of the local fuel and lighting committee, revoke or suspend, for such period as he may think fit, any such certificate or licence, subject to any appeal which may be made to the Controller in this event. Every person holding a certificate of registration or licence under the Order shall exhibit and keep exhibited in a conspicuous position at the depot, wharf, office or other premises to which such certificate or licence relates either the certificate or licence or such other notice in a form to be approved by the Controller to the effect that the person is so registered or licensed in respect of such premises. Where a person carries on business on his own account, not at any fixed address, but by means of hawking in the streets, he shall carry with him such certificate or licence or such other notice as may be prescribed, which shall be produced on demand to a local fuel overseer, coal merchants’ supervisor, or any- one duly authorised by the local fuel overseer or by the Controller. A registered coal merchant shall supply to the local fuel overseer and the Controller a statement showing the depots, wharves, and other premises at which he receives and from which he delivers coal, so that returns may be obtained as to the quantities of coal supplied to or delivered from each such depot, wharf, or other premises, arid any other particulars relating thereto which may be required from time to time. The Controller may (1) where such registers are not otherwise available require registers to be established and maintained in such form as he may direct of all persons, horses, carts, motor vehicles or other staff or equipment employed in connection with the storage, handling, and delivery of coal by registered coal merchants or licensed coal dealers, and (2) in con- junction with the Road Transport Board, where such Board is concerned, take any steps expedient for the purpose of maintaining effective control over such staff and equipment for the purposes of the Order. A licensed coal dealer shall from time to time declare the source or sources from which he obtains his supplies of coal, and shall not after the date the Order comes into force be supplied by any person unless such person is satisfied that the licensed coal dealer holds the necessary licence. A licensed coal dealer shall not obtain supplies direct from a colliery or through a factor or from any source not previously declared by him except on notice to the local fuel overseer. Where a licensed coal dealer draws supplies regularly from one or more merchants, it shall not be necessary for him to produce his licence on each occasion, pro- vided such merchants have noted the fact of the licence, and, in the case of the servant or carman coming to such merchants for supplies, such servant or carman is known to them as the duly authorised servant of the holder of the licence. A receipt must be taken for and a sale note must be given with every supply of coal to a licensed coal dealer, stating the class or quality of the coal sup- plied, the price paid therefor or applicable thereto, and the date, time, and place of the sale, and such sale note must be produced on request to any consumer or to the local fuel overseer or to anyone duly authorised by him or by the Controller or to the coal merchants’ supervisor. This provision shall also apply to the case of the hawker, trolley-man, or other servant employed by any registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer. This provision shall not apply to coke unless expressly so required by the local fuel overseer. Auctioneers may only sell coal to persons holding certificates of registration or licences except with the previous assent of the local fuel overseer. When the occupier of any premises is removing from one house to another he may dispose of his coal to the incoming tenant, or such other person as may be previously approved by the local fuel overseer. In these cases a certificate of registration or a licence shall not be required for the dealing in or sale of coal. After detailing the procedure for consumers in registering and applying for their supplies of fuel, and for merchants, etc., who decline to accept application, the Order deals with the duties of consumers in the prevention of waste, etc. Duties of Coal Merchants and Dealers. A registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer shall not accept an application or a requisition for fuel and lighting unless he has a reasonable expecta- tion of being able to discharge all orders to be received under such application or requisition or unless he is required to accept such application or requisition by a local fuel overseer or the Controller. A registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer shall not—(a) supply or deliver coal to any premises on behalf of any consumer after 42 days from the date on which the Order comes into effect (1) unless he is the holder of a certificate issued by a local fuel overseer in respect of such premises of such consumer or (2) unless the quantity to be supplied or delivered does not exceed 1 cwt. at one time or such other quan- tity as may be from time to time determined by the Controller, and the registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer is not aware that any requisition has been submitted by and approved for such premises of such consumer; (6) after the date on which this Order comes into effect sell, deliver, or in any way supply coal for consumption to any person which together with any quantity of coal in his possession available for use in connection with any premises would exceed any addi- tional allowances granted for such premises. Every registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer shall keep at the office or depot at which orders are received and dealt with by him under any certi- ficates, a record in a form to be approved by the Con- troller of all such certificates, and shall enter on such record against such certificates the dates and quanti- ties of all coal sold, supplied or delivered by him in respect of any such orders. The record and all orders, receipts or vouchers for the deliveries of coal, together with the books and accounts of such merchant or dealer, shall be open to the inspection, at all reasonable times, of the duly authorised representatives of the local fuel overseer or the Controller. Amendments may only be made on such record with the assent of the local fuel overseer or the Controller or their duly authorised representatives. Mistakes which are corrected shall be shown on the record and evidence in support of the alteration afforded. Where a registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer receives an application for fuel and lighting for acceptance which, in his opinion, could be best executed by transfer to another registered coal mer- chant or licensed coal dealer, he may transfer such application, before acceptance, to such other regis- tered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer who is willing to accept, the same and such other registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer is hereby authorised to accept such application and to execute any orders received and complete the supplies required under any certificate issued thereunder. A certificate may only be transferred with the assent of the local fuel overseer. The local fuel overseer may, with the assent of the coal merchants’ supervisor for the district, or on the advice of the local fuel and lighting committee, require any delivery of coal to consumers within his district to be transferred from one depot to another within the district or from one registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer to another within such district as may be most convenient for the delivery of the same, and in such latter case the requisition or certificate thereunder shall be transferred to the registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer required to execute it, and he shall execute any orders thereunder equitably in rotation with any other orders that he may then have or may receive. Every registered coal merchant and licensed coal dealer shall, if required by the local fuel overseer with the approval of the local fuel and lighting committee, provide and thereafter maintain at each of his depots adequate provision for the sale of coal by retail in quantities not exceeding 1 cwt. (but not less than | cwt.) at one time. Every registered coal merchant and licensed coal dealer shall, as far as possible and subject to any special requirement of this Order, make deliveries of coal in rotation to all consumers, in accordance with the dates of their respective orders, without variation except in so far as may be necessary to make up full loads for delivery; except that from May 1 to October 31 in any year, coal may be delivered to a consumer in instalments not exceeding 4 tons at one time up to a full year’s allowance permitted by the Order in accordance with the requisition or certificate relating thereto, provided that where the capacity of one vehicle (including a trailer) exceeds 4 tons, a full load may be delivered and provided also that the last instalment of any order may be 6 tons or any less quantity as may be required to complete the allowance. A second instalment shall not be delivered until pro- vision has been made for the delivery of a first instal- ment as above in respect of all orders then received by the registered coal merchant or licensed coal dealer, and so for subsequent instalments. This restriction on deliveries only applies to coal required for a separate dwelling house and shall not apply in respect of buildings not used or only partly used as a dwelling house or dwelling houses, or to blocks of flats or tenements, hotels, institutions, board- ing houses or other premises in respect of which coal is purchased collectively on behalf of all occupiers. Provided always that if he considers it necessary in the public interest to further restrict deliveries of