The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, January 10, 1919. CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXVI. . — .- — . i ____ Letters to the Editor. PAGE Examination, Candidates5 Practical Expe- rience ..........................818, 868 •Glass a “ Key 55 Industry ........... 7U Humidity Formulas ................... 926 Magnetic Declination ................. 29 Magnetic Needle, The ................. 87 Theorem of Pythagoras, The .....1135, 1310 Unemployment, The Problem of....... 1353 Water-Gauge Readings and the Newtonian Law.............................. 29 Parliamentary Intelligence. 1025 871 . 29* 81 977 239 . 30, 179, 239, 346 .....294, 871 ..... 81 ..... 30 .....1088 ..... 925 ..... 239 .....1088 ..... 871 ..... 81 134, 294, 871, 977 .....1025 ..... 977 ..... 294 ........... 81 ............ 29..+ ..... 871 ..... 977 ..... 925 .....1025 j ... 13 .....871, 1025 ..... 294 ..... 81 ..... 134 .....179, 871 ..... 87i .....818, 871, 1025 134 294 925 2 4 294 . 977 239 30 1025 .« 134 871 30 239 Afforestation.................... Allowances to Miners, Coal ....... •Coal for Agricultural Needs .... Coal for American Troops ........ Coal Boring in Ireland A......... Coal Control and Water Shortage Coal Supplies............... Coal Supplies ( Ireland) ....... Delayed Coal Supplies ...;.. Education Bill.............. Electrical Power Depots..... Enemy Alien, An ............ Export Difficulties......... Exporting Coal to Ireland . . .^ Forms, Coal Supply ......... Fuel in Leland ............. Fuel and Lighting Order..... Horses in Mines ............ Irish Anthracite .,.......... Irish Miners5 Wages.........?.. Miners5 Wages*.............. Mul'ingar Asylum, Coal for . Number of Mine Workers .... O 1, Boring for British..... Output of Coal, The......... Peat Deposits .............. Percentage of Miners5 V\ ages Petroleum Production Bi. 1.... Petroleum arid Royalties .... Pitwood Supply ............. Price of Coal, The ......... Prisoners in Mines ......... ^Rationing, Coal .... ...... Release of Coal Miners ..... Royalties, Mining ... ...... Saffron Waid* n, Coal in ... Schools, Coal for .....-.... Shipments to Ireland ....... Shortage. The Coal .. ...... Shre ' sbury’s Coal Supply,.... Stanr gg Pit D isaster ......... Steel Exports to France ... . . Subsidies to Iron and Steel Makers Supplies (Ireland5! Coal......... Sussex, Coal Supplies in....1.... 'Timber .................../..... Wage Increases ...........\...... Coal, Iron, and Engineering Companies. Albion Iron Co. (London) Ltd........ 456 Albion Steam Coal Co. Limited I..... 456 Algoma Steel Corporate >n .... 876 Anderston Foundry Co. Limited....... 930 Anglo-Spanish Coaling Co. Limi’ed .. 770 ” Arb*>rite” Fuel (Parent) Co. Limited 770 Arms'rong (rrir W. G.), W hitworth and Co. Limited ..............:....... 614 Arnisron Coal Co. Limited...........1202 Asbestos Association Limited ■.. / 11*8 Astin and Barker Limite < .. ..'....1254 Astley and Tyldesley Collieries Limited ... 402 Atlas Steel Foundry and Engineering < o. Limited .....................>092, 1312 Babcock and Wilcox Limited.......\.. 930 Bacares-Seron Ro eways L mited .....12-4 \XxJ3aker (P.) and Co. Limited........ 614 Bald wins Limited .................. 876 Balfour (Arthur) and Co. (Africa) Ltd.1312 J Barrow Haematite Steel Co. Limited 1148, 1254 4 Bay min Limited...................... 34 Bell’s United Asbestos Co. Limited . 770 Bengal Coal Co. Limited............114* Bessemer (Henry) and Co. Limited.... 138 ^3 Birmingham Railway Carriage «nd Wagon Co. Limited ..................... 244 '“Blackball C<>al Co. Limited .........138 iBlaenavon Co. Limited ............. 1202 3B-»dman (W. L.) Limited .............103) Bolsover C-lliery Co. Limited ....... 716 ^Bolckow Vaughan ami Co. Limited.....510, 562 \ Bradbury and J €» Edward and Alexander Limited........... < 30 Elms Colliery Co. Limited............... 298 Engineering Proprietary Limited ........ 244 Engine Specialists Limited ............. 19o English Electric Co. Limited............1312 Evans and Yeomans Limited............... 982 Explosives Trades Limited..............1254 Fenwick (Win, France) and » o. Limited ... 298 Fernhill Collier es Limited .......402, 614 Ferolite Limited...................... 350 Ferrotherm Limited...................... 9&2 Fife Coal * o. Limited ... ....... 350, 402 Frost (A ) and Co. Limited ............. 510 Fuller Accumulator * o. Limited.........1202 Gas Light and Coke Co. Limited.......... 190 Gawber Colliery Co. Limited ............ 510 General Engineering Co. (Hornsey) Ltd. .1148 Gilman (J. H.) and Co. Limited ......... 930 Gittus (William) and Son Limited....... 34 Glamorgan Patent Fuel Limited .......... 402 Glenboig Union Fireclay Co. Limited .... 666 Glencoe (Natal) Collieries Limited..... 456 Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. Limited.....................87, 190 Graham5s Navigation (Merthyr) Collieries 298 Great Eastern Metal Works Limited ...... 244 Great Wesiern Colliery Co. Limited..... 34 Greenwood and Bat ley Limited ......... 138 Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds Lt •....]90, 298, 35 Gwaun-cae-(jurwen Colliery co. Limited ... 1036 Hadfields Limited ...................... 138 Hall B os. Engineering Works Limited ... 98. Halstead (Henry) and Sons Limited.......1254 Hamaide Limited ........................1202 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Limited .......... 614 Head, Wrightson and Co. Limited .......13i2 Heginbotham, Gregson Co. Limited ....... 13o Hen ey’s t W. T.) Telegraph Works Co. Ltd. 350 Hex Nut Machine Co. Limited............. 24+ Hills Brothers Limited .................1036 Hill (Richaru) and Co. himi ed(1899)....1202 Holmes, (Fredk. G.) and < o. Limited... 770 Korbut y Junction Iron Co. Limited..... 350 Horden Collieries Limited .............. 930 Huntsman (R.) Limited ................... 87 Ibbotson Bros, nu Co.................... 5b Imperial Navigation Coal Co. Limited... 34 Insoles Coll e ies Co. Limited ......... 456 International Coal Co. Lin ited......... 614 Ives Engineering Co. Limited ........... 138 James and Keith Limited ................ 190 Kayser, Ellison and o. Limited ........822, 1312 Kent C al Concessions Co. Limited ......1362 Ki ky (E. M.) Limited................... 244 Kinneil Cannel and Coking Coal Co. Limited Knowles (Andrew) and sons Limiied ...... 402 Kynoch Limite i ...................244, 822 Lambert Brothers Limited .............. 9 0 Lancashi e Wagon Co Limited ............ 930 Lancashire and Yorkshire Wag-»n Co. Ltd. 190 i-ansford Syndicate Limited............. 244 Lawrence (Edward) and Co. Limited...... 402 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Limited ... 51 » Llangollen .viines Limited.............. 666 Lochgelly Iron and Coa Co. Limited..... 87 Locket’s Merthyr Collieries Co. Limited 456, 822, 876, 1092 Logie, Ashmole and Co. Limited..........1202 Low Moot- Co. Limited .................. 77v MacLellan (P and W.) Limited ........... 716 ’-lain Colliery Co. Limited ............ 982 Mather and Platt Limited ............... 190 Matthews (Edward) Limited............... 190 Metallurgical Foundries Limited ........ 456 Metal Manufacturers Limited............. 298 Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Metropolitan Coal Co. of Sydney...456, 510 Middleburg Steam Coa] and Coke Co. Ltd. 1254 Midland oal Products Limited ......... 7.0 Midland Iron Co. Limited...............1148 Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. Limited 298 Millom an' Askam Hsematite Iron Co. Limited, .....................138,1254 Mineral Gil and Power Investments Ltd.... 456 Mitchinson (T.) Limited ..............1312 Mond Nickel Co. Limited ............. 614 PAGE Mount Torlesse Collieries (Broken River, N.Z.) Limited..................... 350 Muntz’s Metal Co. Limited ............ Iv5 National Boiler and General Insurance Co. Limited ...................... 298 National Fuel Oil Co. Limiteci........ 876 National Gas Engine Co. Limited ...... 244 Newcastle Grap ;ite Co. Limited....... 510 Newlay Tar Distillation Co. Limited.... 402 New Monckton Collieries Limited ...298, 456 Newport-Ab* ream Black Vein Steam Coal Co. Limited .................1148 New Sharlston Collieries Co. Limited...982 Newton, hambers and Co. Limited ...... 876 New Tranwell Colli- ry Co. Limited ... 876 iddrie and Benhar Coal Co. Limited .1092 Nimuio (James) and Co. Limited .......1092 Norm an by Iron VV< rks Co. Limited .. 298 North Amman Collieries Co. Limited .... 9 0 North British Locomotive Co. Limited... 510 North End Colliery (Cockfield) Limited 350,510 Nor th Central Wagon Co. Limited ..... 350 North-Eastern Steel Co. Limited ...... 298 North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Co. Limited 982, 1148, 1254 North’s Navigation Collieries Co. Ltd. 244, 1254 North Wales Iron and Manganese Co. Ltd. 1202 Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co. Limited ... 298 Ocean Coal and Wilsons Limited ....... 402 Oil Fields of England Limited......... 190 Otis Steel Co. Limited ........... 402, 510 Oto Limited........................... 936 Park Hall Colli- ry Co. Limited ...... 930 Parkins Colliery Co. Limited ......... 666 Park Tool and Engineering Co. Limited ... 770 ’arry (C. P ) Limited ................ 716 Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Co. Limited .................. 510, 666, 876 Pease and Partners Limited.............114" Pendare Navigation Coal Co. Limited .. 93o Penk.vdd Colliery Co. Limited.......... 876 Percher (Thos.) and Sons Limited ..... 298 Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co. Limited ... 35 Preston Wagon Co. Limited ........... 1092 Princetown Coal and Land Co Limited ... 982 Radnor Manufact uring Co. Limited .... 298 Reay (William) and Co. Limited........1092 Redcliffe F< -undry Limited........... 5'0 Redpath, Brown and Co. Limited .......1312 Rhymney Iron < Jo. Limited........... 1202 Richmond (J.) and Son Limited.........1 92 Rickett, Cockerell an Co. Limited .... 13* Richardsons, Westgarth and Co. Ltd. ...87, 510 Richards (W. Alban) and Co. Limited .. 402 Roberts (Wm.) Tipton...................1092 Roburite and Ammonal Co. Limited....... 298 Sacker (F. D and L.) Li ited ......... 822 Schofiel (James) and Son- (Mossley) Ltd. 1036 Scottish Wagon Co. Limited............ 244 Seri ven and Co. (Leeds) Limited...... 298 Severn Engineering C<>. Limited........ 93<> SheepnridueCoal and IronC . Limited 456, 614 Sheffield Forge and Rolling Mills Co. Ltd. 350 Shelton Iron and Coal Co. Limited.. 1202 Shotts Iron Co. Limited ..........1036, 1148 Siemens Brothers and Co............... 9*2 Silica Properties Limited .............131 Sneyd Collieries Limited ............. 7'0 South Durham Steel & Iron Co. Limited ..1036 South-Eastern Coal Field Extension Co. Limited ..........................1312 Southern Minerals Co. Limited ........1036 South Glamorgan Colliery Co. Limited... 244 South Hetton Coal Co. Limited ........ 456 Stannaries Metal Co. Limited ......... 716 Stanton Iron Works Co. Limited .......1092 Stanley Coal and Iron Co. Limited..456, 614 Steel Company of Scotland Limited 716, 822 Stewarts and Lloyds...................... 244 Summerlee Iron Co. Limited............... 456 Swan, Hunter and Wigham R chardson Limited ............................. 190 Synt het c Coal Syndicate ............. 6 4 Tawle Vale Collier es Co Limited....... 456 Tees Iron and Hardware Limited .......... 822 Thomlinson-Walker (Wm ) Limited ......... 930 Thorny roft (John I ) and Co Limited... 822 'Tinsley Park Colliery Co. Limited.......1312 Trafford Park Estates ................... 930 Tredegar Iron and Coal Co. Limited..... 982 Trot man (F.) Limbed .................. 350 Tubes Limited............................. 40 Tuff ellandTavlor Limited ............... 190 Turney (A G ) Engin ering Co. Limited ... 510 Tutt hill Limited ....................... 770 Tymaen Colliery Co. Limited ............. 876 U-iston Colliery Co. Limite-1.........1148 United States Steel Corporation...... 9:<0 Un-ted Steel Companies Limited........ 510 United Wire Works Limited.............125’ Vickers Limited ......................... 244 Vulcan Mot or & Engineering ’ o. Ltd. 562, 1254 Wagon Finance Corporation Limited ........ 34 Wankie Collier- Co. Limited ............. 822 Warw ickshire Coal Co. Limited ......... 1312 Waste Heat and Ga> Electrical Generating Stations Limited .................... 456 Waste Metals and By-Products Limited 456 Watson (John) Limited ................. 298 Wea dale Steel -nd Coal Co. Limited .....1036 Wells (J. and G.) Limi ed ............... 716 Western Wagon and Property Co. Limited 244 West Suburban Tool and Engineering Works Limited ........................ 87 West wood (Th n>as) Limited ............. 666 Whitehaven Haematite Iron and Steel Co. Limi ed ............................. 770 Wigan Coal and Iron Co. Limited....456, 1312 Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co. Limited ...... 8’6 Windsor Steam Coal Co. (1901) Limited ... 510 Witbank Colliery Co. Limited.......40\ 1312 Witt Engineering and Storey Metals Co. Limited .......................... 244 Wood (Edward) and Co. Limited............ 244 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. Limited... 350 Continental Notes. Germany. Rhenish-Westphalian Iron Market .1081 Ruhr Coal Market ................1081 Syndicate Settling Prices, German Coal 558 Westphalian Coal Companies in 1916-17 558 Indian and Colonial Notes. PAGE Australia. Conciliation Courts .............. 551 Output in New South Wales.........1088 Unequal Distribution of Trade .... 551 Wage, Claims for Minimum .........1088 Wage Scheme, New .................. 82 Canada. British Columbia Coal Output....... 1088 Coalfield Developments............. 82 Coal Situ tion in Canada ........ 551 Coke Oven Installation ...........1088 Locomotive Fuel.................... 82 Ontario, Coal Outlook in..........1088 Miscellaneous. Ablain Coal <’oke Mould, The .............. 872 Alberta, Coal Output in.................. 1038 Algeria, Coal in ...................... 512 Allies’ Coal S-*ppiie- ................ 505 Amalgamation, Yorkshire Colliery........... 246 Ameri* an Appeal to Miners ................ 556 American Coal Transport .................. 720 American Min* rs’ Increased Output......... 610 American Pe«t Industry................ 397 Ammonia,Toluol and Benzol, Extraction of 18 Anthracite C«>al for the Army .............1366 anthracite Duff. Rationing ................ 811 Anthracite for Domestic Use ............. 1132 Anthracite Fires........................... 808 Anthracite Heating, Demonstration of... 974 Argentine C- al Mines ..................... 230 Argentina, Fuel Shortage in................. 70 Australian Iron Industry ..................1297 Austrian Coal Production ................. 612 Austria’s Coal Yield..................1' 18 Bar Iron Conference........................ 505 “Beama” .................................. 666 Benzol Available, More ....................1254 Birm-ngham, Coal Shortage in...............1202 Birmingham, Metallurgical Society .........1357 Blast H urnace and steel Works in Holland, Proposed .............................. 233 Boilers, Self-cleaning Grates for Steam ... 458 Boilers, Use of Various Grades of Coal in 4- 6 Hone Prof., and Fuel Technology............ 822 Bradford COal Dealers’ Association ........ 499 Bradford Coal Merchants’ Association.......1086 Bradford Coal Merchants’and Consumers’ Association ...................... 135 Brad'ord Coal Trade Association ...... 390 Brazil, Engineering Investigations in . 716 Breach of the Coal Oi der ............ 134 Briey Iron Minns Undamaged .............1150 Briquettes, Heath Humus............... 713 Briquette Production, American........ 444 Briquetting Coal and Coke Dust........ 126 British Columbia, Coal in ............ 240 British Engineers’ Association. The...1298 Brom Coal Institute at Freiburg...... ... 244 Bunker Prices at Colon ...............1145 Calling-up Notices Cancelled ........... 551 Canada, The Coal Situation in Western ... 233 C nada, Restricting Coal Supplies in 662 Canadian Coal Supply................. .. 300 Canal Barge Propulsion ............. 185 Carbonisation, Government and Coal ...1366 Cargo Fleet Iron, Coal and Coke Co.....1088 Checking up Slackers ................ 122 Chemical Industry and Coal........... 970 Chicago, < ’oal Conservation in...... 754 Cleveland Ironsione..................1252 Coal Beds in the Far North ....... 557 Coal C eaper in France ............... H40 Coal Controller’s Advice to Householders 336 Coal Control Administration, Cost of ... 391 Coaling Ports ......................... 87 Coal Companies, Profits Made by....... 317 Coal, Clean •......................... 342 Coal Deposit Survey in Queensland .... 213 Coal Grouping in Natal ............... 610 Coalh avers’ Claim .................... f 09 Coal and Iron in Ireland.............. 601 Coal Merchants’ Federation of Great 1030 Britain Coal Position, Sir Albert Stanley on the ... 666 Coal on the Rhone.................................... 125 Coal and Lighting Economies ............. 878 Coal and Potash for Allied Chemists....... 969 coal Shortage, Lord Aberconway and the 655 Coal Trade i enevolent Association, The 81, 1140, 1254 Coal Washing and By- Product Installation, Messrs. Baldwin’s ....................1300 Colliery Ballot, Appeal Regarding ........ 240 Colliery Clerical Staffs’ War Bonuses ...... 662 Colliery Managers. Meeting of Lai cash ire 766 Colliery Under-Managers’ Association, Cannock Chase ........................ 702 •\>l«»mbian Coal ........................ 876 Coke Oven Industry....................... 915 Coke Prices ............................. 668 Colliery Company fined .£100............. 342 Colliery Surveyors, Order Relating to .... 90 Compensation for Pit Accident ...........1143 Con umer Fined, Coal..................... 766 Controller to Address Miners ............ 614 ontroller on the Coal Shortage, Coal . 772 Controller on the Outlook, Coal..........1314 Controller and Mr. Runciman, Coal ....... 352 Controller at Nuneaton, Coal ............. 766 Control in Canada, Coal ............... 602 Council on Post-War Priority, Standing ... 976 Crushing, <'oal.......................... 236 Damage, Unsuccessful Claim for Mining... 350 Danish <’oal Supply...................... 770 Daylight Services ....................... 873 Demobilisation or Miners ................1-50 Demobilisati n Position, The .............1254 Denmark, Exports to ..................451 Depreciation of Plants, Income Tax and... 350 Deputies in Lancashire and Cheshire, Con- cessi ns to......................... 932 Derby Miners’ Example ................. 339 Derby shir* Oil Fields ................ 495 Depreciation Allowance for Plant and Machinery ......................... 452 Destina.ion of Coal Shipments in 1917 ...1191 Developme ts at Barrow Works.........1191 Disabled, King’s Fund for............ 716