T The Colliery Cuardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, January 10, 1919. CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXV1 _________ Editorial. page _____605 ..... 235 973, 1027 ..... 657 ..... 25 ..... 129 ....1247 ......................... . ... 813 ..... 289 ..... 813 ^oa,i Future of British___ Coal Order Debate, The Coal and Its Scientific Uses ......... Coal Shortage, The Coal Trade After the War’’. Coal Washing, The Science or .... Coalition Policy ... Coking, Experiments in Common Weal, The ....... Economics, War and.’’.’................ . OJLO Efficiency and Fatigue,The Psychology of... 1083 ... friendly Societies and Miners' Union ...1304 709 Coke Ovens at Fence Houses, New ...... Coke-Oven Practice, Economic Consider* ... tions in ...........................1022 Coke Prices, Metallurgical....................1034 Coke Pric* s Order, Gas ................ 754 Conciliation Board, Coal................1081 Conciliation Board to Continue, Coal ___ 444 Concrete in Collieries, Reinforced ......13 -0 Conservation Committee, Coal ... 385, 441, 497 Conveyor, Simp] - Face................. 559 Conveyor, Portable Automatic Trimming... 601 Co-Partnership .......................__ 175 PAGE ■ p . 1134 1 Peat, The Carbonisation and Distillation of Petroleum Production Bill............. Pitwood Order....................... Plunger Greaser, Waterproof .......... Powdered Coal, Aii -carried ............ Poudered Coal, Control of Fuel and Air in Burning......................... PAGE 18 286 233 707 71 Fuel Economy____........... Fuel Order, The Ne w ........ i...... Fuel Rationing ............... German Coal Fields and Payment in Kind.............. ...........................1303 German Trade After the War .. 447 Hewlett, J.P., Alfred ................. 665 Income Tax, Depreciation Allowance for... 657 Keys of Industry, The................. 761 Labour Manifesto, The ...............113y __ 4139 1139 501 1357 182 921 921 867 1357 341 553 709 289 Mineral Oil Resources, Our....... Mmes Department, A State ....... ................ Ministry of Mines and Minerals, A ..... Oil from Mineral Sources ............... Out i>ut and Price of Coal..........? Petroleum .Resources ................... Prices. Coal, and the Limitation Act ..... Profits, Trade Fluctuations and.... ............. Power................. Refractories ...................... Rescue Apparatus, Mine......... . . . . Rescue Brigades, Training............... Scientific Research in the CoM Industry... 501 Seaways ot the Empire........ 1193 ................__ 78 . 129 . 553 . 867 . 181 . 761 1027 . 393 1083 Silicosis.............../ . \\ Southport Conference, The Training of Mining Geologists . Transport, Coal ................. University Degrees in Commerce... War, After the___.’...............' War, The End of the Great ......... War to Work, From Wind Power and the Coal Problem ..... J.11 ICC, UUlUl'TI Conservation Committee, Coal Conveyor, Simp] - Face....... Co-Partnership _______________________ Decomposition of Coal and its Carbonisa- tion Products, The Thermal......... ........................... Development Work in Collieries .... . ... Distillation of American Coals, Low Tem- perature .............................. Dombrova Coal Fields, The ............ Economisers, Wear and Tear of Fuel ... Economising Industrial Coal in Fram e ... Education in Mining: From the Student's Point of View ...................... Electrical Services in Min* s, Earthing... .................. Electric Motors, Cooling................ Electric Power Supply.................j Employment Statistics, Mining 73, 177, 389, 609, 817, 1077, 1308 Examination for Mine Foremen, Piactical .86 Examinations, Mine Managers' .........1190 Explosive Mixtures by Electric Sparks, Ignition of......................... 970 Explosives in Coal Mines ......... Fan, A New Reversal ........... Fireclay Bodies, Size of Grog in.. Firing Wet Holes ................. FIuk (4ases, Checking Loss in .... Forestry Sub-Committee's Report . Freight Rates, Revised............ Fuel Economy.............................................. Fuel Economy in a Modern Steel Works... Fuel Overseers, New Commandeering Orders for................................ Fuel Oil from Home Sources, Production of 124 1240 70 122 707 662 965 70 1239 1131 389, 129b ....1351 .... 285 .... 550 .... 126 ... 1188 ....1189 29” 493 _____„ .................................... 808 Powdered Coal, The Possibilities of..1198, 1355 Power Factor, The..........388, 706, 967, 1188 Prices for French Coals, New Maximum 20, 186, 702, 914, 1189 ..................1033 82 i57 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers....... 971, 1296 Scottish Mine Managers'’ Association .. 1298 South Wales Institute of Engineers .. 229, 1189 Sulphate of Ammonia Association, The ... 1024 ______ Current Science and Technology. Ammonia Liquor, Loss in Manufacture of 287 Benzene, Fractional Separation of....... Helts on Pulleys ....................... Brake Performance with Heavy Trains By-Product Coking, American .......... Catalytic Action of Carbon in Batterie> Cranes for Cooling Locomotives, Grab ... Dry Distillation, Experimental Retort for Eken berg Peat Process, The............ Electric Generating Stations, German Lignite .......................... Explosives, Liquid Oxygen ......... 339 339 610 610 610 817 Prices Order, Steel............... .... Pulverised Coal for Industrial Purposes ... Pulverised Form, Use of Coal in________ Pumping Engines, Two Newcomen Atmo- spheric ............................ Queensland, Coal Mining in ............ ........................ Queensland, Coal Mining in, during 1917... 1137 Railway Wagons, Census of Private . Owners' ......................... 177 Railway Wagons Disposal (Scotland) ...1242 Ratcliffe-Ellis, Sir Thomas R , and the Coal Industry......................1024 Refractory Bricks from Non-Plastic Materials ......................... 808 Refractory Materials Order ..... .........1077 Refractory Materials of South Wales, The 810 Refractory Materials, Standard Tests for 713 Rescue Apparatus Committee: First Re- ... port, Mine..................548. 600, 651 Rescue Apparatus Research Committee, Mine............................... Rescue Work, Suggested Rules for Use in Rhondda, Viscount .................... Roof Conditions at the Lethbridge Colliery Ropes, New Way of Socketing Wire..... Safety Gate at Foot of Shaft............ .................. Sale of Coal, Revised Directions as to the... Sand-Filling in Mines, Notes on......... ............ Screen Plants Marcus................... Seams, Some Unique Methods of Working Coal...............................1075..... Shaft Bottom, Separation Doors at Upcast 1' 28 Shaft Pillar, Removal of a Vertical ..... 913 Shafts, Sinking, through Thick Beds of Mud and ^and........................... Shafts, Steel Guides in ............... shortage, The Coal ............................ Signalling Apparatus, The “Strong" ... Signals on a Modern Tipple, Electric... Silica Bricks for Open Hearth Furnaces. . Silica Bricks.......................... Silica Products, Study of ............ Southport Conference, The ............. Sout h Staffordshire Coal Field, Geology of the .................................... Spain, Coal Mining Developments in..... Spontaneous Heating of Store of Coal, Moisture and ...................... Stan* igg Coll ery Disaster: Home Office Enquiry, The ......................7 State Trading ...................... Stone Dusting Machine, The Rushton..... Stowing, Primary Considerations in Hydraulic ......................... Surveying, The p uture Aspect of Mine ... Switchboards, The Safe Operation of Power-Plant ......................17, 72 Tipple. An American Coal..............1352 Ti> pier, Rotary Underground .......... 135 ....... rade Union Congress.................. 505 Traffic, L-ability for Extraordinary .... 398 T- aining of Students in Coal Mining, The 1187 Ventilation of Coal Mines, Auxiliary..... 756 w age Agreement Proposals, Miners’..... 919 Wages, Mi ers' ....................... 977 Walker, Mr. G. Blake, Honorary Degree for 19 War Problems, Miners and ____________ 819 War Wage, Miners' .................... 755 War Wages and Selling Charges......... 83 Washer, The Draper....................1186 Washeries, Precautions in Working Coal • reakers and ........ Washery, New American _____....... Waterlogged Coal Area in South Stafford- shire, The......................... Weights of Various Coals .............. Whitlex Committee's Final Report ..... Wigan and District Mining and Technical College ___________.____........................1353 Workmen’s Compensation Act, Some Recent Decisions Under the .... 230 134 610 508 705 21 284 979 347 91 125 861 339 ________ _________ , ...... ... 339 Fuels, Determination of Total Carbon in... 1088 Gas Analysis, 'lhe Use of the Interfero- meter in........................... Gas Circula'ion in Kot Blaut ut of Co «1, Increasing the............1243 Output Estimates for '“18 ______.......... 865 Output and Value of Fuel i-» 1917 ........136? Oxygen, Diffusion of, through Stored Coal 96Q Peat, Distillation of ....................... 72 I 1362 915 . 20 805 121 1199 123 415 559 6091 30 865 Meetings. Ceramic Society, Refractory Materials Section of the............... ..... C ke Oven Managers' Association, Midland Section .......................... 1132 Institution of Mining Engineers...546, 602,661 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 765, 1025, 1351 Midi nd Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers 283,861,1021,1241,1301 ... Miners’ Federation Conference ......... 390 Mining Institute <>f Scotland .......756, 1245 North of E- gland Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.......337, 807, 1299 Law Cases. Aktieselskabet Grenland v. Percy Janson (Marine Insurance) ................1198 Attorney-General v. Cory Bros. & Co. Ltd. (Dumping Debris on Mountain) ..... 239 Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. v. North-Ea tern Railway Co. (Claim for Indemnity)... 23 British Red Ash Collieries Ltd. (Ke Colliery .... Machinery Agreement) .............1111 Clawley v. Carlton Main Colliery Co Lt 1. (Redemption of Compensation Pay- ments) .................. ........................,136 Commissioners of Inland Revenue r Duke of Northumberland (Mineral Rights Duty) ____________________________ 23 District Council of Westhoughton r. Wigan Coal and Iron Co Ltd...............1088 Dobbie, J., v. Coltness Iron Co. Ltd. (Checkweigher and eductions) _____1357 Edwardes v. Ton Phillip Rhondda Colliery Co_________________:.............................. 926 Harrower, P , and Co. (Manchester) v. Wm. Oxley and Co. Ltd. (R »therham)_____1251 His Majesty's Procurator in Egvpt v. Deutsche Kohlen Depot Gesellschaft (Seizure of Coal ng Craft) ..........1301 Jones v. International Anthracite Colliery Co. (A Workmen's Compensation) ... 977 Klaveness. A. F., and Co r. H.M. Pro- curator-General ...................1301 Moss Hall Coal Co. v. Cross, Tetley A Co. .1251 Procurator-General in Egypt r. Deutsche Kohlen Depot Gesellschaft (German ........ Coaling Vessels) ................... 926 Re the “ Snar "(Arbitrator's Award Up- held)............................. 1198............ Roura & Forgas v. Townend and Others (A German Raider's Victim) ....926, 1031 Stoomvaart M. Sophi II. r. Merchants* Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. (Insurance and Floating Mines) .............. 926 Thomson. W. A., and B. W. Paitlr. Masters and Fellows of St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge, and Others (Barnsley Coni Seam) _____________________________1251 Voisey and Another v. Hindley Field Col- liery Co. (Rent of Wigan < ’olliery) . . 1031 Whitaker Ltd. v. Bowater Ltd. (A Broken Contract) ................... 1144 Wild v. John Brown and Co. Ltd. (Trade Union Delegate’s Earnings) ......... 77