1312 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 28, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature. I.—General. The Colliery Manager and State Ownership. F. McAvoy. “ Iron and Coal Tr. Rev./’ July 6, p. 648. (Paper read before Forest of Dean Brch. Natl. Assocn. Colly. Mgrs.) Graphic Determination of Prices. J. D. Skinner. “ Coal Age,” May 25, p. 960; 7 fig. The Nationalisation of Coal Mines. “ Eng.,” June 14, p. 515. Coal Economy from a National Standpoint. W. H Casmey. “ Trans. Mchester. Geol., Vol. 35, pt. 7-8, p. 287; 5 fig. An Imperial Department of Mines. E. Walker. “ Bull. Can. Min. Inst.,” May, p. 399. Fuel Economics. D. H. Dowling. “ Bull. Can. Min. Inst.,” May, p. 406. Waste of Coal in Canada. W. J. Dick. “Bull. Can. Min. Inst.,” May, p. 468. Cost Accounting at Coal Mines. J. B. Dilworth. “ Coal Age,” May 11, p. 874. Flow of Air Through Small Coal and Other Broken Material. J. T. Storrow. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1298. (From paper read before Instn. Min. Engin.) Conciliation and Arbitration. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 21, p. 1255. II. —Education. Notes on the Education (Scotland) Bill. W. Jarvie. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Vol. 55, pt. 2, p. 149. Mine Managers’ Examinations. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1146. Compulsory Continuation Schools. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1201. III. —Geology. The Geology of Manchester as Revealed by Borings. G. Sickling. “ Trans. Mchester. Geol.,” Vol. 35, pt. 7-8, p. 189; 2 pl. The French Alpine Coal Basin (Le Bassin Houiller des Alpes Frangaises). G. A. Maillet. “ Echo des Mines,” June 16, p. 291. The Geology of the Oamaru District, North Otago. J. Park. “ N.Z. Geological Survey Bull. 20 (N.S.)”; illus. A New Theory of the Origin of Coal and Nature’s Process of Reproduction. J. A. Haldarman. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” June 1, p. 39. The Coal deposits of China. Yang-Tseu-Kia. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1145. (From “ Revue de Chimie Industrielle.”) IV.—Mine Surveying. Measuring Coal Areas and Making Coal Summary Sheets. “ Coal Age,” May 25, p. 954; 2 fig. Practical Surveying. E. McCullough; 402 pp.; 229 fig. (London: Constable and Company; 8s. 6d. net.) A New Device for Tacheometric Plane Table Surveying. H. Louis. Selected Paper 4226. Instn. Civil Engin.; 3 PP- Terrestrial Magnetism in Relation to Mine Surveying. C. Chree. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1193; 1 fig. (From paper read before Instn. Min. Engin.) The Magnetic Meridian. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 21, p. 1255. VI.—Working of Minerals. Notes on Operating Mining Machines. M. Dempster. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 6, p. 646; 7 fig. (Paper read before E. Scotld. Brch. Assocn. Min. El. Engin.) VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Accuracy in Coring with Diamond Drills. J. S. Mitchell. “ Can. Engin.,” April 15, p. 134. Repairing a Small Circular Shaft. S. Chambers. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1196; 2 fig. (From paper read before Min. Inst. Scotld.) XL—Winding and Haulage. Repair Work to Heavy Foundations. S. Gill. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 14, p. 676; 3 fig. (Paper read before Yorks Brch. Natl. Assocn. Colly. Mgrs.) Piatt Car Spragger. “Coal Age,” June 1, p. 996; 1 fig. The “Bold” Timber Tram. J. G. Thompson. “Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Vol 55, nt. 2, p. 156; 3 fig. Overhead Koepe Winding Plant at Plenmeller Colliery, Haltwhistle. G. Raw. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1141; 5 fig. XIV.—Ventilation. Combustion Tube Safety Lamps. A. Marshall. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev./’ June 7, p. 644; 1 fig. (Paper read before N. Staffs. Brch. Natl. Assocn. Colliery Mgrs.) XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. The Origin of Blackdamp. J. I. Graham. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 21, p. 1245. (Paper read before Instn. Min. Engin.) XVL—Coal Dust. The Effects of Dust Inhalation. J. S. Haldane. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1207. (From paper read before Instn. Min. Engin.) Estimating Injurious Dust in Mine Air by the Kotze Konimeter. J. Innes. “ Colliery Guard./’ June 21. (Paper read before Chem., Met. and Min. Soc., S. Africa.) XX.—Drainage, Pumping, etc. Centrifugal Mine Pumps. O. Haentjens. “ Coal Age,” June 1, p. 998; 15 fig. Compressed Air Centrifugal Pump. “ Colliery Guard./’ June 7, p. 1145; 1 fig. X XI.—Preparation. New Steel Washery of the Locustdale Coal Company. W. R. Cross. “ Coal Age,” May 25, p. 956; 9 fig. Coal Washing : A Scientific Study. T. J. Drakeley. “ Trans. Mchester. Geol.,” Vol. 35, pt. 7-8, p. 244; 5 fig. New Method of Separating Materials of Different Specific Gravities. T. M. Chance. “ Coal Age,” May 11, p. 866; 4 fig. (Paper read before Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.) XXI I.—Briquettes. Briquets and Briquet Making. C. A. Mann. “Iowa Engin.,” April, p. 232. XXI11.—Coke Ovens and By-Products. New Turbine Plant at Hull. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 7, p. 639; 5 fig. (Hull Corpn. Ely. Wks.) Coke Oven Gas for Town Supply. E. Rees. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 7, p. 642. (Paper read before Wales and Monmth. Dist. Instn. Gas Engin. and Mgrs.) A Comparative Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Coal and Some of the Products of its Carbonisation. M. C. Whitaker and J. R. Suydam, Junr. “ JI. Ind. Eng. Chem.,” June, p. 431; 1 fig. On the Gasification of Sardinian Lignite (Sulle Gasifica- zione della Lignite Sarda). F. Sartori. “ Ind. Chim. Min. and Met.,” May 25, p. 73. Effect of Load on the Refractoriness of Firebricks, etc. J. W. Mellor and W. Emery. “ Gas World,” June 8, p. 387. (Report presented to the annual meeting of the Instn. Gas. Engin.) The Control of Continuous Ammonia Stills. K. Norton. “ Gas Wld.,” June 8, p. 397; 4 fig. A Survey of the Power By-Product Problem. T. R. Woollaston. “JI. Soc. Engin.,” April, p. 65; 7 fig. Low Temperature Carbonisation of Coals. J. L. Stevens. “ Chem. Eng. Min. Rev.,” April 5, p. 195. The Utilisation of Coal Tar (L’Utilisation du Goudron de Houille). E. Noelting, “ Chimie et Industrie,” June 1, p. 14T. Pyrometers and Pyrometry. Reprint from Trans. Faraday Soc., 12s. 6d. net. . Silica Bricks. H. Le Chatelier. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1153. (From paper read before Soc. Ind. Min.) XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. Pulverised Coal for Industrial- Purposes. J. Cunliffe. “ Coal Age,” May 25, p. 963; 3 fig. (Paper read before Vancouver Chbr. of Mines.) Substitutes for Coal. F. Hall. “ Coal Age,” May 25, p. 969. Air-Carried Powdered Coal. “ Compr. Air Mag.,” May, p. 8763; 3 fig. (From “Iron Age.”) Ascertaining Percentage of Moisture in Coal. N. H. Humphrys. “Gas Wld.,” June 8, p. 401; 1 fig. The Value of Peat Fuel for the Generation of Steam. J. Blizard. “ Can. Dept. Mines, Bull. 17.” The Microchemical Examination of Coal. J. Lomax. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1195. (From paper read before Mchester. Geol. and Min. Soc.) XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers: Gas Engines. High Speed Internal Combustion Engines. H. R. Ricardo. “ Eng.,” June 7, p. 650; 3 fig. (Paper read before N.E. Coast Instn. Engin. and Shipbldrs.) Successful Burning of Anthracite Slush. “ Coal Age,” June 1, p. 1006; 5 fig. Four-Cycle and Two-Cycle Principle Compared. “ Gas World.” June 15, p. 8. (Power and Industl. Sectn.) Power Transmission : Hints on Belt Drives. “ Gas Wld.,” June 15, p. 7. (Power and Industl. Sectn.) Determining Loss due to Low Carbon Dioxide. “ Met. Chem. Eng.,” May 15, p. 551; 1 fig. Fuel Economy. O. A. Craig. “ Iowa Engin.,” April, p. 238. Regnault’s Latent Heat of Steam Investigations. F. B. Aspinall. “ Engin.,” June 21, p. 525; 1 fig. Coking Stokers. “Eng. Rev.,” June 15, p. 374; 1 fig. Economy in Coal Combustion. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1149. Method for the Combustion of Brown Coal. E. H. Miller. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 14, p. 1194. (From “ Austra- lian Mining Standard.”) XXVL—Compressed "Air. Compressed Air in the Coal Mine. C. A. Hirschberg. “Compr. Air Mag.,” May, p. 8745; 6 fig. (From “ Coal Industry.”) Modern Air Compressors. D. Penman. “ Min. Mag.,” June, p. 288; 8 fig. Air Receiver Explosions. L. Balliet. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1150. (“ From Power Plant Engineering.”) XXVIL—Electricity. Rules for Electric Wiring in Mines. “ Coal Age,” May 25, p. 968. (Drawn up by the West Virginia Eng. Co., Charleston). Electricity in Mining,” L. Fokes. “ Sci. Art. Min.,” June 15, p. 427; 2 fig. Some Useful Instruments for Colliery Power Plants. H. W. Ravenshaw. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Vol. 55, pt. 2, p. 99; 10 fig. South Wales and Monmouthshire Linking Up. “ El. Rev.,” June 14, p. 562; 1 fig. (From report of the S. Wales and Mon. Jt. Cmte.) Electric Power Supply. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 7, p. 1145. (From Report of Board of Trade Cmtee.) XXVI11.—Surface Transport and Storage. Railway Truck Tippler. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 7, p. 647; 1 fig. 3^-Ton Loco. Steam Crane. “Eng.,” June 7, p. 634; 3 fig- The Storage of Bituminous Coal. H. H. Stoek. “ Univ. Ill. Bull., Circular No. 6,” 63 fig. Storage of Coal. J. H. Anderson. “ Times Eng. Suppt.,” May, p. 120. (From paper read before Inst. Marine Engin.) XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Unit-built Concrete Dwellings at Youngstown, Ohio. H. Whipple. “Coal Age,” May 11, p. 862; 9 fig. The United States Fuel Administration have made an order providing for district inspectors, whose duty it will be to condemn all consignments of coal which in their opinion are not merchantable, and to notify their respective chairmen of their action, stating the facts on which it is based, and identifying the cars in which the condemned coal has been loaded. If the chairman approves the action of the inspector, he will notify the consignor and will instruct him in regard to re-preparing the condemned coal. Any consignor who fails to comply with such in- structions may be ordered to suspend temporarily further shipments of coal. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. Pot Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Armagh, July 8.—Steam and house coal to the District Lunatic Asylum. Tenders to the resident medical superin- tendent. Bedford, July 6.—Coal and coke for 12 months from August 1, for the Bedfordshire Standing Joint Committee. Tenders to the clerk of the peace, Shire Hall. Cambridge, July 1.—Coal and coke for one year ending August 31, for the Corporation. Tenders to the town clerk’s office. Cheltenham, July 20.—Good household coal, free from slack, and coke (12 months) for schools. Forms from the secretary, Education Dept., Municipal Offices, Cheltenham. Chepstow, July 2.—Coal to the schools for the ensuing 12 months. Tenders to the clerk, Welsh-street, Chepstow. Coatbridge, July 20.—Coal, nuts, peas and coke for the Old Monkland School Board. Tenders to the clerk, Muni- cipal Buildings. Croydon.—Coal and coke for Addington Park War Hospital. Forms from the steward. Dorchester.—Household and steam coal for the Dor- chester Town Council. Particulars from the borough sur- veyor, 21, North Square. Dublin, July 5.—200 tons best Wigan coal and 80 tons best Scotch steam coal for the Corporation. Tenders to the chairman, Tuberculosis Sub-Committee of Manage- ment, 3, Cork Hill. Ealing, July 1.—Coal and house coal screenings for the Town Council. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Town Hall, Ealing. Hornsey, July 8.—Coal and coke (12 months) for offices, hospital, etc. Forms from town clerk, Town Hall, High- gate. Killough (Ireland), July 8.—50 tons of best White- haven coal for the Governors of the Shiels Institution. Tenders to the presiding chairman. Kinsale, July 3.—120 tons of coal for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk. Lancaster, July 16.—For supply of slack or nuts (screened or washed) for period of 6, 9, or 12 months for the Electricity Committee. Tenders to the town clerk. London, S.E., July 4.—House and steam coal for the Bermondsey Board of Guardians. Tenders to the clerk to the Guardians, 283, Tooley-street, S.E.l. London, N., July 8.—Coal and coke for the Hornsey Borough Council’s Offices, Isolation Hospital, and depots for 12 months. Tenders to the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Southwood-lane, Highgate, N.6. Morecambe.—2,000 tons of rough slack for the Corpora- tion Electricity Works. Tenders to the town clerk. Nopsbury (St. Albans), July 6.—For supply of inland large hard steam coal, in any quantity up to 4,000 tons, for the Middlesex County Asylum. Tenders to the Asylum. Nottingham, July 1.—Coal (12 months) for Education Committee. Forms from the Education office. Radcliffe-on-Trent, July 5.—Screened cobbles for 12 months, commencing July, 1918, for the Committee of Visitors of the Notts County Asylum. Tenders to the clerk at the Asylum. Scunthorpe, July 2.—Supply of about 1,000 tons of washed gas nuts or double-screened gas coking coal for the Scunthorpe Urban District Council. Tenders to the clerk, 110, High-street. Sligo, July 9.—500 tons of coal for the Committee of the Sligo District Lunatic Asylum. Tenders to the office of the Asylum. Southam, July 2.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Market Hall, Southam. Tullamore (Ireland), July 2.—100 tons of best screened Whitehaven or Wigan coal for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Board Room. Worthing.—Coal for West Sussex and Chichester Joint Education Committee. Forms from the secretary, County Education office, Worthing. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. \ CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Dublin, July 4.—For supply and installation of a coal crushing plant for the Electricity Supply Committee. Tenders to the chairman, Electricity Supply Committee, Lord Edward-street, Dublin. Melbourne, July 2?—Wire.—Galvanised iron wire, gal- vanised steel standard wire, copper wire, etc., for the Post Office. Copies of specifications may be seen at the Enquiry Office of the Department of Overseas Trade (Development and Intelligence), 73, Basinghall-street, London, E.C.2. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ” (Vol 10, No. 6), June 1, 1918; “The Iowa Engineer” Vol. 18, No. 8), May 1918; Ministerio de Fomento— “ Boletin Oficial de Minas y Metalurgia ” (Ano 11, Num 12), Mayo, 1918. The Miners’ Federation of Great Britain decided, on Tuesday, to vote for the recommendation of the Labour Party Executive to put an end to the political truce which has existed between the Liberal, Unionist and Labour Parties since directly after the outbreak of war.