_______ _SIMPLEX HEAVY SCREWED_ CONDUITS AND CONDUIT FITTINGS June 28, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1295 PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., SUBSTANTIAL Electric Light and Power Installation Material for Factories & Mines has been _____developed by-——— SIMPLEX CONDUITS Ltd. in a thorough and thought- ful manner. Design Manufacture & Assembly are all of prime importance —and to each of these we pay most careful attention. SIMPLEX CONDUITS Ltd. HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS: GARRISON LANE—B’HAM. Albert Frosts Howzird St. Sheffield. McwSkbs Dos tacsss —— “union” brand RED LABEL. ’DELIVERIES- ° FROM STOCK ® ■y Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield Ss>e«3ig».lity —• cost SCREENING s CONWYINE !'S. ■ ■* ; - -,?»w St . ^- :'' >■ . 4» Sssr’’- ipwftix,'.. .■ y. ■. -.■• OSW ■ ■;: &■ ?■<-*■•■. ■ ; BgU? t-t ML< •' • *•’ SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. _________________________________________ CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS HOW AT WORK IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE COLONIES. Estimates and Designs on application Hopicmsoi VALVES ______ FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM. FIGURE 8500. teaman THE SUPERO VALVE STEEL BODY & LID. VALVE AND SEAT OF PLATNAM METAL. SBZES : 1» 3" -K " -11" 11 " 2 , 4 ’ 1 ’ i4 ’ 1 2 J. HOPKINSON & CO., LTD., BRITANNIA WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD. LONDON - GLASGOW - PARIS - PETROGRAD. No. 400.