1270 [supplement PAGE VI.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 21, 1918. The CONSUMMATE EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER for Steam Engines. Saving in coal effected—60 tons per week. CENTRAL CONDENSING PLANT dealing with the exhaust steam from Winding Engines, Fan Engine, 600 K.W. Power Plant, and Screen Engine. is ■ l>- > r. i ......... i.- ■ i ■ r i i r. Coal Consumption reduced 30 Z - Water Consumption reduced 50 Z - Increased Power Output 30 Z Estimates and C.C. Booklet. EDW«? DEANE & BEAL Ltd ■ p Engineers, 676, Oid Kent Rd., London, S.E. 15 GEORGE ANGUS & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. CONVEYOR BELTS or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. I SEND FOR PRICES. H And at London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, == ' if And JOHANNESBURG. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiidi WIRE ROPES & FERRO-CONCRETE LINING TRADE w.w qWr MARK. WIRES. ESTABLISHED 1864. TRADE MARK. W.W -)Wr CONTRACTORS TO t The Admiralty, VZar Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Post Office, India Office, Trinity House, and various Foreign and Colonial Governments. HAULING. ■gi WINDING. WINDING ROPES Specialities Telegrams—" WHITECROSS, WARRINGTON." Telephone—Nos. 9, 10 & 11, WARRINGTON. HAULING ROPES CRANE ROPES GUIDE ROPES SIGNAL WIRES THE WHITECROSS CO. LTD., WARRINGTON. Agents for N. & S. Midlands—BIRAM & CO., 29, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1. YEARS of STUDY and EXPERIENCE HAVE BROUGHT MY SYSTEM OF CEMENTATION TO PERFECTION. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS. Shafts sunk, tunnels driven, and other mining constructions carried out in difficult and very wet ground by the best method. Success guar- anteed. 19 shafts in Great Britain sunk with cementation. Ferro-Concrete Lining a speciality. Feeders of water in shafts or levels effectually treated. ALBERT FRANCOIS, ~ncast^"' Telegrams—“ Francois, Doncaster,” Telephone—408 Doncaster. Partners: Albert J. Francois (Belgian); Thomas Blandford. p-" PROTAN’H For 13OT1LE2RS. A Commercial form of TANNIC ACID (containing 48 50 % TANNIN). In conjunction with Soda Ash Enables the Boiler User to compound the most efficient llllllllll SCALE REMOVER imiiiiii at only a fraction of the cost of Proprietary Compositions. Composition can be based on analysis of water. Samples and further particulars from CLEMONS, MARSHALL & CARBERT, Branch of The Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co. Ltd., Leeds.