June 21, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page III.] 1267 “CAMEL HAIR” BELTING. (REGISTERED TRADE MARK) I 1 B' I I ■ . ■. L L a ^. / WiMMK, The Strongest, most Flexible, and most Durable Belting obtainable. 45 YEARS Unblemished Repu- tation as a power transmitter of highest efficiency. All genuine belts bear our registered trade mark. SOLE MANUFACTURERS: F. REDDAWAY & Co. Ltd., PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. London : 5 0/5 1, Lime Street, E.C. f THE MIRKLEES o l WATSON J The Mirrlees-Leblanc Multijector Air Pump. Weight of Multijector for 5,000 kw. is 97 lbs. The Mirrlees Watson Co. Ltd., SPECIALISTS IN CONDENSING PLANTS. Glasgow. E.C.THEEDAM JH LTD. DUDLEY, Wore., Factors and Manufacturers of Colliery Requisites. Mechanical & Electrical SIGNAL BELLS. Ordinary and Indicating Signal Bells (Mechanical and Electrical) with Indicator and Non-accumulative Ringing Lever or Key, ELASTIC ENAMELLED PLATES FOR NOTICES IN COLLIERIES & MINES. Abstract of C.M.R. Act, General Regulations, Signals (Winding, Sinking & Haulage), Electricity Notices, Restoration Plates, &c. © MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES. T. c. futers. Vol. I., Price 2is. net (By post 21a. 9d.). Vol. IL, Price ios. 6d. net (By post Ha.). SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.—Price tos. 6d. net (By post Ila.). THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4 NOTICEiREMOVAL FASTNUT Coal Baskets, Steel Chimneys, Coal Rakes, Elevator Buckets, Mining Kibbles, Haulage Clips, Barrows, Pit Tubs, &c. Owing to our Premises at 161, Great Portland Street, W. I, being Commandeered by Govern- ment, we have REMOVED to 49, Queen Victoria St, LONDON, E.C. 4. Telephone - City 7674. Warehouse & Stores—14, Normans Buildings, E.C. Malleable Iron Castings) STEEL ALLOY CASTINGS THOMAS L. HALE LTD., WALSALL, Staffordshire. ----- ON ADMIRALTY AND WAR OFFICE LISTS. - T , i • f“Hale, Founders, WalsalL” T<«lpr»hnnf» f Walsall, 408 (pte. ex. Ij5^aD1UCS " Mais eel, Manchester.” T'L'*ne Manchester, 20. Pendleton. Addresses: Fairman, Glasgow." N°S" (.Glasgow. 210, Central. Rr@m 6 Wade A.IFU COMPRESSORS Totally Enclosed and Perfectly Dustproof. Need the minimum of attention. they are Particularly suit- able for working in Dusty situations. EFFICIENT DURABLE ACCESSIBLE SIZES: 5 to 1,000 c. ft. ANY DRIVE, Fixed or Portable. WORKS: High Wycombe. HYATT ROLLER BEARINGS. MICHELL PATENT THRUST BEARINGS.