1242 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 21, 1918. S 'V./V?' .'•S;_■»>>A >?<-■' - What the transport manager says: “'T'YRES? Oh! all on Dunlops. Our local agent, a very experi- enced man, recommended them first. We tried several in competition on one side of the same machine with other makes. Dunlops had it by thousands of miles every time. The men ask for them now, too. Fewer nuts to tighten, you know, and less engine trouble. Dunlops are so resilient. As for service; well, Dunlop agents and Dunlop stocks are everywhere, which just suits us with machines at branches in every part of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Altogether we have found that for mileage, resiliency and service its best to fit the best—DUNLOPS.” DUNLOP RUBBER CO., LTD., Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry. DUNLOP SOLID RUBBER TYRE FITTING DEPOTS : Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry, Dublin, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle- on-Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham. Dunlop solid rubber tyres are obtainable from all leading motor dealers. Are you employing a Disabled Man ? TAR DISTILLATION PLANT OR EXTENSIONS TO EXISTING PLANT FOR THE TREATMENT OF CREOSOTE AND ANTHRACENE To Produce FUEL OIL, WASH OIL, CARBOLIC, NAPHTHALENE, LUBRICANTS Manufacturers : The Chemical Engineering & Wilton’s Patent Furnace Co. Ltd HENDON, LONDON, N.W. 4.