1120 [supplement page X.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 31, 1918. COLLIERY BOILERS A SPECIALITY. Telephone No. 8 1. ARNOLD’S PATENT BULBOUS FLUE. Established 185 6 Root of Flange If' Radius HOPKINSON-WEST patent EXPANSION SAFETY FLUE L——--< JL •w . “This Boiler has now worked 17 years (at 200 Ih. pressure) without repairs.’’ Fitted with Arnold’s Patent Bulbous Flues. Also TOLUOL PLANTS, BYE-PRODUCT PLANTS and CHEMICAL PLANTS erected and maintained. WM. ARNOLD & CO., BARNSLEY. John Russell & Co. Lo., ALMA TUBE WORKS, WALSALL. E'BTTIKSP'C: 0F ALL K1NDS AND rill HlUw for ALL purposes On Admiralty List of Contractors. AULD’S PATENT STEAM REDUCING VALVES Also Makers of Special FULL SORE Patent Steam Reducing Valves for Blowing, Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from high to low pressure boilers, &c. __________________ DAVID AULD & SONS, Patentees Makers, LTD. Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW. 1Y/TAPS of the British Coalfields. 1. Scotland. 2. North of England. 3. South Wales. 4. North Midlands. 5. South Midlands. Sheet, 4s. each; Mounted on Cloth on Rollers, or in Case, 6s. each.—THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD. 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Telephone- 687 Central. Telegrams— “ Octagon, Sheffield.” R. H. MIDDLETON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO THE GRAHAM ROBINSON STEEL COMPANY LIMITED. Neepsend Rolling Mills, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURERS OF MINING STEEL & TOOLS Telephone—4560 (two lines). Telegrams—“Belting, Sheffield.** RENTON HOLDSWORTH & CO. LTD., Belting and Ruhber Manufacturers, Offices : NORFOLK STREET. SHEFFIELD. Works : SYCAMORE STREET. Speciality s CONVEYOR BELTING. DRIVING BELTS.