1088 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 31, 1918. HAMMERS WEDGES, PICKS, FORGINGS, &c., ------♦ FOR *■- COLLIERIES, QUARRIES & WORKS. THE USE OF ! THIS BADGE • is an indication • ; that this Firm : : has been accept- : : ed as genuinely • • British by a Tri- : : buna! of Trade : : Competitors Insist on Efficiency. Proprietors and directors of large businesses would be well advised to insist on having the same high-grade of efficient service from their motor lorries as required of specially trained employees engaged on important work. The lorry having the greatest Quality has the greatest efficiency. In Karrier design and workmanship, Quality is first and foremost. karrier British throughout. Designed & built by KARRIER WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD, ENGLAND Particulars and terms post free. Q Manufactured by The PROVIDENT Steel & Tool Co. LIMITED, Brown Street, SHEFFIELD. THE HUNS HAVE SCRAPPED THE WELLINGTON MONUMENT (WHICH STOOD ON THE FIELD OF WATERLOO) TO MAKE HUN MUNITIONS! SELL US YOUR SCRAP IRON &STEEL TO HELP WREAK VENGEANCE FOR THIS OUTRAGE j-jjgyyy j f A WE BUY OR SELL SCRAP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IRON,STEEL & ALL METALLIC RESIDUES TEL.—1242, 1241, 3072. BRANCHES— GATESHEAD, BIRMINGHAM, WOOLWICH, LLANELLY, GLASGOW, LISKEARD. TRUNK 1013. TELEGRAMS— FERRIC, SHEFFIELD. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD. SHEFFIELD. IITflim Mil iIMIIIIIIIIBIWIIII HU ■Tl'iwrmi ill ■■■■III IIMIJI. I III I iiibw 11