May 24, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE XIII.] 1075 Coal Saving For Collieries. Scientific Service. We offer you scientific service for coal saving in your boiler-house, and are able to save 20—40 % of the coal bill of average Colliery Steam Boiler Plants. We have been engaged continuously in this business for 10 years, we have our own staff of Chemists and Engineers, and we carry out ourselves all the work necessary in connection with the reorganisation of existing boiler plants. We are prepared to undertake this work for you for (1) a fixed fee, (2) a percentage of the profits for twelve months only, (3) a percentage of the profits to be agreed upon on the understanding that we provide all the Capital for the reorganisation, you undertaking no financial responsibility whatever. We shall be glad to explain our proposition personally or by letter, and are prepared to visit your Colliery free of charge and give you our opinion of the working of your boiler-plant. grtuvnlit & fcttu TECHNICAL CHEMISTS & ENGINEERS, SPECIALISTS IN FUEL ECONOMY. 2, AUSTIN FRIARS, LONDON, E.C. 2. Telephone .... 6292 London Wall. Manchester - - 30, Cross Street. Glasgow ... 94, Hope Street. Laboratories and Testing Station, Church Street, Cheetham, Manchester. GUARANTEED MATERIALS. INSULATING VARNISHES. WAGON PAINTS. W. W. Hill, Son & Wallace Ltd., Elton Street, Broughton Bridge, MANCHESTER. --- ESTABLISHED 1840. - Brand Telephone Tel> Addre8S: Bell: 829. “Vinco, Glasgow.” “'Vinco" Miners’ & Sinkers’ OILSKIN CLOTHING A Special Featnre. At Keenest Prices. Everything in Oilskins for Town & Country Wear. Af. BARR & Co, Ld. 83, Hutcheson St., GLASGOW. Contvaotora to tine Admiralty & Numerous Corporations, Twenty-five Years’ Experience gives us Efficient Grasp of Haulage Problems. During this period we have proved in every instance that the simplicity of design and reliable construction of Heywood & Bridge’s Improved Patent Friction Clutches have no equals for COLLIERY Haulage. They may be applied to existing drives. Stops and starts the heaviest loads without shock or jar. David Bridge & C° b? Castleton Ironworks, Castleton, Manchester. London Address, 35 Queen Victoria Sfc E.C. Write for 200 page Illustrated Catalogue C 33, showing suita- bility to every conceivable drive. HEVWOOO A BRIDGES PATENT FRICTION CLUTCHES ANO COMPLETE HAULING GEARS NEWTON, CHAMBERS * & Co. Ltd., THORNCLIFFE IRONWORKS, NEAR SHEFFIELD. ESTABLISHED 1793. TANKS in Cast Iron or Steel. GENERAL CASTINGS, CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. CONTRACTORS to the ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, and CROWN AGENTS for the COLONIES. Telegrams—“ NEWTON, SHEFFIELD.” Telephone No. 2200 Two Lines. WllllllllfllllllllllllllllllillllillllllllffllllllllllM^ . J.Stead&Gi.Ltd ^" rc > FILES STEAD- . MANOR WORKS Ln, SHEFFIELD Te/ynters STEADFAST SHEmELO J&^Me.CENTRAL5H2 niiiiill iiiimiillllllllll PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Speciality-TANK LOCOMOTIVES. ESTABLISHED 1864. RISTOL Locos, of various sizes specially designed, for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors, 4c. always in progress for Early Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—** Peckett, Bristol.’* Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. T. E. COPLEY & CO Mowbray St., SHEFFIELD. Manufacturers of— COAL CUTTER PICKS, MINING DRILLS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND STEEL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Tel. No. 4033 Central.