May 24, 1918. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1055 response to the urgent appeal of the Coal Controller, com- municated to the miners by Mr. William Straker, the men made a good restart on Tuesday instead of taking two days off. Tenders to supply the Norwegian State Railway with 16 000 tons of Northumberland and or Durham best steams delivered at stipulated ports over July-August have been duly forwarded, and probably will give a bit of a shock to the Department, being- based, it is said, on from 50s. to 52s. 6d. per ton for D.C.B.’s, as compared with the 32s. 6d. at which recent supplies were quoted, and 35s. actually paid in respect of the last contract entered into. Prices f.o.b. for prompt shipment. | Current ^team coals ;— i prices. Best, Blyths (D.C.B.) ...: 30/ -50/ Do. Tynes (Bowers,