1028 [supplement page xiv.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN May 17, 1918. MACHINERY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment of postage. illott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley ” Vj Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. ror Sale.—One 45-kw. Electric Lighting SET, comprising vertical engine coupled to Siemens dynamo, 205 amps., 220 volts, 475/500 r.p.m. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. Direct and Alternating Current Motors, DYNAMOS and GENERATING SETS, also SWITCHGEAR, INSTRUMENTS, CABLES, etc. Largest stock of Genuine Second-hand in the kingdom. THE PHENIX ELECTRICAL CO., Specialists in New and Second-hand Electrical Plant for quick delivery. 30-36, Broomielaw, Glasgow. HUGH WOOD & GO. Ltd., Dept. G., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tel. Add.: “ Huwod," Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tel.: 980 Central, Newcastle-on-Tyne. HAVE AVAILABLE FOR EARLY DELIVERY ELECTRICALLY - DRIVEN HAULERS. 25-h.p. SINGLE DRUM— Over-all dimensions : 5 ft. 6 in. long, 4 ft. wide, 3 ft. 9 in. high. Drum holds 1,150 yards | in. dia. rope. Brakes: Post type. 25-h.p. DOUBLE DRUM— Over-all dimensions: 5 ft. 6 in. long, 5 ft. wide, 3 ft. 9 in. high. Drums each hold 800 yards J in. dia. rope. Brakes: Post type. 15-h.p. SINGLE DRUM— Over-all dimensions: 41 ft. 6 in. long, 3 ft. 8 in. wide, 3 ft. 3 in. high. Drum holds 1,200 yards f in. dia. rope. 15-h.p. DOUBLE DRUM— Over-all dimensions : 4 ft. 6 in. long, 3 ft. 8 in. wide, 3 ft. 3 in. high. Drums each hold 750 yards f in. dia. rope. lO-h.p. SINGLE DRUM— Over-all dimensions: 3 ft. 8 in. long, 3 ft. wide, 3 ft. high. Drum holds 750 yards J in. dia. rope. 10-h.p. DOUBLE DRUM— Over-all dimensions: 3 ft. 8 in. long, 3 ft. wide, 3 ft. high. Drums each hold 450 yards f- in. dia. rope. All complete with British WESTINGHOUSE Elec- trical Equipment. Also Steam oi* Compressed Air Driven Haulages of various sizes. HUGH WOOD & GO. Ltd. FOR SALE. 80 tons of New Slightly Defective FLANGE BAILS, 194 per yard. 50 tons New Perfect STEEL FLANGE BAILS, 20 lb. per yard. 50 tons New Perfect STEEL BBIDGE BAILS, 14 lb. per yard. 26 sets, 14 lb.-30 in. gang© POBTABLE POINTS and CROSSINGS, and 60 yds. of curved track to suit. 40 sets 14 lb.-24 in. gauge POBTABLE POINTS and CBOSSINGS, also Turntables to suit. 100 tons S.H. FLANGE BAILS, 20 lb. per yard. ' 20 tons S.H. FLANGE BAILS, 14/16 lb. per yard. 5,000 second-hand SLEEPEBS, 3 ft. 6 in. by 6 in. by 4| in. 800 S.H. SLEEPEBS, 8 ft. by 8 in. by 4 in. 300 tons of second-hand Creosoted CBOSSING TIMBERS, 12 in. by 6 in.-15 in. by 7 in. by 9 ft. lengths. 4,000 yds. of New Steel 14 lb. POBTABLE BAILWAY, attached to Steel Sleepers, for 24 in. gauge, complete with Fishplates, Bolts and Nuts, Clips, etc, also Points and Crossings, Turntables, and Tipping Wagons to suit. 50 Second-hand FLAT TOP BOGIES for 24 in. gauge, and 50 tons S.H. BBIDGE BAILS, 14 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. Hori. Tand. Corliss Cond. Engine, by Wood & Co., with cyls. 13 in. and 20 in. diam. by 36 in. stroke. Cross Comp. HORI. DROP VALVE ENGINE, by Robey & Co., with cyls. 16 in. and 26£ in. diam. by 36 in. stroke. Cross Comp. HORI. ENGINE, by Robey & Co., with 8| in. and 14^ in. cyls, by 16 in. stroke. HORI. TAND. COMP. ENGINE, by Robey & Co., with 8 in. and 14 in. diam. by 2 ft. stroke. VERT. COMP. ENGINE, by the Brush Co., with cyls. 8 in. and 15 in. diam. by 10 in. stroke. VERT. COMP. MARINE ENGINE, with cyls. 6 in. and 12 in. diam. by 6 in. stroke. HORI. BORING and FACING MACHINE, by Noble & Lund, T-slotted table 2 ft. by 2 ft. 2 in. SNOUT BORING MACHINE, worm-driven, T-slotted table 2 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. Motor-driven FACE MILLING MACHINE, by Hetherington & Co., facing head 18 in. diam. Sellars Patent Universal TOOL-GRINDING MACHINE, to take tools up to 2J in. by 2| in. __________________ CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. THO» W. WARD LIMITED, * Tel.—“Forward, Sheffield.” ALBION WORKS, SHEFFIELD. MA CH INER Ycontinued. The Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. Telegrams—“ Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). WANTED. LOCOMOTIVES, ready for immediate work, 4 or 6 wheels coupled. Name builder, age, price, and where to be seen. WAGONS, 10- or 12-tonners, 1 end and 2 side doors ; also 8/10 tonners, low sides, for main line traffic. State age, builder, price, and where to be seen. OLD WHEELS AND AXLES (ex locos, and railway wagons) for breaking up. BATTENS, 7 in. by 2J in. by 7,14 or 21 ft. long, well sawn Spruce, Elm, Beech, or Larch, for flooring coal wagons. FOR SALE. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Any quantity if taken “ as raised.” NEW STEEL RAILS, with fastenings if required. About 400 tons light section, principally 20 lb. per yard, flange, some punched for fishplates, others for nails; in stock at Cardiff ready for loading. List on application. Also, for fairly prompt delivery, BRIDGE RAILS, 22 lb. per yard, and FLANGE RAILS, 301b., 351b. and 41Jlb. per yard; usual lengths and punching, for colliery purposes. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. FOR SALE BEFORE REMOVAL. ♦ Two Babcock & Wilcox Water-tube BOILERS, each having heating surface 3,654 sq. ft., complete with superheater and underfeed stoker. One Ditto, 1,827 sq. ft. heating surface, complete with underfeed stoker. One GALLOWAY BOILER, 28 ft. by 7 ft., for 80 lb. pressure. One VERTICAL BOILER, 8 ft. high by 4 ft. 3 in. dia., new firebars and chimney. T?or Sale, one Galloway Boiler, 16 ft. by 1' 6 ft. 6 in., built in 1909. One 6-h.p. ROAD LOCO., by Chas. Burrell, single crank, compound, and in good condition. For particulars, apply to— J. HICKEY & SONS, Sandycombe-road, Richmond, S.W. Telephone : Richmond 708. Telegrams: “ Boilers, Kew Gardens.” FOR SALE. j tons Iron “ T ” section Rails, V__z about 35 lb. per yard, with chairs to suit. GOODWIN & CO., C.S. Dept., 53, Queen-street, Sheffield. Air Compressors for Sale :— Six excellent AIR COMPRESSORS, belt-driven and steam-driven, capacities from 100 to 950 cubic feet free air per minute. Instant delivery.— Apply to RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. One Cole, Marchent & Morley Cross- COMPOUND VERTICAL CORLISS STEAM ENGINE and engine type Westinghouse d.c. GENERATOR, complete with Condenser, Air Pumps, Grease Extractor, Steam and Exhaust Pipes, and, if required, electric cables, switches, circuit breaker and rheostat. Capacity 1,000 kilo- watts at 85 r.p.m., with steam at 160/180 lb. pressure; generator shunt and compound wound 460/550 volts. In excellent condition. Can be seen running, and prospective purchasers can witness steam consumption tests. The engine can be used for rope-driving by removing the generator armature and substituting a rope pulley. Apply— ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT, Town Hall, Bradford. ft. of practically New 14 inch ZS \_7 STEEL TUBING in about 25 ft. lengths, with steel- faced flanges, suitable for pressures up to 80 lb. per square inch, and 150 ft. of 12 inch Ditto, with two bends. JOSEPH PUGSLEY & SONS LTD., Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, good Second-hand Colliery SCREEN, 16 ft. by 6| ft., 45 bars, 2| in. by i in. by i in., 10 ft. long, 1 in. apart. Also 2 BOILER TUBES, 30 ft. long, 2 ft. 3in. dia., Jin. plates; free of Galloways; lapwelded. THOS. JENKINS & SON, Briton Ferry, Glam. FOR SALE. QK/A-kw. Alternator, 3-phase, 50 cycles, Vy 550 volts, by British Thomson-Houston Co., 300 r.p.m., driven by 600-i.h.p. cross compound engines by Barclay & Co., 26 in. h.p. cyl., 40 in. l.p., 4 ft. stroke, 20 ft. flywheel, &c., &c. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. WANTED. We are Buyers of COLLIERY WINDING and HAULING ENGINES, FAN ENGINES, LANCA- SHIRE BOILERS, GENERATORS, and MOTORS, D.C. and 3-PHASE SETS, 3-THROW PUMPS, WAGONS, COLLIERY SCRAP. Please ask us to quote you. THOS. OXLEY LTD., Shiloh Works, SHEFFIELD. Telephone—4630 (3 lines). Telegrams—“Ironical.” WANTEDa—Steel Turnings, Shell Ends, Heavy Steel Scrap, Medium Turnings, Heavy Wrought, W.I. Pipes, C.I. Borings, Bundled Shearings and Bale Hoops, Light and Heavy Cast, Bundled W ire, Shafting, Mixed Borings and Turnings, any quantities. JOHN T. CORRY/ PALMERSTON STREET, ANCOATS, MANCHESTER. Telephone, 6980 City. Telegram, “ Corry, Manchester.” New and D A I I Q with a11 Second-hand accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Bailway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. GOODWIN & CO., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. --------------------o--- R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” New Locomotives In progress for early delivery. Cylinders, 10 in, 12 in, 14 in, 15 in, 16 in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT &~SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. MA OH INER Y—oontlnuofl. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., WAKEFIELD. And at MILBURN HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tel. Address: “ Engineer, Wakefield.” Tel.: 44 Wakefield.; 867 Newcastle; 336 Doncaster. HAVE FOR SALE: Vertical Belt-driven AIB-COMPBESSOB, by Alley McLellan, capacity 400 cub. ft. per min, 80/100 lb. pressure. One 2,000-h.p. Triple Expansion Three-cylinder VERTICAL ENGINE, by Beiliss & Morcom, cyls. 22 in, 35 in. and 55 in. by 30 in. stroke, 200 r.p.m at 170 lb. steam, with surface condenser; capacity 3,400 sq. ft, &c, &c. Pair CROSS COMPOUND ENGINES, 600-h.p, 26 in. h.p, cyl, 40 in. l.p. cyl, 4 ft. stroke, Corliss valves to h.p. cyl, slide valves to l.p. cyl, flywheel 20 ft. dia, by Barclay, Sons & Co. Ltd. CROSS COMPOUND HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 14 in. h.p. cyl, 22| in. l.p. cyl, 32 in. stroke, by Davey, Paxman & Co. Pair Endless Rope HAULING ENGINES, cyls. 22 in. dia., with strong helical gear and 2 fleeting wheels. Pair WINDING ENGINES, 22 in. cyls, 4 ft. stroke, link- reversing gear, 2 drums, crankshaft 10 in. dia, . Friday, May 17, 1318,