1024 [supplement page X.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 17, 1918. FERODO FABRIC FACTS Invented 20 years ago, Ferodo Fabrics are to-day as superior to other friction surfaces as they were in those days to the “makeshifts” they displaced. Ferodo fabric absorbs more lbs. of energy per sq. in. than any other brake or clutch lining. It permits of maximum acceleration and deceleration. It gives rapid dissipation of heat. It is three times more durable than chilled iron— five times more durable than leather. It cannot carbonise, cannot slip nor seize, cannot spark, cannot throw off metal dust. It gives equally effective service when first fitted and when worn to the thickness of a piece of paper. List Ferodo fabric has been exclusively used for many years by the London and Paris Underground Railways. It stops the London Underground trains, travelling at thirty miles an hour, in five seconds without jerk or noise. On the London Omnibuses the average life of the Ferodo brake lining is 50,000 miles. It is used on cranes and winches, winders and haulages, hoists and friction drives, clutches for every purpose, on every duty where an efficient friction surface is essential, it is thoroughly tested in our laboratories before sending out. It is stamped with the name “ Ferodo fabric ” to guard against substitution. All imitations have been proved by independent tests to be inferior. Insist on genuine Ferodo fabric for brake and clutch linings. H. from THE HERBERT FROOD COMPANY LTD. Works - CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. Contractors to the War Office and Admiralty, London General Omnibus Co., & Underground Electric Railways of London & Paris. Depots at London, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle. Agents for India: THE ASBESTOS & BELTING CO., 3 & 4, Waterloo Street, CALCUTTA. Cl A CHEAP YET MOST EFFICIENT INSULATOR AGAINST HEAT RADIATION l£ F N Ikl 9 SPECIALLY 1^1 | 1^1 COMPOUNDED “KISOL” (REGISTERED) CEMENT Sample I cwt* bag sent carriage paid to any address for 10s. 6d. | ASK FOR ‘‘HINTS’* ON COVERING I STEAM PIPES, BOILERS, &c. . . ----Post Free on Application, - ! WM. KENYON & SONS Ltd., dukinfield, nr. Manchester. HIGHEST QUALITY STEEL WIRE ROPES In Flattened Strand, Locked Coil and other Special Constructions, for Mining and Engineering Purposes. J. & E. WRIGHT, Ltd., Universe Wire Rope Works, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone^ Central 6914 (3 lines). Telegrams : “ Universe, Birmingham.” No. 59. Winding Rope. No. 64. Guide Rope. "ANTHRACITE COAL WASHING .PLANT We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms combined. References to users are invited. Established 50 Years. 5H1PPURD® LTD., BRIDGEND, , SOUTH WALES)