1014 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 17, 1918. concentric tube having perforations opening into the casing, the inner end of the said tube being closed. The liquid peat is fed to a preheating jacket around the cooling and regenerating tube, and passes from this by an outside pipe to about the outer end of the carbonising tube, from whence it is led to the annular space between the inside of the said tube and the outside of the casing therein. The peat passes along this annular space, through the bracket and against a spring-controlled valve, capable of regulation, and adapted to be pushed back by the pressure of the peat, and then escapes through a suitable outlet. (Seven claims.) HEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. May 6 to 11 (inclusive,). [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] (Aktiebolaget Ljungstroms Angturbin.) Radial-flow tur- bines. (7746) (Aktiebolaget Jungstroms Angturbin.) Fluid pressure turbines. (7747) Aktiebolaget Vaporackumulator. Steam accumulators. (7591) Allgemeine Elektricitats-Ges. High-frequency machine with turbine drive. (7718) Appelbee, A. S. High-speed land transport with aerial lift. (7851), Arkell, A. M. L. Artificial fuels, and processes for manu- facturing same. (7803) Bancel, P. A. Surface condensers, and methods of operat- ing same. (7956) Bates, W. J. Internal-combustion engines. (7792) Baumann, K. Steam turbines. (7582) Blomquist, J. V. Steam plants. (7603) Bohn, I. Rock-drilling machines. (7908) Boissier, H. Solid fuel. (7862) Bore, J. Boiler cleaners. (7901) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com- pany. Steam turbines. (7582) Corthesy, J. H. Means to generate gas or gases from coal dust, etc. (7710) Davidson, J. Internal-combustion engines. (7842) Does de Bije, A. J. M. A. R. van der. Furnaces. (7813) Duncan, T. S. Pumps. (7738) George, P. Boiler tube scraper. (7663) Glover, S. Retorts for continuous carbonisation of coal, etc. (7586) Gregson, W., and Taudevin and Gregson. Supplying and regulating secondary air supply to gas-heated furnaces. (7830) Gregson, W., and Taudevin and Gregson. Means for con- ducting and controlling supply of gas and/or air to gas-heated furnaces. (7831) Gregson, W., and Taudevin and Gregson. Gas-heated furnaces. (7832) Grondal, G. Mechanical roasting furnace. (7650) Grondal, G. Mechanical feeding furnace. (7734) James, T. S. Rotary pumps. (7538) Johnson, P. S. Atomising and vaporising liquid fuels for burning. (7764) Knight, J. Internal-combustion engines. (7700) McCall, G. H. B. Internal-combustion engines. (7796) Maseyk, A. E. W. Automatic coal-gas producer. (7765) Mepstead, G. S. Internal-combustion engines. (7682) Millington, W. E. W. Centrifugal pumps. (7939) Millington, W. E. W. Centrifugal pumps and other high- speed machines. (7940) Motala Verkstads Nya Aktiebolag. Feeding devices for pulverulent fuel. (7741) Phillips, F. Internal-combustion engines. (7726) Ramon de Aburto, J. Internal-combustion engines. (7580) Rigaud, A. Internal-combustion engines. (7558) Sargent, T. K. Geared hoisting apparatus. (7611) Skoglund, A. Boiler cleaners. (7901) Soddy, F. Method for stripping illuminants from and purifying coal gas by means of charcoal. (7698) Veasley, J. H. Valve mechanism for rock drills. (7592) Vickers Limited. Pumps. (7738) Videla, P. Hydraulic motors. (7801) Walker, G. H. Centrifugal pumps, fans, turbo-com- pressors, etc. (7608) West, J., and Wild, W. Retorts for continuous carbon- isation of coal, etc. (7586) Complete Specifications Accepted. (7Y be published on May 30.) [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 15378. Baumann, K. Steam turbines. (115245) 18388. Ajax Metal Company. Induction furnaces. (103645) 1917. 1588. British Electric Transformer Company, and Berry, F. E. Electric furnaces and transformers for use therewith. (11524.7) 4519. Stirling, J. H. Boiler feed-water heating and puri- fying apparatus. (115253) 4538. Human, A. H., and Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Company. Apparatus for pump- ing liquids. (115254)" 6297. Parsons, Sir C. A., Cook, S. S., and Howe, R. Condensing plant. (115271) 6382. Perfecta Boiler Circulator Limited, Ayers, P. C., and Josling, H. W. E. Means for promoting circulation of water in locomotive and like steam boilers. (115276) 6620. Weihl, A. Waste heat boilers and superheaters. (106281) 6772. Wood, C. C. Centrifugal compressors or pumps. (115288) 8126. Richards, E. J. W. Furnaces or kilns for calcining limestone, fireclay, and other refractory materials. (115316) 8350. Painter, A. E., and Painter, W. Rotary internal- combustion engines. (115319) 8653. Rollason, A. Combined tilting and reversible open-hearth melting furnace and converter. (115323) 10413. Spencer, H. W. Automatic feed-water regulators for boilers and evaporators. (115341) 10572. Ahern, J. Apparatus for recording mechanically transmitted orders from a distance to an engine- room or elsewhere. (115342) 12102. Guillemin, A., and Compagnie des Forges d’ Audincourt et Dependances. Calorimetric meters. (115354) 13370. Chadwick, C. D. C. Reversible rotary engines. (115361) 17815. Novaretti, M., and Mancini, U. Elevators. .(115382) 18361. Wild. M. B. Braking devices for winches and the like. (115384) 18398. Munro, H. J. Lifting or hoisting apparatus. (115385) 1918. 4953. Sahlin, A. Charging apparatus for blast furnaces and the like. (115405) Complete Specifications open to Public Snspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1918. 1348. Soc. 1’Air Liquide, Soc. Anon, pour 1’Etude et 1’ Exploitation des Procedes G. Claude. Fluid compressors. (115415) 7324. Compagnie Generale Electrique. Rope haulage systems. (115434) GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *#* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Statutory Rules and Orders :—1918, No. 504—Defence of the Realm. Ministry of Shipping. Limitation of Freights (French Ports) Amendment Order, May 1, 1918 (London : Published by His Majesty’s Stationery Office), price l^d. Coal Merchant Fined £220.—At Old-street Police Court on Monday, Arthur F. Sarfam, trading as Chandler and Son, coal merchants, Stepney Green, was fined £220 and ordered to pay 16 guineas costs for selling coal at a price in excess of that laid down by the Controller. The magistrate said that as the defendant had, on his own admission, 20,000 customers, there must have been con- siderable profiteering. Scottish Mineral Oil.—According to Press reports, a provisional agreement has been effected for the establish- ment of a central selling agency to dispose of the products of the Broxburn Oil Company Limited, Oakbank Oil Company Limited, Pumpherston Oil Company Limited, James Ross and Company, Philpstoun Oil Works, and Young’s Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Company Limited. A private company may be formed to act as the agent. Miners' Wages.—There is a further movement on the part of the coal miners of Great Britain for another appli- cation for a general advance in wages. The executive of the Miners’ Federation of Great Britain met at the Grafton Hotel yesterday (Thursday), and after the meeting Mr. Smillie informed out Labour correspondent that the executive had had under consideration resolutions from a number of districts in favour of a claim for a further advance in* wages. The executive decide to convene a special conference of delegates to be held in London on June 5. The executive passed a resolution of sympathy with Mr. John Wadsworth, M.P., secretary of the York- shire Miners’ Association, upon the death of his son, who has been killed in action. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Tidal Lands—A Study of Shore Problems,” by Alfred E. Carey, M.Inst.C.E., and F. W. Oliver, F.R.S. (Blackie and Son Limited, 50, Old Bailey, London, E.C. 4), price 12s. 6d. net; “Coal Mines Excess Pay- ments—Guarantee Payment and Levies for Closed Mines (Incorporating Statements of the Relevant Excess Profits .Duty Law),” by W. E. Snelling (London : Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Limited, 1, Amen-corner, E.C. 4), price 12s. 6d. net; “ The Excess Profits Duty and Profits of Controlled Establishments,” by Spicer and Pegler, Chartered Accountants (London: H. Foulks Lynch and Company Limited, 61, Watling-street, E.C. 4), price 7s. 6d. net; “Twelfth Annual Statement of the Trade and Shipping of the Union of South Africa, and of Southern and Northern Rhodesia, 1917 ” (Issued by the Department of Customs and Excise) (To be obtained from the Government Printing and Stationery. Depart- ment, Cape Town), price £1 10s.; Government of India : the Patent Office :—“ Patent Office Journal, 1917 ” (Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India), price 1 R.; “Records of the Geological Survey of India ” (Vol. 48, Part 3), 1917: Published by order of the Government of India (London: Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Company), price 1 R. per part; New Zealand Department of Mines—Geological Survey.: (Palaeontological Bulletin No. 6) “The Earlier Mesozoic Floras of New Zealand,” by E. A. Newell Arber, M.A., Sc.D., F.G.S., F.L.S.; United States Department of Commerce—Technologic Papers of the Beaureau of Standards: (No. 95) “Durability of Cement Draintile and Concrete in Alkali Soils (Containing Results of Third Year’s Tests),” by R. J. Wig, G. M. Williams, A. N. Finn, and others, price 35c.; “ Cassier’s Engineering Monthly ” (Vol. 53, No. 5), May 1918 (The Louis Cassier Company Limited, 33, Bedford- street, Strand, W.C. 2), price Is.; “The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Bulletin No. 163,” April 25, 1918 (Published by the Institution of Mining and Metal- lurgy, 1, Finsbury-circus, London, E.C. 2); “Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Vol. 185, No. 4), April 1918. Single numbers, 50c.; “ The Mining Congress Journal” (Vol. 4, No. 2), February 1918, price 20c.; “The Journal of State Medicine” (Vol. 26, No. 5), May 1918 (The Royal Institute of Public Health, 37, Russell-square, London, W.C. 1), price 2s. net; “ Market Prices (America) Appearing Currently in Technical and Trade Journals ” (Carnegie Library of Pittsburg); “The Iowa Engineer” (Vol. 18, No. 6), March 1918; “Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 22, No. 8), October 1917, (Vol. 22, No. 9) November 1917, (Vol. 22, No. 10) December 1917; “Chemical Engineering and Mining Review” Vol. 10, No. 113), February 1917; United States Bureau of Mines—Department of the Interior :—(Bulletin 135) “ Combustion of Coal and Design of Furnaces,” by Henry Kreisinger, C. E. Augustine, and F. K. Ovitz; (Bulletin 140) “ Occupational Hazards at Blast-Furnace Plants and Accident Prevention, based on Records of Accidents at Blast Furnaces in Pennsylvania in 1915,” by Frederick H. Willcox; (Bulletin 146) “Technology of Salt Making in the United States,” by W. C. Phalen; (Bulletin 148) “ Methods for Increasing the Recovery from Oil Sands,” by J. O. Lewis; (Bulletin 153) “The Mining Industry in the Territory of Alaska during the Calendar Year 1916,” by Sumner S. Smith, United States Mine Inspector; (Bulletin 159) “Abstracts of Recent Decisions on Mines and Mining Reported from May to August 1917,” by J. W. Thompson; (Technical Paper 155) “ Gypsum Products—Their Preparation and Uses,” by R. W. Stone; (Technical Paper 180) “Firing Bituminous Coals in Large House-Heating Boilers,” by S. B. Flagg; (Technical Paper 182) “Flotation of Chalcopyrite in Chalcopyrite-Pyrrhotite Ores of Southern Oregon,” by Will H. Coghill; (Technical Paper 183) “ New Views of the Combustion of the Volatile Matter in Coal,” by S. H. Katz; (Technical Paper 199) “Five Ways of Saving Fuel in Heating Houses,” by Henry Kreisinger; (Technical Paper 201) “ Accidents at Metallurgical Works in the United States during the Calendar Year 1916,” compiled by Albert H. Fay; “Monthly Statement of Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, November 1917—List of Permis- sible Explosives, Lamps and Motors Tested Prior to December 31, 1917,” compiled by Albert H. Fay. The coal shortage is becoming acute in Lancashire, and efforts are being made to obtain supplies from Northum- berland and Durham. A meeting of coal exporters wTas held at the Piccadilly Hotel, London, on Wednesday, to consider the brokerage question. The result of the meeting has not yet been announced. In view of the coal restrictions, the Board of Education is asking the education authorities to schedule their requirements, se that the real needs of schools can be met by arrangement with the Coal Mines Department of the Board of Trade. Telephone- Telegrams- 687 Gentnah “Octagon, Sheffield/9 R, H, NHDDLETOH & CO, SUCCESSORS TO THE GRAHAM ROBINSON STEEL COMPANY LIMITED. Neepsend Rolling Mills, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURERS OF MINING STEEL & TOOLS